I do not own Naruto...isn't obvious?

Characters will be OOC

Summary: Neji's b-day is here. Hinata invites him to her room. He thinks it has to do something about his b-day. The way he sees it: His birthday, two of them in her room by themselves and an empty bed? He has his hopes way too high on his b-day gift.

Chapter 1

Neji's Birthday Gift

Neji was in his room. Today was his birthday but nobody seemed to remember, except Ten-Ten. Ten-Ten had brought him a small cake to celebrate his 19th birthday. Lee being the idiot that he was didn't know it was his birthday but as soon as he knew he started talking nonsense like Gai Sensei.

He was happy that at least someone remember his birthday. Yet...he was sad. Even though his uncle had taken him under his care, he didn't even gave him importance. No one in the main or branch house remember his b-day. This made him realize what his position was...he was nobody to them.

He was also sad because Hinata had not remember his birthday. They had become quite close since he became her protector. They would spend most of their time together and little by little he started having a crush on her. He didn't know if the same thing was happening to Hinata. He sure hoped Hinata would fall for him, just like he had fallen for her. Sometimes he even wondered if she like him like him. Hinata would take time to cook his favorite food, prepare him lunch, hug him, give him an unexpected kiss on the cheek, blush and stuttered. He didn't know what to think anymore. Hinata's actions made him confuse.

He was falling asleep, when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened the door. Hinata was standing outside his door, she was looking at the floor, trying to hide her blush. This was the first time she had ever gone and knocked to his room even though it was right next to hers (Since Hiashi made him her protector, he gaved Neji a room next to Hinata to be able to watch over her and to attend her needs---Neji actually wanted Hinata to be the one in his place and come to his room and attend 'his needs'.--perv!--).

"Hinata. How can I help you?" Neji was happy to see her, she had just made his day.

'Oh, if only she was here to attend my 'needs'. NO! WHAT AM I THINKING! Calm down.Phew! O.K...no pervert thoughts...no pervert thoughts...no pervert thoughts...no per---Is Hinata blushing? This is a good sign, yes really good. She is really nervous around me, just like she is when she is around that Narutard. This is good!'

Neji narrowed his eyes and looked at Hinata. Hinata could feel his stare and got more nervous.

"N-Neji...c-could you please come with me to m-my room?"


"Hmn...I...I need you.." Hinata didn't know what else to say.

"Wait for me just a second, I'll be back." Neji closed the door on Hinata. His heart was beating really fast, he quickly walked to his bed and lifted the mattress and pulled several colored condoms and put them in his pocket.

He couldn't help but grin. ' Is Hinata planning on giving me her virginity for my Birthday?...Of course it has to be...Why else would she get the nerve to come to my room and ask me to go to her room...plus she was blushing and she said she needs me. I can't believe this is happening. Thank you!---When I bought these condoms I was thinking on you Hinata. I was just waiting for you to open up...and then I would finally be able to use them. I even bougth them on your favorite colors. O.K., O.K be cool...be cool. Act cool and relax.'

Neji headed to the door and opened it. Hinata was still outside waiting for him.

"Ready Neji?" Neji nodded and with this Hinata grabbed his arm and pulled him along. This caused Neji to slightly blush.

'Wow, Hinata sure is hurry to do this.'

Hinata opened the door to her room and what Neji saw made him give a small smile. Her room was decorated with balloons, confetti, a banner tha said 'Happy Birthday', a table with drinks, chips, cups, plates, forks, spoons, napkins and a small cake.

"Happy Birthday Neji." She gaved him a bear hug and he just felt himself melt in her arms.

"Thanks." He was overjoyed that Hinata had remember his B-day. That meant he was something to her. "You did all of this for me?"

Hinata nodded while slightly blushing.

Neji scanned the room to see if there was a sign of any gifts for him. He noticed nothing and he smirked. 'Ah, so I was right. My B-day gift is not something that can be wrapped in a box. Hinata will give me what I want.'

"Neji?" Neji turned to her. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. It's lovely Hinata. Thank you."

"Mmmm...would like to start celebrating? We can start by eating."

'Yes, I want to taste you.'

"There are three different kind of chips-"

"Hinata, I was wondering if we could skip all of that and go straight to my gift."

Hinata gave him a smile, turned and started walking toward the head of her bed. Neji starting pulling the condoms out of his pocket. Hinata pulled something from under her pillow. She turned around and was shocked.

Neji was standing with a whole bunch of condoms in his hands. "So, Hinata. Which color do you prefer. I got your favorite colors. There is purple-"

"N-Neji...W-what are you doing?" Her face was as red as a tomato.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He looked at the condoms then looked back at her. "Aren't you going to give me my birthday gift?"

"Y-yes." She walked to him and handed him an evelope. "H-happy Birthday Neji." She didn't even dare look at him, specially when he had a rainbow made out of condoms in his hand.

He opened the envelope and saw two reservations to the fanciest restaurant on town. Neji knew it was expensive and really hard to get reservations, although he didn't understand why she gaved him two reservations. Was it for the two of them? So, she wasn't planning on giving him her virginity? but actually go on a romantic dinner instead? DAMN! He just ridiculed himself in front of Hinata.

"Hinata? Why two?"

"Oh...I-Its for you and Ten-Ten."


"I-I know you like her so I decided to help you out."

Neji was pissed, how did she even came with that dumb conclusion. Him and Ten-Ten...HELL NO!...she wasn't Hinata and for that reason he could'nt love her.

"What the hell made you think I liked Ten-Ten!" In a stage of fury he threw the condoms on the floor with full force. "This wasn't the birthday I had in mind. Thanks a lot Hinata!" He stormed out of her room.


AN: My ex-roommate just came to visit me. She made me write this story. She is the one that is making write another chapter on throwaways because she loves Neji-Hina. I must tell you, I was blushing all the time I was writting this. She is a perv! She was making fun of me for blushing the whole time. I am still blushing. So thank her for this story. I think she will force me to continue writting. She is evil! She enjoys watching me suffer! She makes fun of me for blushing, she said I am just like Hinata. Except for the eye color, and my hair color (which is abrownish-redish). Maybe I'll reconcider having her as a roommate on the fall semester again, haha.