YAY! I UPDATED! There's very slight Chase/Jack in here, but it's REALLY short.

Next morning: 5:30

"WAKE UP!" Guan shouted banging his gong. He woke some very irritated students and Dana. He heard some yawns, 'five more minutes mommy', 'whose disturbing my beauty sleep' and other complaints showing 'laziness' as Guan would call it. He rolled his eyes. The laziest students. That's what they're like every morning!

Dana yawned. What time is it? She reached down to get her watch which she put down beside her bed last night. Yes, she was sleeping in her casual clothes. Have you ever tried sleeping in jeans? Dana found it very uncomfortable. She glanced at her watch and fell on the floor.

"It's 5:31? Are these people mental?" she asked pinching herself to make sure she isn't having a random nightmare. Ouch! Okay, so I'm awake…THESE PEOPLE NEED SOME ACURATE ALARM CLOCKS! Yes alarm clocks, not gongs! Much more civilized than waking people with a gong 5:31 in the morning! Dana put her watch back on the floor and got into bed. She put her pillow over her head. She went back to sleep even though the storm's most likely over. Who'd go out at 5:30 AM for crying out loud! Wait! She thought. She felt something beside her…

"Rise and shine…" Guan got cut off by Nelly.

"Erm, where's the 'shine'? The sun isn't even up DUH!" Andy drooled like a lovesick fanboy. Nelly rolled her eyes and hit him in the stomach knocking him unconscious. (For the second time in the story! Let's play whack-an-Andy.)

Guan found that amusing. He would have given Nelly push-ups but he decided not to.

These students have been here for two weeks. Two kids are asleep right now with stuffed chinchillas. Two are throwing spit balls at each other. Nelly practically has 'I will kill you written over her face and is ready to KILL anyone who will say a word to her. (She's cranky due to lack of sleep) And yeah, Andy's still unconscious. Robby's still in the bathroom, or is he…? If you think Raimundo's bad, you're at the wrong planet, person! So, these eight kids are worse than Raimundo DUH! At least when it's morning, that's when they're REALLY cranky.

"What the hell…!" Guan shouted. He might as well yell at a wall. No one noticed his existence. "It's time for training!" See? What did I tell you? "HEY! IT'S TIME FOR TRAINING! This is not the time to sleep! Has anyone seen Robby?" Aww, poor Guan. I feel so sorry for him. Too bad!

"Glowy!" Maddie cried picking up a plain grey stone. Everyone crowded around her and.

"Lemme see!"

"What is it?"

"Hey! I can't see! Move!"

"That's not glowy!"

"Yes it is!"


"It's glowy grey!"

"It is plausible!"

"It's possible, now plausible!"

"See? I told you it was plausible!"

"What the hell does possible mean?"



Everyone was shouting like crazy over the littlest thing. Everyone including the kids with the stuffed chinchillas and spit balls. Andy as awake by now and Robby, who had cookie dough all over his face joined in. They picked up staff and started poking people. Four against four. The battle of the plain grey stone or the glowing grey stone.

"STOP THIS YOU ANIMALS!" Guan screamed helplessly.

"WE ARE NOT ANIMALS! WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS AND WE ARE MUCH MORE SANE THAN YOU!" they all shouted before becoming monkeys again.

"Shut up! It's just a rock! You're beating the crap out of each other for a rock?" No one cared. They screamed and wrestled some more. Guan sighed. They'll never learn.

Guan went inside to get a drink. He noticed something in the kitchen. Half the cookie dough was gone! Robby. Guan thought. He poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it, he put the glass in the sink.

"Hey Guan." He heard Dana's voice behind him. Guan turned around.

"I found these on my bed." Dana was holding up a letter and some flowers. "How cheesy…hmm, but I didn't read the letter yet…let's see what it says."

Dear Dana,

I'm really sorry,

I shouldn't have let Andy help me,

Andy thought I needed a love life so he suggested I get a blind date.

I'm sorry for letting him help with the date.

I hope you get this letter before you leave



Dana finished reading the letter. "Okaay…" she was speechless.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Guan asked her.

"Erm, I glad I got the sincere apology I deserved…thanks." Dana said. She looked down at her watch. "IT'S 6 AM! I shouldn't even be up! Until like 9:30; that's when I usually get up. Oh and by the way, why are these weird kids going crazy over a rock outside?"

Guan slapped his forehead. So they're still fighting…

A few rays of sunshine came out from behind the clouds. One of them hit the rock.

"Glowy!" the kids squealed dropping their staffs and crowding around Maddie who was holding up the rock. "Yay!" A few more rays came out from behind the clouds. Soon it was sunny.

"Heehee, crazy people…" Dana chuckled. "Why did you leave them outside alone? They're really scaring me!"

"They're scaring me too, that's why I came inside." Guan answered. "That's what they're like every morning. At least I just train with them until 7:30 and in at noon."



"Shaddup! C'mon!" Dana dragged him outside by his arm. Guan sighed and went with her.

"No! You're back!" very tearful kids said.

"Yep! I feel very sorry for you...TOO BAD!" Dana taunted. Guan gave her a death glare.

Dana gasped. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU'RE LOOKING AT MOI LIKE THAT?" Dana yelled punching Guan's arm.

"Dana I'm sorry..." Dana cut Guan off.

"Shaddup!" Dana started punching his arm harder. "Now go train!"

"Fine" Guan said pulling his arm away.

"We're training now?" Maddie asked, her eyes wet with tears.


Dana was watching Guan train. (She was still holding the flowers) She looked at her watch. Yay! It's 7:30! She saw Guan's students dropping thier staffs and leaving. (Exept for Andy but Dana didn't notice him) She walked up to Guan but before she could say anything, Andy shouted out.

"Hey Guan, are you sure you're no gay?" he asked. Guan face turned bright red. Dana grimaced.

"WHAT! YOU'RE GAY?" Dana screamed. Guan's face got more red.

"Well, are you?" Andy asked. That idiot! Guan thought.

"Shut up both of you! I'm not gay, Chase is..." Guan got cut off by a tearful Dana.

"Who's he? You're boyfriend? LEAVE ME ALONE!" she cried walking away. Guan grabbed her arm.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you who Chase is, he used to be my friend, not boyfriend. Besides, he already has a boyfriend, Jack Spicer."

Chase's lair (his room, beside his bed)

Chase looked into his crow's eye and listened to Andy, Guan and Dana's conversation. He just smiled, got back into bed and wrapped his arms around...Jack.

Dana managed to crack a smile. "Okay..." she gave Andy the evil eye. Andy grinned nervously.

"DON'T HURT ME!" he screamed frantically running away as fast as he could. Dana burst out laughing.

"He's crazy!" she declared smiling.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Dana asked. "I think I should be heading home. Bye"

"Bye Dana" Guan said

Guan walked into his kitchen. He noticed Dana left the letter there. He picked it up. He niticed some thing written on the back...Dana had written her phone number and address there.
The end! Finished! YAY! I hope ya enjoyed this fanfic. Yeah it's an ambiguous ending, but it's obvious Guan and Dana will still keep contact. Now R&R!