IceBlade28: You asked, you receive. Another chapter of Do You Really Know Me?. And I'd like to take the chance to openly apologise about three factual errors I've incorporated into previous chapters. One, that Misato Katsuragi is not yet a Major- at this point in the timeline she is still a Captain. Two, that Toji is a really nice guy and close friend to Shinji after Shamshel attacks, and three, that twelve and twenty yen respectively is basically jack all for betting purposes (although I really should've picked that up in editing. What was I thinking?!).

Now that my apologies are out of the way, I will introduce my muse and close friend, Maya Ibuki. Maya, will you do the honours?

Maya: With pleasure. Start the fic!

Do You Really Know Me?

Asuka pinched the pliers shut, slowly peeling a layer of rubber away from the wires. She was sabotaging the synchronisation pad that Wondergirl would be using. Nothing to give her an electric shock or anything, just bumping the difficulty up a notch or four. Asuka tweaked a few more things before smirking and closing the panel. Wondergirl would have to grow another couple of limbs to be able to do something this fast.

The best part was, there was no way she could be caught until the test was being done. Misato was away on NERV business, Rei was in the shower, and Shinji was away with Toji and Kensuke. Asuka was alone-

Until something cold and furry burrowed up her shirt.

Asuka screamed and yanked the squawking penguin out from on her stomach.

"Perverted penguin! Stay away!!" she shrieked, throwing the quacking penguin into the kitchen. Rubbing her chilled stomach, the redhead fretted that the baka penguin may have stretched out her tight blue shirt; it was extremely form fitting, and the lesser males- Shinji included- often said it brought out her eyes. After all, it caused more than one pair of eyes to follow her when she wore it, including Kaji's at one point.

Asuka tweaked a wire, crossing here, severing there, reconnecting over there, until she was satisfied. It'd take an electrician to catch her handiwork, and why would an electrician be poking around Misato's flat? Maybe if she brought one home he might, but he'd definitely be too preoccupied with being drunk and having a probably more intoxicated Misato tugging him towards the bedroom.

Asuka closed the hatch quietly, listening hard. There was silence. Asuka bit her lip, twisting the screws as fast as her fingers would work. Silence meant there was no running water. No running water meant Rei was out of the shower. Rei out of the shower might mean she'd come into the lounge room. Rei in the lounge room would catch Asuka messing with important equipment.

That would be what was generally accepted to the occupants of Misato's flat as rights for grounding. Asuka had no desire to be grounded, so she picked up a power drill she'd brought along and quickly rescrewed the screws, wincing as the whine sounded down the hallway.

Asuka slid the drill into a corner in the kitchen, hearing footsteps come down the hall. She got to her feet quickly as Rei walked out in a simple white shirt and skirt.

"Hey First," Asuka said amiably. "Enjoy your shower?" Rei paused, sensing danger. Asuka was rarely amiable, especially to her. Maybe she wanted something. Or maybe she was going to cause trouble.

"It was adequate," Rei said quietly. Asuka tried out her trademark cocky smirk; it came out a little tentative, but it did the trick.

"What was the whining?" Rei asked. Asuka froze, trying to control her reaction.

"Whining?" she said innocently.

"I distinctly heard a whining sound, like a power drill," Rei said. Though her tone didn't change, Asuka felt like Rei was insisting. Odd for a doll to be insistent about something.

"A-A whining sound?" Asuka stammered, thinking fast. Crap. She stammered. Stammering may as well burn an 'I Am Guilty' brand on her face.

"O-Oh, that whining sound! That was, uh, the- the can opener! Yeah!" Asuka said. "I was, um, I was opening a can of sardines. For Pen-Pen." Rei stared Asuka down, and Asuka struggled not to bite her fist as the same shrill whining sound came from the kitchen, loud and clear.

"Penguins cannot use can openers," Rei said simply, walking into the kitchen. Asuka followed, wondering how the heck the power drill was going off.

The two Children arrived to see Pen-Pen on the table, hugging and nuzzling the power drill. The penguin had a flipper through the pistol grip and let out happy squawks as it whined and vibrated. Asuka sweatdropped. Now the penguin loved the power drill? The whole house was going crazy.

Rei stared for a good twenty seconds at the penguin and the drill. Asuka was staring too; a sight like this isn't one you see every day. Nor did twenty seconds seem like long enough to comprehend just how weird the penguin had become.

After a minute, Asuka came to her senses and began to creep away. She was nearly at the exit to the kitchen when Rei spoke.

"There is no sardine can anywhere in sight, and the can opener has not been used,"
Rei said, still staring at Pen-Pen. Asuka stiffened. She'd been caught lying, but Rei didn't know about the alterations to the synchronisation machine. How could she? All she could know was that Asuka was lying about something.

Asuka ignored Rei and stalked down to her room, where she shut the paper door and lay on her bed, breathing heavily. Too close. Way too close. But her mission had been a success. Rei would have a lovely surprise when she got on that mat.

The German opened her laptop and began typing characters. A journal of exploits needs to be frequently updated. Not just for posterity, but for rainy days when she needs a good laugh.

Asuka glanced at the clock, frowning. There was something she was supposed to do at this time; it was sending a little red flag up in her brain.

Until it clicked. The funeral. Yorishima's funeral. Hikari. It had started ten minutes ago. She was late!


Hikari is standing next to the closed casket, trying not to cry. Most of Yorishima's friends have turned out to the funeral; most of the rest of the class have come because they don't want to be stuck alone on a Saturday. And then there is the expected few who come for the food and nothing else. The speaker's have gone past, each commemorating Yorishima in their own way. Now it's her turn, as Class President. She's standing behind a podium in front of a crowd wearing black, with the body of her friend lying in a casket next to her.

There really aren't many situations that suck more than this.

What'm I supposed to do, say 'Hi, I'm Hikari, and this guy was the only boy who knew about my crush on Toji- too bad he's dead'? Hikari thought wildly. Why'd Yorishima have to get hit by a car?

"Y-Yorishima was a good student," she said. Then followed about thirty seconds of silence while she tried to stop herself choking up. Not as easy a task as it sounds. Hikari sniffed, and a tear rolled down her cheek. Was that all she could say? 'Yorishima was a good student?' She screamed at herself to speak, to say anything.

"H-He tried hard at everything he did, and everybody knew him as a good person. He will be missed," she said, sounding terribly formal. Every time she wiped a tear from her eye, two more sprang into place.

Hikari chanced a look up, and saw a welcome sight: Asuka had slipped into the back of the congregation and was smiling, giving her encouragement. You can do it. Her red hair was bright and bold in contrast to the surprisingly chaste black dress Asuka was wearing. Hikari felt her load lift.

"I guess it'll be a little longer before we all see him again," she said quietly. "But you'll meet him in heaven, each one of you. I'm sure of it." Even though it was odd for a typical Japanese girl to believe in a Western religious concept, Hikari quite liked the idea of a place of paradise after this life. She stepped down from the pulpit, as the funeral adjourned and everyone filed past the casket and paid their respects.

Hikari met Asuka by the casket, after everyone had gone to the school auditorium for the food and drink and cake. Funeral cake. What a weird idea.

"Thanks for coming," Hikari said, her eyes red-rimmed and teary. Asuka smiled.

"Hey, it's my job as a friend. Besides, Yorishima was a nice guy," she said. Hikari managed to smile back.

"Nice dress," she remarked, with a hiccupy laugh. Asuka picked at it, admiring the way it draped.

"It's Misato's," she said. "If I had her measurements, I'd be showing a lot more skin, and the dress wouldn't be down around my calves. I swear, Misato has legs as long as telephone poles." Hikari managed a laugh without the hiccup this time.

"I think I might swipe it; you know I've got a thing for lace," she said. Hikari smiled; even a death couldn't keep Asuka's spirits down. Asuka smirked, before she saw Toji standing by the casket, looking at the wreath around where the head would be on the casket lid.

"I guess even an idiot can pay his respects sometimes," she whispered, motioning to the black-haired boy. Hikari looked at Toji before trying out a shy smile. Asuka rolled her eyes, snatching a tissue from a box and wiping Hikari's eyes, clearing off make-up smudges and making her look half-presentable in front of her crush.

Toji was staring down at the casket, his fist clenched.

"You didn't deserve to go out like this," he muttered. "It was always the four of us- you, me, Kensuke, and Shin-man. We was gonna go to college together, after Shinji beat the Angels. You and me, man." Hikari paused, listening to him talk quietly to his dead friend. It was kind of nice to see a quiet and sensitive side to her sporty crush. Toji exhaled, looking at his feet before he turned back to the casket.

"The strange thing is? I don't believe you was hit by a car. Not for a second. And if anyone tries to tell me different, I'm gonna give 'em a bop on the head; they didn't know you like I did. You'd never let yourself get hit by no car, especially not near no car lift. You avoided them places like the plague," Toji murmured. He kissed his knuckles gently before rapping on the lid of the casket.

"So long, Yorishima," he said quietly. Hikari walked forward, allowing Toji to adjust to her presence.

"Oh, hey Hikari," he said. "This must've been hard to cater; planning a funeral for your friend must've been brutal." Hikari nodded.

"It was always you and him in class," she said, reminiscing. She would've gone on if Toji hadn't stopped her.

"Not yet," he said quietly. Hikari almost asked him what he meant before she understood it himself. It was too soon to reminisce. You don't stitch up a wound until the blood clots. Toji and Yorishima were really close, yet Yorishima hadn't told Toji of Hikari's crush. He is- had been- trustworthy that way.

"Can I treat you to some cake?" Toji offered, holding out his arm. Hikari blushed, nodding. The two walked off into the auditorium while Asuka watched from a few rows of chairs away with a smirk. They made such a cute couple. Her quiet encouragement to Hikari had paid off; but Shinji and Wondergirl, there lay a challenge.

Asuka was about to wrap herself up in feelings of self-glory when the promise she'd made to Hikari a few days ago clicked back up. She'd promised she'd look into Yorishima's death. Hit by a car close to a car lift? A NERV car lift? Either Yorishima had the worst luck in Japan, or there was a missing link in the chain.

Making sure no-one was looking or aware, Asuka slinked forward until she was at the casket. With a quick glance around her to double-check, Asuka lifted the lid and peeked inside.

It was not pretty. Yorishima had definitely not been hit by a car. Cars didn't have bullets on their bonnet. Yorishima had been shot five times, and there was dark, grisly dried blood coating his school uniform.

Asuka let the casket lid drop in shock. It made a loud boom, echoing through the auditorium; Asuka quickly sprinted away. A Section Two agent dashed into the room and managed to catch a glimpse of long red hair flying around the corner. The agent checked the remote seal on the casket. It had been broken.

The agent immediately pulled out his mobile phone and hit 'one' on the speed dial.

"Doctor Akagi?" he asked. "We may have a problem."


Rei stood in the room Misato had given her with one leg through a pair of tight spandex pants. Misato wanted her in clothes that would stay close to the skin, like a plugsuit. Either way, Rei wasn't fond of clothes that clung to her every curve and accented them whenever she stepped. With a glimmer of annoyance behind crimson eyes, the First Child pulled the pants up and settled them over her legs, the tight latex moulding itself immediately to her behind and the gentle curve of her thighs and calves.

Rei removed her shirt and stared at the ridiculous top half of the suit Misato wanted her to wear. It was smaller than her preferred clothing size, with large, soft gelatinous pads over where her bust would go. Still staring at the shirt, Rei began pulling it over her body. If Misato said it was necessary for the synchronisation tests, Rei would wear it. It was as good as an order from a superior officer.

Rei stared at herself in the mirror. The gel inserts sat comfortably over her chest, giving her the odd look of being more buxom than she actually was, or even than Misato was. It wasn't a look Rei particularly relished. Still, if the pads were needed, she would make do.

The First Child exited her room and walked out into the lounge, where Misato, Shinji and Asuka were waiting for her. Shinji's eyes practically bugged out when he saw Rei, and though he turned bright red he didn't say anything. Mainly because he had two such lumps in his own suit, situated in exactly the same place. Asuka was away to the side, snorting at Shinji's expression, until she saw Ayanami walk in, illusioned bust shuddering slightly. Misato felt she'd better step in quickly.

"The gel inserts that are sown into your synchronisation suits are wired with nanocircuitry, transferring your pulse, synapses efficiency, adrenaline level, thought pattern and more to the computer here," Misato explained. "Normally, we'd do the same with a plugsuit, but we can't fit any of the equipment into my apartment, so I had Ritsuko rig this system up for me." Asuka snorted.

"Excuses," she muttered under her breath. Misato pretended not to hear, and clapped her hands in determination.

"Okay. We've got four days until the Angel is scheduled to attack again, and we need perfect synchronisation if we're going to win and not suffer an embarrassment like our first attempt," Misato said strongly. "Put the headphones on, and take your places on the mats. Let's see what we're dealing with here." Asuka lingered by the doorway, with a cocky smirk on her face. Time to see Wondergirl be seriously screwed up on the mat.

"Asuka, wait in the kitchen," Misato said quickly. "I don't want you distracting Rei or Shinji."

"Who, me? Innocent little me?" Asuka said sweetly, but they both knew it was an act. Even Pen-Pen, who was standing at the kitchen door, knew it was an act; but he pretended he didn't so Asuka could open him a can of fish. Which she did, quietly. She ignored the dumb bird scoffing oily treats on the table and leaned back on her chair, watching Misato turn on the screen and boot up the mats.

Oh, this is gonna be good, Asuka quietly thought. And, to Asuka's twisted mind, it was good. But she didn't count on Rei being twisted.

Rei stared at her screen with a disappointing lack of emotion before attempting to keep up with the flashing lights and ridiculously fast arrows on screen. Rei's arms and legs were moving so quick and erratically Asuka was reminded of a crimson-eyed doe on ice, a mental image which made her snort in laughter. Until she glanced at Rei's 'score'.

She hadn't missed a step yet.

What the . . . what is this chick? Asuka thought wildly, barely noting the contrast between Rei's extreme speed and Shinji's methodical beat. To her incredulity, Misato still hadn't noticed Rei's struggle. The Major had closed her eyes and was listening to the music with a faint smile on her face. Asuka stared at Rei's score once more before looking at the physical readout of the First Child.

She swallowed hard. She didn't know much about Ayanami's level of fitness, but she was pretty sure that Rei's heart rate was supposed to be below two hundred beats per minute.

Rei's gasp and chough was heard over her music, and she twisted over her left arm and collapsed on the ground, shaking. Misato finally paid attention and rushed to the aid of the sweating pilot, who's combo vanished and score plummeted to zero. Shinji heard the crack and immediately abandoned his own mat; the program flashed the word 'Fail' in bright purple letters before resetting.

"Ayanami!" he said, kneeling by her side and propping her head up, moving her into a comfortable position. Misato was on the opposite side of the First Child and was having serious worries. Rei's complexion matched the colour of her eyes, and her wrist was crooked and swelling like a balloon. Misato awkwardly placed two fingers into the side of Rei's neck, checking her pulse while Shinji felt Rei's wrist and checked for fractures.

Misato lost count after forty beats in ten seconds.

Shinji felt the swelling, but fortunately all the First Child had was a sprained wrist. She'd be fine. Rei's eyes were frantic, and her chest heaved as she tried to breath as much oxygen to her starved heart as she could. Shinji held Rei's hand gingerly, making sure to carefully support her wrist. The skin was soft, softer than he expected it to be, and he took a little comfort and affection from holding the hand of the girl he had a small crush on.

"You'll be fine, Rei," Shinji said. "You just sprained your wrist."

Asuka pumped a fist, but she felt a little guilty. Shinji was holding Rei's hand, and it was in a loving way. Sure, she was injured, but that wasn't all sympathy there. There was attraction too, and judging from the lovesick look on Ikari's face, there was quite a bit of it.

The irritable part was that her victory was tainted by guilt. Rei wasn't supposed to hurt herself, and it looked like she was going to burst a blood vessel in her face or something, she was so red. Asuka ran over to the fridge where Misato usually kept her beer and shoved her arm in, reaching for the back where the bags of ice were kept. The least she could do was help out with Rei's injuries, since it was her fault and all.

Shinji looked up from Rei's purple wrist to see Asuka kneeling by Rei's face and placing the bag of crushed ice over Rei's forehead. The First Child twisted slightly to look at the Second Child, and Asuka's face was impassive. Still, Rei picked up what Asuka was trying to say, and everything clicked.

Sorry, she was saying. I didn't mean for it to go that far. I'm sorry.

Rei filed this little tidbit of information away, just in case. Rei slowly shut her eyes, enjoying the cool pressure of the ice and the soft circular motions Shinji's thumb was making over her swollen wrist.

"Rei!" Misato snapped. "Rei, open your eyes." Rei opened them, and there was the possible ghost of a smile.

"I am quite fine, Captain," Rei said. "I was closing my eyes for a moment." Misato smiled tenderly.

"It's okay. We'll move you to a bed, so you can lie down for a while. Get some rest. You'll need it, because we need your wrist to heal as fast as possible. The Angel is still going to attack in four days," Misato said. Rei nodded, and Shinji scooped the blue-haired girl into his arms, leaning back a little and allowing the gel inserts in his own suit to take some of Rei's weight. Either this cute girl was heavier than he thought or he needed to work out a bit more. Rei's face was quite close to his own, and Shinji blushed when he looked into her eyes.

"I . . . thank you," Rei said, once they were out of earshot of Asuka and Misato. Shinji turned redder, and while around any other person he would have become a stammering mess he managed to keep his composure around Rei.

"You're welcome. It's nothing. I would've done it for Asuka if it happened to her, or to anyone really. It's not that special," Shinji said conversationally. Rei actually felt disappointment at this; one of the few truly affectionate acts in her life had been done by someone who did them as often as opportunity knocked, and therefore meant nothing.

"Oh," Rei said. There didn't seem like anything more to be said from her. Shinji was unaware of his verbal slip, and he laid Rei gently on the bed opposite his own. The First Child shifted slightly to make herself comfortable, and closed her eyes.

"Can I get you anything else?" Shinji asked. Rei stayed silent. Shinji supposed that meant no.

"Sleep soundly," he offered, closing the door behind him.

No-one detected the slight moistening behind Rei's closed eyelids, nor the quiet sadness that became more pronounced in her heart.


Asuka wandered into the kitchen and munched on a German sausage, watching Shinji walk in. She smirked, the cocky and vivacious role coming naturally to her.

"So, how's the First?" she asked. Shinji raised an eyebrow.

"She's sleeping soundly, and her wrist is sprained. The swelling is starting to go down, though," he said. "Her mat was set on the highest difficulty the game offered, with specifically designed chaotic button sequences." Asuka feigned innocence. The Third Child was grasping at straws. There was no possible way he could-

"Asuka, what did you do to the mat?" Shinji said directly. Even though he had no evidence to go on, and Asuka knew it, she still froze for a split second.

Sometimes that's all it takes.

Asuka got to her feet angrily.

"You think I'd intentionally try and drive this mission into the ground just because I'm not a part of it?!" she said incredulously. "It's exactly what Misato said! The Angel is going to attack in four days, whether I pilot my Unit Two or not! And there's absolutely no chance I could synchronise with a useless dirt clod like you, so you and the First are our best hope!" It made sense, and was delivered with just the right mix of incredulation, indignation, and a little bit of hurt. Through Asuka's eyes, Shinji was half-convinced; and Asuka was right.

"You and First are our best hope," she said slowly, reaffirming what she just said. The reality of what she said finally sunk in.

"We are so screwed," she breathed. Shinji grinned, and Asuka noticed he was looking over her shoulder rather than at her eyes.

Asuka froze as the sardine impacted the back of her head and slowly greased it's way down the nape of her neck. Having recently gained a Master's Degree in the universally unspoken language of 'I'm Going To Break Your Neck', she turned to face the doomed penguin.

Pen-Pen knew his own personal apocalypse had just arrived.

Shinji couldn't help but smile at the roaring German girl and the squeaking penguin that was running away as fast as it's tiny legs would carry it. Sometimes Asuka was good to have around. After all, she really wasn't such a bad person, and she certainly was attractive . . .

Shinji felt any possibly halfway-close to a maybe infinitesimal chance of slightly liking Asuka as more than a friend migrate south as certainly as the sardine that was making an oily stain around the middle of Asuka's back. Besides, he liked Ayanami, but he still had to figure out why. And just liking her presence was definitely not enough ground to stand on for the Third Child.

Shinji leant back in his chair and contented himself with thoughts of the serene blue-haired girl that meant so much to him as he watched Asuka chase a penguin around the couch.

IceBlade28: Well, there ends another chapter of Do You Really Know Me. Sorry for the wait!!!

Maya: I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter: Rei's wrist is slow to heal, and with the constraints of time squeezing Misato she forces the First and Third Child to spend the entire time in close proximity with each other in an effort to synchronise their biorhythms. Asuka begins to feel a little jealous and for the first time wonders if her plan was so wise in the first place. Toji and Hikari go on their first date, and Ritsuko comes to call to check up on the training . . .

IceBlade28: Drop a review on your way out! I'd love to hear what your thoughts are!