Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy 7 any of it's characters or references

Warning this fic is a lemon arch rated(M), it contains CloudxTifa lemons, if you don't know what a lemon is, it contains detailed scenes of the two characters having sex. If you are underage or you find lemons offensive, stop now, don't go on ahead.

Desert Twilight

Chapter 1: Awakenings

There were the boisterous comments from the drunken members of Avalanche that echoed within the walls of the bar, they had defeated Sephiroth for the second time and the disease which had plagued so many, caused so much suffering and threatened to destroy the peaceful little family of Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockheart had finally been cured.

After their first victory there was so much sorrow that no one felt like celebrating, even when the young ninja girl had literally forced them to have a victory party no one felt like celebrating, but now tow years after and the first real reunion of Avalanche, everyone was happy, Tifa had closed the bar and the eight members had their victory party, but they were also joined by two small children and later in the evening the four members of the Turks. At first they had come to offer their thanks and come to apologize for the sorrow they had caused when they were leaving Reno begged to stay and Rude was dragging him out, but a drunk Cid made a remark about being able to out drink everyone, this had peaked Rude's attention and the two began having a drinking competition, Cid own, then after him came Reno but Cid still won, then after the shameful defeat of the two Turks the other two had no choice but to try to regain the Turks lost honor, Elena stepped up first but lost, then Tseng but he also lost. Everyone seemed content having a good time, Tifa was the one serving drinks, but when her ruby eyes scanned the bar from behind the counter looking for a certain blond-haired swordsman she found him missing. Leaving the ninja-girl in charge, she didn't trust any of the men, she quietly made her way through the house looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

'I wonder if he went back to the church' She thought to herself, she was saddened by the thought of him leaving again, but she wouldn't give up on him, she would never give up on him, the dark-haired maiden decided to check one more place before she went of to the church ruins.

Her last option proved to the correct one, he was on the roof of their house, he was standing at the edge of rear of the house looking up at the star filled sky, Tifa didn't know when night had fallen, she had enjoyed the company of all her friends but she was missing the companionship of one, he was still dressed in the attire he used during the day. Tifa silently approached him from behind.

"Cloud," She said carefully.

The blond-spiky-haired warrior turned to the young maiden who stood behind him, she was smiling at him.

"How come you aren't downstairs with the others?" She asked.

There was something about her voice that he loved, it was the sheer sound, no matter if she was angry or sad, it still had a sweet tone.

"I'll be down shortly, I'm not too good with crowds," He confessed.

"But it's just us your friends and well plus a few Turks," Tifa replied as she walked up to him, the two now facing each other, Cloud then walked closer to her, they were now a few inches apart, he looked down into her eyes and smiled, she looked back up at his and smiled also, she loved the colour of his eyes, they were so intoxicating, "What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"Nothing really," He replied.

She turned away from him, "It's Aerith and Zack right?" She asked.

"No not even close," He answered.

The answer caught her of guard, her eyes flew wide open as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her smaller form into his, "I was thinking about you, and Marlene and Denzel, I was thinking about our family."

Tifa was now speechless, this was the first time she had heard him refer to them as family, "C-C-Cloud…" She stuttered.

"I'm sorry Tifa for abandoning you, and leaving you to care for two children one of which was dying." His voice was sincere and his head was buried in her raven-coloured hair.

"Tifa I'll understand if you hate me but please understand if I stayed I would have only caused more problems…" He started to confess.

Tifa turned around so she could look up at him, her hands made their way around his neck, she only smiled at him, "Don't worry about it Cloud, it's in the past now," She said in her intoxicatingly sweet voice.

"Tifa can I stay and become a part of your family?" He asked.

"Cloud it's our family, and you're always welcome," Tifa confessed.

The young warrior then hugged his maiden tightly pressing her into his larger form, Tifa didn't fight, she just enjoyed being held in the arms of the man she loved, the only man she ever loved and the only man she will ever love. She closed her eyes and reveled in his touch.

"Tifa," Cloud whispered into her ear.

"Shhh, please I don't want this moment to end," She answered.

"Tifa thank you," Cloud said.

"For what?" She asked.

"For always being there for me," He answered.

"Cloud I've always been here for you," She replied.

"Yeah well I know that now," He added.

A smiled from on two lips, the conversation was similar to one they had almost two years ago.

"And thanks, for never giving up on me," He added again.

"Cloud," Tifa began, "I wanted to say this for so long, but I always got interrupted, I…I…I…" she didn't have time to finish and Cloud released his tight hold on her.

He still held onto her but not as tightly as before, they could now look into each other's eyes.

"It's alright Tifa, I already know, I heard you when you asked me before, and I knew you changed the question," Tifa's cheeks grew as red as an apple's she didn't know what to say or how to respond, "And this Tifa, is my answer."

Then everything stopped, time grew still, the silver light from the overhead moon frozen, the drunken sounds from the bar had stopped, Cloud had done something she hadn't expected him to do, he lowered his head, their noses brushed against each other, and their lips touched, Tifa held her breath when he kissed her, she didn't know if it was real or fantasy, she had dreamt of his kiss for so long it seemed like an uncatchable butterfly, a fleeting dream, something only possible in an alternate reality, but now she closed her eyes as she was taken to heaven as she felt his lips sucking on hers, she then felt his tongue, licking her lips, she didn't know how to respond, her heartbeat seemed to slow to a stop, yet it felt like a racehorse on a track. Then his tongue did something she didn't expect it went between her lips and pried it open, her lover's tongue then began to play with hers, she had never expected her first kiss to be so erotic, she had expected it to be a light peck on her lips and she expected to not to be full of love and lust like the one she was experiencing.

This was Tifa's first kiss, she was twenty-two years old and had never been kissed before, she was girl men lusted after, who would leave their mates just to spend a single night with, but she was strong and dedicated, it started with a small crush as a child when she learnt that he was the one who had saved her, she always wanted a hero and he had saved her, despite taking the village's wrath in the process, she should have corrected the mistake but didn't she was scared then after their meeting on the well and he left, she began missing him terribly, she would read all the newspapers every day hoping to find some news on him, she kept trying and trying to find out more, then when she was in trouble again he came to save her but once again got into an even more dire situation because of it, when she saw him again, he wasn't the same, something was different, but she kept waiting on him and never giving up, after spending some time with him, she realized that the boy she had developed a crush on as a child was the one she wanted, he was her other half, the only one to make her whole.

The two broke apart needing some air, Tifa was panting, Cloud held her with one hand around her waist.

"Is this real?" She asked him, "I don't want this to be another one of my dreams," She said with small tears being formed on the corner of her eyes.

"It's about to become even more real," Cloud said as he took his hand and pressed it against Tifa's female spot between her thighs.

This earned a shriek from the untouched maiden, and smirk formed on the hardened warrior's face.

"Cloud what…are…you…doing?" Tifa forced herself to say as his had began to caress her, rubbing against the black material of her pants but she could feel the effects on her flesh there despite having on underwear beneath, but despite it being a new sensation, she felt intoxicated by it, a new form a pleasure came over her, and she couldn't describe it.

"Tifa," Cloud leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Let's take this to your bedroom, I want to make you mine tonight."

She looked up at him in a haze, he was still rubbing her, much more aggressively than before, she had a hard time thinking straight, but managed to speak, "Cloud…we...still have guests."

"I guess you're right, we'll have to ask them to leave and put Marlene and Denzel to bed first." Cloud stated.

Managing to find the strength to break free from each others, they left the roof just before a cold breeze started to blow and descended into the bar below. Everyone was still having a good time, chatting and being drunk, they didn't see the two enter, Marlene was with Yuffie behind the counter, Denzel was with Vincent in a corner.

"Hey do you think you can beat Cloud in a fight?" Denzel asked curiously.

The mysterious man looked down at the innocent boy who was looking up at him with his child eyes, "I don't know Cloud is pretty strong."

"I know, I heard he defeated that huge dragon, I wish I could have seen it," Denzel said.

"It's not like he did it by himself, we helped him every step of the way," Vincent countered.

"I heard all you did was to give him a boost, that's not much," Denzel retorted, "Hey I heard you can change into a monster, can you show me?" The boy asked changing the subject.

Vincent looked at the boy he was curious and intelligent, but from their conversation it was clear the boy idolized the spiky-haired swordsman.

Eventually Tifa had got everyone to leave, she told them how Cloud was feeling tired from his fights and he wanted to rest, everyone left without hesitation, despite a few being completely drunk they understood he had been through a lot and had almost been killed, Tifa felt guilty using that as an excuse to get them to leave but it was what Cloud wanted and it was what she wanted also. Almost immediately after everyone left, Marlene and Denzel had went to bed, they were both very tired from the day's events and being children they fell asleep right away, this just left the two adults alone in the house. After making sure the place was closed Tifa went back upstairs, she passed but Cloud's room and surprisingly he wasn't there, she though he would probably be on the roof waiting for her, but she found him in the children's room tucking them in, she was relieved, she didn't want her first time to be on the roof of the house but she would do anything for him.

"Hey Cloud who do you think is stronger, you or Vincent?" Denzel asked.

"Huh, that's a funny question, why do you ask?" Cloud answered with a question.

"I just wanna know, I think he's pretty strong," Denzel replied.

"Yes he is, especially in his Chaos form, but don't worry I'm pretty sure I could defeat him," Cloud replied.

Cloud finished tucking the children in and left the room. Meanwhile Tifa had seen him with the children and decided to leave him. She had retreated to her room, where she lay on her bed, soon after laying down she heard the doorknob turn and her blond-haired lover enter, she simply smiled at him. Cloud began walking towards her and she extended her had to him. He graciously took it and pulled her up, once again she was in his embrace, the two had a wordless conversation as they both stared into each other's eyes and was smiling, she knew what was coming and she was ready, she loved him, she always have and always will.

To Be Continued…

Well things are getting steamy, a full blown lemon coming in the next chapter, it's my first time writing one so i don't know how good it will be. When I started I wasn going to write a Cloris fic because well i was turing into a CloudxAeris supporter after reading the novellas but after a conversation with my ex-girlfriend I became a CloTi again and by conversation i mean she threatened to castrate me if i wrote a Cloris fic so here i am, since my first to were well normal i decided my hand at a lemon and well like i said you'll see that in the next chapter. Oh yeah the name of this fic has nothing to do with the story whatsoever I had a hard time coming up with a name so I threw words into a hat and picked two out.

Oh yeah if you read this fic, leave a review and let me know what you think, i'm always looking for a chance to improve or to know what i'm doing wrong.

Till next time...