After six months and over a hundred pages later, this story is finally complete. I am really sad to end this story. It will feel weird not updating it anymore, but I do feel a sense of accomplishment for sticking it with it for six months. I really enjoyed writing it and I am so glad that so many readers enjoyed it too. I don't want to give anything away. So I will save all my comments on this chapter for my end notes.

(Let me get some thanks you's out of the way real quick) I would like to thank my special onk first and I would like to thank those who have been a huge support for me in writing this story, you know who you are and I love you guys! And of course, I would like to thank all of YOU readers who have been keeping up with this story!! You guys have been so amazing. I read your reviews and see the number of hits this story has gotten and to me it's amazing.

UPDATE 8/9/07: For information regarding my sequel please check my livejournal. The link to my livejournal can be find in my profile. It's just too hard to respond to everyone asking me about my fics. So I'll post news and stuff there.

So here it is the 40th and final chapter:


Chapter 40

Packing was one of the things in life I dreaded. This was one of the main reasons I hated traveling. I hated packing. Mr. Michalchuk had brought by a suitcase for me to use a few days before the trip. It was nice seeing him again and it was nice knowing that they hadn't forgotten about me. I had to double check myself to make sure I had everything I needed. I felt so stressed trying to get ready. I needed to make sure I had everything. I wasn't going to be away for a weekend. Eve said the shoot would probably last about a month. When I came back, my summer would be pretty much over. I hadn't decided if I liked that or not.

I had finally finished packing the last item into my suitcase. I had a hard time getting it to close. I dreaded the day when I would have to pack up again to come back here. I didn't want to admit it but everything suddenly seemed so difficult and pointless. I felt I was just going through the motions and I wasn't about to lie to myself...I hated it.

I lugged my suitcase to the side of the wall out of the way. I didn't have to leave till late tomorrow. I finally felt I was done with everything and I could just relax.

"Jay, are you going to be here all night?" I asked stubbornly. Jay looked up from the T.V.

"Not all night." Jay replied jokingly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Lexi," Jay said standing up from my futon, "Vivian and me are going out to dinner tonight. Come with us."

"Jay." I said stubbornly.

"Come on, Lex." Jay begged playfully.

"I don't want to interfere." I argued.

"You won't." Jay stated, "Vivian would love to have you...and besides, it will be like your going away party. All in your honor."

I couldn't help but smile at Jay's sweetness. If only he could have been this sweet when we were going out...not that that would have changed anything.

"Fine." I replied, "Let me get ready."

"What? Why? You're already beautiful." He said.

I couldn't help but tilt my head in aw. Especially at such an un-Jay like comment, "Well I can see Vivian is having quite the effect on you." I joked.

Jay shrugged and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine." I said, "But I am at least going to change out of these PJs."

"If you insist." Jay say returning to his spot on the futon.

I had just started putting on a pair of jeans when I heard a knock at the door. Then another knock.

"Jay..." I yelled from my bedroom, "If you're going to be here at least make yourself useful."

I could hear Jay getting up from the futon. The next sound I heard was the door opening and Ellie's voice.

"Jay?" I heard her ask.

"The one and only." I heard Jay reply back. I didn't even have to see him to know his face was smug. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Where's Alex?" I heard Ellie question.

"She's in the back getting ready." Jay responded.

After that, their voices must have gotten lower because I couldn't make out what they were saying anymore. When I was finished getting dressed I emerged from my room to find Jay, Ellie, Marco and Hazel standing in my living room.

"Surprise." Ellie said dolefully.

"Umm...we wanted to kind of celebrate your leaving." Hazel said trying to explain.

Marco gave her a stern look and Hazel realized what she had said.

"I mean," She quickly tried to correct herself, "Not that were happy you're leaving. We're happy that your going away...for your job." Hazel was doing a really terrible job explaining what she meant. She finally gave up, "Look what I got you!" She brought to my attention a small box wrapped festively.

I could see Jay smirking at her from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, thanks." I said taking the box.

"So we wanted to give you kind of a going away party." Marco finally said, "But it looks like you already have plans."

I wasn't sure how to respond. Thank goodness for me Jay had butted in for me.

"Come with us." He said, "It's no problem."

I was having a hard time comprehending Jay's unusual niceness.

"Are you sure?" Marco asked. He also seemed taken aback by Jay's gesture.

"Yea," Jay replied as if scoffing Marco, "It's fine."

Marco shrugged.


This must have been one of the most wonderful dinners of my life. We didn't eat at The Dot, instead Vivian took us to this nice casual Italian restaurant. I looked around the table and saw Jay, Vivian, Ellie, Marco, and Hazel. It was almost surreal to me. I felt different. It was a feeling I couldn't explain, but I felt for once, my life had become more than just working to survive. I felt I had become more than just someone who hated the world and everyone in it for having something I never had: happiness. Though glancing around the table again I still couldn't get the sense of completeness. I felt there was still a void in my life, a void I couldn't fill. Marco had told me on the way that Paige had wanted to come with them to say goodbye to me, but she had made other plans first and she wasn't able to cancel. I didn't even entertain the possible reasons why Paige hadn't come to my going away gathering. I didn't even want to think about it. Though sadly, my mind kept drifting towards the void...towards the something that was missing.


I looked up to see Marco waving his hand at me.

"Are you okay?" Marco asked.

"I'm fine." I replied, "I'm just so moved by everyone tonight." I said sounding a little more melodramatic than I had hoped too. I was thankful that most times the things I said had a small sarcastic tone to them.

Everyone chuckled a little. I decided to bite the bullet.

"Really you guys, this is wonderful. Everything is wonderful." I said, "Thank you."

I could see everyone's face light up. I could tell they were both amused and surprised that they had gotten something sincerely nice out of me.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Vivian asked.

"Yes." I said straitening up my back.

"Well, I hope you have a good time." Vivian replied. I could tell she was struggling with good conversation with me. But she seemed generally happy to be here.

"Thank you," I replied.

There was a moment of silence. Everyone was looking at me expecting me to say something. Despite the fact I hated being the center of attention, I was actually flattered everyone was waiting on me.

"I can't believe I've never eaten here before." I said taking another bite of my pasta.

"I know. It's good." Ellie commented nodding her head.

"It's just so much carbs." Hazel replied picking at her plate.

"Ohh...I would hate for you to have to settle for wearing a size negative 2." Jay joked and Vivian instantly shot him an angry look.

"I wish." Hazel said under her breath.

I couldn't help but laugh. The whole dinner itself was amazing. In my life I had never expected to see Jay, Marco, Ellie, Hazel, and me all sitting around at table and having a good time. I almost didn't believe it. I thought that at any moment I would wake up from this dream and find myself back in my apartment a month after graduation with my mom and Chad. The thought frightened me.

Before I knew it, I was back in my apartment alone. The whole night had seemed like an instant. I crashed down on my futon. Everything seemed so quiet. I sat and thought about what then next few months were going to mean for me. My life would be changing again even more than it had. Tomorrow, I would start my journey to make it on my own.


The next day went by slowly. I figured it was because I was all packed and ready to leave. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself. I went over to visit my mother and say goodbye. I made sure she didn't need anything before I left. Afterwards, I made my way back to my apartment to hang around until it was time for me to catch a taxi to the airport. Ellie came over for a little bit to see me once more before I left.

For some reason I was feeling down about the trip. I didn't want to admit to myself that it was because I wouldn't be seeing Paige for a month. Instead, I told myself it was because of the dreary weather. Storm clouds were creeping closer and closer to my apartment and it looked as if it would be a raining by nightfall. But honestly, I didn't care about the rain. I lied down on my futon and closed my eyes for a little bit. When I opened them again two hours had passed. I looked at my clock. It was 5:48 P.M. My plane left at 9:15 P.M. I quickly sat up and looked around. The clouds were completely overheard now. I had already scheduled a taxi to pick me up at 6 P.M.

I jolted to gather all my things next to the door. I was ready to leave in less than ten minutes. I looked out the window and to my surprise the taxi actually seemed to have arrived on time. I made my way with my suitcase and carry on down the stairs outside. I didn't have an umbrella so I had to use my rain coat and hold it over my head as I ran to the taxi. The driver had gotten out and was opening the truck of the car for me. As I ran up to him, he looked at me.

"Terrible weather for summer, don't you say?" He asked.

"Yea." I replied trying to pull up my suitcase so I could put it in the trunk.

He leaned down.

"Here, I got it." He said taking the suitcase in has hands and lifting it with much greater ease than I had.

"Thanks." I replied. I glanced around the area while the driver was putting my luggage in the trunk. The weather was horrible and the wind was picking up now. I was actually relieved it wasn't to cold. The rain clouds were blocking out the setting sun. I glanced down the street. Cars were parked up and down. Who wants to leave their house in this weather? I thought to myself. In the distance, I thought I could see someone walking. Who ever was out for an evening stroll tonight must be crazy. I shook my head.

"Ready?" The driver said slamming the trunk of the car.

I looked at the cab, "Yea." I replied walking over to the backseat door and getting in. I reached to close the door but the cab driver had beaten me to it.

"Watch your hands." He said as he slammed the door. After a few moments I heard the opening and closing of the drivers side door. I check my carry on bag real quickly to double check if I had grabbed my tickets. I was relieved when I felt my hand slid down the side of the plastic bag I had placed them in. I heard the cab driver restart the car. I was waiting for that first motion of the car to take off but I was suddenly startled by something slamming on my side window. I actually gasped.

"Alex!" I heard a voice yelling from the out side. The person was slamming their hands against the window. The rain outside made it hard to tell who it was. It took me a few seconds before the thought even crossed my mind.

"Paige?" I questioned, though I already knew the answer. I quickly opened my door. Suddenly I saw Paige drenched in water climbing into the cab next to me.

"Alex..." She said. Paige was having problems formulating her words. I didn't know what to say. I was still shocked she was here in the cab with me, completely drenched, and still looking completely beautiful.

Finally Paige just leaned in and kissed me. Suddenly all the feelings I had ever felt for Paige came rushing back to me. I felt lighter than air. I could feel her hand pushing against my collar bone as she tried to keep her balance in the cab. She broke away from me and looked down, avoiding my eye contact. I could do nothing but look at her.

Paige finally shifted her gaze back at me, "You know you can really screw things up sometimes." She said forcefully.

I didn't reply.

Paige pointed her finger at me as she continued, "And come to irrational conclusions and be completely impossible and…" I cut her off.

"Paige, did you come here in the poring rain to tell me all that?" I asked puzzled by her spout of anger.

"No." Paige replied sternly before whimpering off, "Yes..." She said. She looked at me and took a deep breath.

"I also came here to tell you that besides your temper and your mood swings, and the fact that no matter how many boxes of fruit loops we buy you still eat it all before the end of the week..."

I gave Paige a stern look and she cut herself off. Paige exhaled before taking another deep breath.

"I love you too." Paige said. Her voice was calm and sincere. Every nerve ending in my body lit up. I thought back to the night I had told Paige that I loved her and she had said nothing.

Then suddenly Paige exhaled again giving a classic "There, I said it" facial expression.

I shook my head, "What? Is it a bad thing?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet." Paige cocked her head to the side acting like she was thinking. I nodded.

"I hope not." I said leaning in to kiss her.

"Me too." Paige said in between kisses. I chuckled.

I was suddenly in a complete state of nirvana. I couldn't recall a time I was this happy and excited about anything. Then suddenly it hit me. I was going away for a month.

"Come with me." I said.

Paige shook her head, "I can't."

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because this is your thing." Paige replied, "I don't want to get in the way of a girl and her dream."

"You really hate the wilderness." I smirked.

"With a passion." Paige smiled back.

I sighed. I suddenly wished I wasn't going.

"I will be here when you get back." Paige smiled. It made me feel better. Though things still felt incomplete.

"Paige, what about Banting?" I asked.

"We will talk about it." Paige said forcefully.

I didn't answer. I didn't have a choice.

"Look, a friend of mine once told me that any one who makes you happy and you make them happy is a rare thing." Paige smiled at me.

I thought about it for a moment.

"You're right." I said.

There was a moment of silence as neither one of us were sure what to say next.

"Uh-hem." I heard coming from the front seat. I suddenly looked up to notice the cab driver turned around looking at me.

"Are you still planning on catching that flight?" He asked trying not to smile.

"Umm…" I said trying to think as fast as I could. I finally nodded, "Yea." I said look at Paige in despair. I knew we would have to part now.

But to my surprise, instead of Paige moving to get out of the cab, she took her seat and buckled her seat belt. I looked at her questioningly.

"What?" Paige asked rolling her eyes at me, "Just because I'm not going with you doesn't mean I can't see you off." Paige noted.

I could only smile as I leaned in to kiss her once more. I felt so happy and so excited about everything. I settled back into my seat and buckled my seat belt. Then suddenly I felt the cab moving. There was no sound other than the car and the sound of the rain as it fell. Paige took her hand into mine and finally for the first time; I felt complete. All the misery and suffering I had endured over the years. All the problems and pressures. All of it just seemed to vanish. I gazed out of the car window. It was as if everything had purpose and even in the darkest of places there could be found hope. As I looked out the window up into the rain clouds I could have sworn shining through them, was a ray of light.


I hope everyone enjoyed the ending. I did my best not to make it to sappy or cheesy...but I also wanted it to feel complete. Now, like I have mentioned before I do plan on making a sequel to this story. I am still working out the details. I plan on starting the sequel in the beginning of summer. In the meantime, I will be working on my other stories and posting some new ones hopefully. So feel free to check out my other stories in the meantime if you haven't already. And also, if you don't have me on author alert, I usually keep a pretty accurate update on where I am with my stories in my profile so be sure to check it out if you wanna see where I am. And again, thank you guys so much for keeping up with my story! You are all awesome!