Disclaimer: I don't own anything, not CSI: Miami, nor the characters. If I did, I guess the stories would be quite different :oP

I've had this part of the chapter on my computer in like forever. As it seems that it's already pretty long and that I'm not sure when I'll finish it, I'm posting this little part. It could have been longer but the rest will come with the end of the chapter. Normally at least one more chapter should follow... but who knows for sure.

This has not been beta-read simply because I don't have a beta-reader anymore. As I'm French there will be mistakes and bad punctuation. This should be fair warning for anyone lol. If anyone is tempted to help me out, please tell. Just be warned that I'm very annoying when I'm writing ;o)
As promised I'm finishing this story. I'm not sure what I will do in the future as far as my porn is concerned.

Thanks for the nice reviews, I hope you'll like this part too.

This chapter is very M, so you're warned... If you don't like, don't read.

"I sure hope so." She smirked at him before snaking a hand around his neck and bringing him down for another bruising kiss. His leg moved between her thighs and she moaned at the contact against her sensitized core. Grinding against him, she felt herself lose control with each stroke of his tongue on hers. Gently he lifted her up and moved towards the door of the balcony.

"No, I want to stay outside." She immediately protested when she understood where he was taking her.

"It's not going to be very comfortable…" His tongue teased the soft skin behind her ear and at that moment she couldn't have cared less about the roughness of the tiles on her balcony.

"I so don't care." He chuckled at her breathless instant retort and lied her down on the wet floor.

"As you wish…"

She shivered when her burning skin touched the cold tiles. The contrast of temperature made her every nerve ending tingle and brought the ache between her legs to a new level. His hands were playing their magic again. He drew unbearably slow caresses over her chest and her back arched to prevent the loss of contact. Her needy whimpers brought a wicked smile on his lips and she grinned back, wondering what kind of maddening torture he was planning for her. Suddenly she wanted to feel the cold air on her skin and his hands on her bare body. Her fingers began unbuttoning her shirt but he stilled her action with one hand, slowly shaking his head.

"I decide." Her hands fell from her breasts again, but not before giving them a soft squeeze. She moaned at the sensation and raised her pelvis to brush against him. "And you're certainly not allowed to do that. Don't force me to punish you."

His tone was slightly menacing, but the promise contained in his words increased the fever in her body. She felt naughty and needy beyond words, ready to do anything just to see what he would do. He smiled at the suddenly feral look he saw in her eyes.

"We'll do that another time, when we're a little less sore than now. We have to work tomorrow." He reminded her.

Her eyes were riveted on him, following his every move. He kneeled down next to her, their bodies not touching but for his legs close to her hips. She caught her breath as the anticipation was slowly driving her mad. She gulped, wishing his hands were still caressing her. When he finally moved one knee between her legs, she sighed and shifted on the cold floor to get closer to him. She pushed her pelvis down and rocked against him. Electricity was running on her skin and she arched her back as her mouth opened on a silent cry.

"No, no, no…" He warned. This was not how he wanted her to come next.

He shifted on the floor and broke the contact between their bodies. Her immediate protest died on her lips when his tongue soothingly licked her collarbone. Her fingers clutched at his hair as she guided him where she needed him most. With one hand he braced himself over her while his lips left a wet trail on her cleavage. A hot burning fire was rushing through her veins. When he reached one tender breast and took it harshly in his mouth, she screamed her approval.

He nipped at the nipple through the fabric leaving a wet spot on the red top. Calleigh's back arched to push the tip further into his mouth. He began to suckle in earnest, drawing moans from the woman below him. His hand cupped the breast, kneading it in accord with the suction. Her head trashed against the floor as one hand fell from his hair, suddenly unable to hold her grip. His mouth ruthlessly moved to the other nipple to apply the same torture.

His forceful suctions were sending shivers through her body. It felt as if a fire was coursing in her veins like an unstoppable wave before it died in a burst in her core. Her hand moved of its own accord downward ready to stroke her throbbing clit and bring a much needed release. He saw her attempt and changing his position imprisoned her wandering hand with his.

A complaint came immediately to her lips as her frustration grew. The ache in her lower body was driving her insane. She whimpered as the muscles of her core tightened each time a little harder. Her every heartbeat was increasing the burning sensation between her thighs. She focused pleading eyes on him and Eric moved his knee back to his previous position. In an instant Calleigh ground against him, her hand squeezed his painfully as her first orgasm coursed through her.

"Well that was quick. I honestly thought you'd last longer." He chuckled into her breast.

With her brain still in the throws of passion it took her some time to register his teasing words. When she recognized her own tirade, she chuckled low in her throat.

"But then women can have multiple orgasms." She breathlessly reminded him.

"I wonder how many times I can make you come."

His question was lost to her as his mouth resumed its torture on her breasts. He freed her hand from his grasp and it fell limply to her side. He quickly worked on the tight knot to finally free her from her red top. Soon the creamy peaks were bared, their hard centers painfully erect after his ministrations.

Calleigh gasped when she felt the cold air on her nipples. She had barely climaxed a few instants earlier but it seemed her body demanded more. The pulsing started afresh just looking at Eric. It seemed insane that she still wanted him that much after everything they had already shared during the day. Now that they had given in to the attraction that had always existed between them it seemed that nothing could quench it not even sheer exhaustion.

She watched as Eric ignored her breasts and moved downwards to focus his attention to the soft skin of her belly. She bent her knees and her thighs parted from themselves when his tongue reached her navel and the waistband of her skirt. Expecting him to remove the useless garment, she was surprised when instead he pushed his head to her crotch. His mouth pressed against the apex of her thighs, blowing hot breaths through the layers of champagne lace and cotton. Calleigh groaned in disapproval.

"What is it with you and clothes?" She complained. "Can't you just get rid of it?"

Eric softly chuckled before pressing his hot mouth back to her core. She instinctively arched against him. She knew with blindly clarity that she was about to lose it once more whereas he seemed perfectly able to control his own body. She frowned at the thought and struggled to regain a semblance of composure. She wanted him to join her in the madness. She needed him to leap with her she decided. When his teeth nipped against her mound she hissed as the battle seemed lost once more.

The blood pounded in her ears and sweat broke at her upper lip, the tension in her body was almost unbearable. Every little caress was bringing her once more closer to the edge. A curse escaped her lips when she felt him move away, his head suddenly resting against her thigh. Her legs fell further apart to grant him better access, but he decided to ignore the blatant invitation in favor of additional exploration. Slowly, teasingly he brushed his short hair against her skin. The ache at her center was making it almost impossible to remain still. Her core was pulsing in a regular tattoo, each contraction harder than the previous one. Wetness pooled between her legs as her body was readying itself for his invasion.

He trailed open mouthed kisses along her thigh, slowly moving closer to her center. Her fingers raked painfully through his hair as the anticipation grew. Refusing her guidance, Eric moved back, his hands roaming freely over her slender legs as he watched her intently. She was beautiful when she was so close to the edge. The hunger in her eyes was almost making him dizzy with wanting. He needed more, so much more. His body was burning as if it hadn't been so recently sated.

She shifted on the uncomfortable floor and stretched her arms above her head. She looked behind her and in a daze she saw a shadow on the neighboring balcony. A grin appeared on her face at the thought of being watched. She normally would have bolted out, fleeing prying eyes. But tonight with Eric, the concept thrilled her and definitely added to the excitation. She felt different, more alive than she had ever been before. It was like he had the power to free her from her hang-ups and let her embrace life to its fullest.

The thought dissolved in a thousand ripples when Eric's mouth kissed the skin of her inner thigh. Her neighbor soon forgotten, she concentrated on the sensations his burning mouth was creating. He quickly slid two fingers in the waistband of her panties and the superfluous garment was carelessly discarded. He moved up against her body and the impressive bulge at his crotch when he pressed against her hip told her he was far less in control than it seemed.

His mouth greedily fastened on a waiting nipple while his hand disappeared once more under her skirt. When fingers brushed against her wet opening, she whimpered and shifted to increase the contact. He rewarded her by pressing a thumb against her clit while his digits slowly parted her wet folds to tease her entrance. He didn't want to push inside of her at this moment. He knew it was probably all she needed to come apart in his arms. He wanted to draw this out a little longer. Sucking forcefully at her breast he nibbled at the over sensitized nipple.

She moaned under his ministrations and thanked God for his multitasking skills. His thumb started a rolling motion on the little bundle of nerves and her hand joined his to set the perfect rhythm. She bit her lip in concentration as another momentum was building. The throbbing was becoming unbearable. Her hips restlessly moved on the hard floor. When the first ripples of her next orgasm started to wash over her, she felt his middle finger push inside of her. Her inner walls immediately clenched around it. He increased the pressure of his thumb on her clit and he added another digit to the first. She finally shattered when his hand pumped hard inside of her imposing a demanding rhythm. He crooked his fingers and hit her perfect spot sending her over the edge once more in a scream.

In the aftermath Calleigh was out of breath and only slowly regaining her grasp to reality. His body was still pressed against her side and he was lazily laving a nipple. His hand was still buried between her thighs but his fingers had deserted her core. Her clouded eyes focused on his face and she chuckled when she saw the smug expression on his face.

"You seem pretty satisfied with yourself." She managed to say once her breathing was back to normal. "You're really good at that."

He simply smiled at her comment but didn't say a word. His silence was both unnerving and very exciting. Their gazes caught each other and slowly he brought his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean from her juices. The sight was beyond erotic. She snaked a hand around his neck and shifted on the wet floor to bring his mouth to hers. All reason was forgotten. She needed him now.

The telltale bulge in his pants told her he was more than ready to oblige. She felt she would die if she couldn't get him inside of her soon. She hooked a leg behind one of his and pressed her mound against his crotch. The sensation made them both moan and Eric shifted over her, pressing her down with his weight to increase the pressure. Her hands roamed over his back, her nail leaving new marks, but no force in world could have made her stop.

Going on all fours, he gently pushed her arms away and undid the clasp of her skirt, parting its laps on each side of her. She looked like a virgin offering to the Gods and Eric couldn't help smirking at the idea. Even if it was only for today, she was completely his. She had given herself to him, showing by her actions that she trusted him completely. His smile faltered a little at the thought that it was maybe only a moment out of time, lost hours before the mandatory return to reality.

The colder air against her core made her shiver and she waited for him to come back into her arms. She caught the sadness in eyes before he had been able to hide it. She extended one hand to draw him closer. He took it and threaded his fingers through hers. He pushed against her, covering her once again. He kissed her with all the fervor and devotion he felt. She cupped his jaw and leisurely caressed his face. She wished his sorrows away and soon the passion of their kiss grew, their tongues teasing each other. And the heat was flaring again between them.

She needed to rid him of his pants she decided. Once that deed done he wouldn't be able to resist her. Her hands blindly went to his zipper but he quickly moved out of reach. Her disappointment was soon forgotten when his tongue grazed her lower lips. She held her breath, mesmerized by the hungry look her gave her. She went up on her elbows and observed him.

He slowly caressed her belly while his tongue outlined her soaking slit. The tension inside of her was building again and she was almost dizzy by this continuous onslaught of emotions. She felt ensnared by him and discovered she didn't want to break free like she usually did. What they were sharing felt right. His mouth came in contact with her clit and all coherent thoughts were dismissed to another moment. Her arms almost gave in and it took all her will not to sag down and let him take over.

She bit her lip as he licked her, toying with her entrance, giving it rapid laps before zoning in on her clit and sucking it thoroughly. A finger ventured to her slit and delicately entered her. A long moan left her lips and she barely recognized her voice. Her breathing became heavy and labored. A second and then a third finger joined the first and instilled a maddening rhythm as they started thrusting into her core. Calleigh whimpered as the tempo increased and his mouth closed on her clitoris. Soon she was panting, working hard to keep air filling her lungs. Her head thrown back as he worked his magic on her, she seemed oblivious to the world. He felt her walls tighten around his thrusting fingers and he bit his lips not to come in his pants. His hand suddenly stilled leaving her on the edge of yet another climax. Her spine arched further before she finally fell back against the tiles, thankful for the coldness they held.

Her body felt strange to her. It seemed almost out of control always reaching for a higher peak when it was barely down from the previous one. She had felt her orgasm build inside of her. It had been a painful and demanding force that refused to be denied. Every nerve ending seemed to be sensitized to the max, a simple brush of a hand having an earth shattering impact on her senses.

When his mouth resumed his attack on her clit, her hips refused to remain immobile. His other hand pushed against her belly to keep her put for his new torture. Her legs were already imprisoned by his body and the forced immobility added to the fever raging inside of her. She was panting heavily and her head thrashed against the cold tiles. Eric relentlessly worked on her clit while his fingers pumped into her core. She shuddered as he increased the tempo. She was moaning uncontrollably, sometimes calling his name, often pleading with him. He sucked at her clit in earnest and curled one finger touching her just below the pelvic bone. The air left her lungs in a little scream, her body arched like a bow, her walls tightening like a vice around him as she came under his skilled mouth and fingers.

He let her ride her orgasm out, thrusting his fingers at a now slower pace. After a while her breathing became more regular and she opened her eyes to gaze at him. A faint smile appeared on her lips, but she was unable to move after the force that had come crashing on her. She felt boneless but utterly satisfied.