Hello again. This is my second Harry Potter fic. Personally I wrote it just to see if I could write a different type of Severitus(is that right) fic, at least from the ones I've seen.

Summary: Lily and James are marriedand have a son, Dave, when Lily gets pregnant with Severus' child, which Snape doesn't know about. They move to America until Harry is 16. Takes place in 6th year, alternate reality(I don't like saying alternate universe for some reason.) Umm...it does have a plot but you don't quite realize it until a little later on. Voldemort doesn't exist, but his younger version does.

Warnings: Slash, out-of-characterness, and I'll list the others has they come along.

Pairings: Draco/Harry, Lily/James, Implied Lily/Snape, Harry/Tom Riddle(one-sided), Harry/OMC hinted at

Disclaimer: I own nothing other than Dave Potter and some demon characters that I added, and the plot. Otherwise the original authorowns everything else.


"Lily what's wrong?" James asked his wife.

Lily glanced at him then back at the photo in her hands. She was nervous. Her emerald eyes showed that she was scared, and she tried to hide behind a curtain of red hair. "James, I'm pregnant..."

"But?" James asked sensing something was wrong.

"I got the results of the baby's DNA. The baby is Severus' child."

James pulled her into his arms, "Don't worry Lils. I'll perform a blood adoption, and Dave can have his little brother or sister."

"But, what about school?" Lily asked.

"We'll move to America and they can go to school there."

"James you do know that when the baby turns sixteen, their true looks will be revealed."

"We'll explain it to them before then, and after their sixteenth birthday they, both our children, can attend Hogwarts for their last year or two. But, we should tell Remus and Sirius(Wormtail does not exist in this story)."

"James, you do know that I love you."

"How could you not? I'm the perfect man!"





End of Prologue

To explain some things, Lily did not purposely cheat on James, and surprisingly James understands that. Lily is inlove with both James and Snape, but Snape doesn't know about the baby and won't find out about it until later on. James has agreedto adopt the baby, but even so the baby will come into both it's original inheritence as well as the inheritance fromtheblood adoption. The baby and Dave, who will be the baby's older brother will be told the truth about the baby's parentage atan early age.

Anyone lost yet? Good.

By the way I dedicate this fic to my friend Alisa(is that how you spell her name?) for helping me out while writing the first twelve chapters. I will update randomly when I feel like it.

Read and Review.