The Melody of Swords

Disclaimer: In my dream last night I owned everything.

Chapter Five

News of the arrival of the young golden-haired lady spread fast, as much because of the fact she was 'foreign' as because of her now famed beauty as Gondor seldom received female visitors from outside unless they were only there to accompany some diplomat from far away. Unusually however she travelled with few male escorts but with a veritable legion of female servants who in themselves attracted the gossip of the men. As for the girls, the sole topic of conversation among Ri's friends seemed to be the question of would there or would there not be a marriage between the Captain and the lady (no one had yet heard her name). This excitement was very much fuelled by the older citizens of the lower level who claimed to remember 'royal' pardons to criminals and free food given out on the day of the Steward's wedding to his late wife.

Ri, although not usually the type to enjoy unfounded gossiping, found herself joining in the speculation since she found herself to be regarded as the fount of all knowledge as she was the only one in her close friendship group to have "exchanged whole sentences with Lord Boromir" as Callie put it. Ri also surprised herself by finding that she was genuinely interested in the subject of the young Captain's marital arrangements but she found genuine facts annoyingly few and far between.

However there was an abrupt end to Ri's gossiping when she unexpectedly fell ill. She was at a small gathering of musicians one evening, playing some old songs including some of Ri's personal favourites that she'd requested. As the evening drew on she began to feel hot despite the cool breeze. Soon a dizziness started, so much so that she could no longer concentrate on the music and had to stop playing, the world started to spin and the instruments sounded oddly out of tune, she just had time to grab onto Sol's arm before she fainted.

She woke the next morning tucked into her bed, brown blankets wrapped round her. The first thing she was aware of was a cup of water being held out for her. She followed the arm up to its source and found Sol's face looking over her.

"Here, drink something" he said, nodding to the cup. Ri looked back at the cup and took it, she found that even taking one arm out of her sheets made her shiver and drew her blanket up around her. Sol noticed her hand was shaking and held it steady for her as she drunk. The water was refreshing but cold.

"What happened?" asked Ri when she'd taken a gulp and Sol had put the cup back on the wooden table for her.

"Well you fainted last night, almost hit you're head on the rock behind you. Lucky for you I caught you and took you back here. You slept soundly last night and I don't think you're as hot as you were," Sol put a hand to Ri's forehead "but you're still deathly pale,"

"I feel freezing…" said Ri in a small voice.

"Hmm, I think you got your self a bad flu is all." Said Sol sitting back in the chair.

"You been here all night?" Ri asked anxiously.

"Yeah, and I'll have you know my back's about broken by your chair now!" Sol replied accusingly. Ri smiled in gratitude and peeked a hand out from beneath her blankets which Sol took and squeezed.

"Thanks Sol," she said.

"No problem," he said "but I'm going to have to leave you here now, I have a busy day today,"

"Oh, I'm sorry! Go, go!" Ri said quickly, she'd forgotten that Sol led a rather more scheduled life than she. "Happy piano tuning!" she said as she sat up give him a hug.

"Now, you're not allowed to step outside your door today, I want you resting, and you know I'll find out if you're wandering around," he said. Ri rolled her eyes.

"Yes Sol…"

"And drink lots of water-"

"Just go!" Ri shouted slightly hoarsely. Sol winked at her and then left, closing the door behind him. The door made a worrying clatter as it closed. Ri sighed and snuggled down into her blankets, pulling them over her head so that she was surrounded by warmth and cosiness. She fell easily back into a soft slumber. Her sleep was dreamless but she could never stay asleep too long, she either felt hot or hungry or thirsty and was forced to emerge from her warm cocoon.

After an hour or two drifting in and out of sleep and tossing in her bed she deciding that the proper sleep that she was craving simply wasn't coming. She sat up in her bed, pulling her blanket round her shoulders. She took a sip out of the cup by her bed and let her eyes wander around her room trying to seek out some small activity that could drag her mind out of its present state of complete boredom at least for five minuets. Her eyes rested on her fireplace and before she knew it she was on her knees in front of it, matches in hand.

She struck a match. It failed to light. She struck another. It also failed. Cursing in her head she struck a third which immediately burst into flame. Guarding the match from the draft with her hand and she lit a small twig in the fireplace. The flame got bigger and feeling successful Ri blew out the match hand and knelt to watch the logs light. Five seconds later however Ri heard three quick taps at her door and before she had opened her mouth to answer it thedoor was thrown open, a gust of air blew in and the flame was extinguished. Ri swore out loud this time and reflexively reached for the box of matches.

"Mummy says that's a bad word!" came a small shocked voice from her door. Ri cursed again, silently this time as she turned to look apologetically at her visitor.

"Ali, I'm so sorry sweetie, come in, I didn't see you there," Ri said to the little girl, who was now grinning cheekily at her. Ali walked in and closed the door behind her. "Your mother's right, it is a very bad word, and I shouldn't have said and you must never use it ok?" Ri said. Ali looked unsure.

"But Mummy said I shouldn't tell lies!" Ali objected, clearly trying to look righteous but failing miserably.

"No, she's right about that too," Ri sighed, she recognised Ali's expression, the little girl was clearly thinking she could get something out of this situation. Ri's head felt too clouded to think properly. Money, maybe? Ali clearly thought she was rich now, or maybe... "Tell you what Ali, I bet you aren't allowed to light fires by yourself at home,"

Ali eye's widened with anticipation. She could see what was coming, "Nope!" she squeaked.

"Well, if I let you relight my fire all by yourself, do you promise not to mention that word I used ever again?" Ri asked with a smile.

"Yes! Yes!" said Ali, practically jumping on the spot.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I promise Ri!" she said in delight.

"Ok," said Ri, handing Ali the matches, "now be careful." Ri listed in her mind the various offences she was probably committing right now. Teaching a child that blackmail works, using said blackmail to cover up the fact that she couldn't light the fire herself, oh and of course allowing a small child to light a fire in a situation that may as well be called 'unsupervised'. However, before Ri had had time properly contemplate her crimes Ali had the fire stared and was basking in the thrill of it.

"Well done!" Ri congratulated, taking the matches from Ali and putting them on the mantle. Just looking at the heat of the fire made a hot dizziness come over her. She took a breath. "Now, did your mother send you here to check up on me?"

"She sent me to give you this" said Ali, pulling a hip flask out of her satchel.

"Oh no, it's medicine isn't it?" Ri said, wrinkling her nose instinctively.

Ali nodded apologetically. "You've got to put a few drops in water," Ali explained and went to grab the cup of water from Ri's bedside table. Before Ri could protest Ali was opening the flask and tipping some of the contents (thankfully clear in colour) into the water. She held the mug out to Ri. Ri frowned and didn't take the cup.

"Did Callie tell you to watch me drink it too?" Ri asked, although she already knew the answer. Ali grinned sheepishly. "Thought as much, I don't suppose you would like to set anything else on fire?" Ri asked, half jokingly half hopefully.

"But you're ill, you should have medicine when you're ill, it's good for you!" Ali protested, pushing the mug at Ri. Sighing deeply Ri accepted the mug that was being forced on her, took a deep breath and drunk it all at once.

"Eurgh! That's horrible Ali!" Ri said, putting the mug on the floor. Ali giggled.

"Serves you right for saying a bad word." Ali said reproachfully.

"Yes I suppose it does," agreed Ri. The taste of the medicine was still in her mouth and the after taste was proving to be even worse, surely being ill was better than this.

"I have to go now," announced Ali. Mission accomplished, the girl jumped to her feet.

"Ok, thanks Ali, and don't forget our agreement," Ri said, drawing the girl in for a squeeze.

"I promise!" Ali assured her as she skipped out of the door, closing it behind her.

Ri was left alone in her room with the crackle of the fire. Feeling a shiver down her spine she drew her blankets around her and shifted closer to the warmth of the fire. The light from the flames cast strange shadows around her room. For a while stared absently at the dancing flames, breathing in the light smell of wood ash and enjoying the glow. However, left alone with nothing to think about but herself she was soon feeling worse. The dizziness started in her head again and soon attempting to drag thoughts out of the dense fog that was her mind was more effort than it was worth and she curled up on the rug in front of her fire and drifted into a restless slumber.

She was in the middle of fuzzy dream which somehow involved her and a thunderstorm when she heard the distant sound of a knock at her door.

"Hmm" she murmured, half asleep.

"Can I come in Ri?" all Ri was aware of as she dragged herself from sleep was that the voice was familiar and friendly.

"Come in," she called sleepily. She heard the door open and then shut and looked round. Boromir was standing at the door with his usual kind smile. He was dressed in red and black for the most part with no weapons in sight. Ri was too tired to be surprised or stand up or even do anything more energetic than roll into a sitting position and offer a smile of welcome.

"Hello," she said in a half whisper.

"Hello," he said in an even softer whisper than hers, making her laugh a little. "What are you doing there, you should be in bed,"

"I-" Ri started but before she could finish she sentence Boromir had scooped her up, blanket and all and put her on her bed on her bed in one quick movement. "I was fine!" Ri objected feebly.

Pointedly ignoring her Boromir smiled and sat on the chair beside her bed. "I hear you've been struck by a terrible affliction Ri,"

"It's not terrible, just annoying," Ri smiled "So who sent you down here?"

"Dalin," answered Boromir "I came down here for a walk and I noticed that there wasn't the usual beautiful sound echoing out of your street and so I asked after you."

"Don't worry about me," said Ri as she propped herself up on her pillow "I'm just cold, I'll be fine in a few days, Ali just came by to give me some medicine, anything that tastes that disgusting has to work." Boromir felt her temperature.

"It feels like you're burning up to me," said Boromir, looking at her with a hint of concern on his face. He rose and took an old blue cloth lying by Ri's sink, wet it and then rinsed before returning and gently putting it over her forehead. Ri shivered automatically at the cold touch and brought her blankets further up round her. "It's for your own good," he said smiling when he saw her angry face "You've got a temperature,"

"I'm fine!" she retorted, taking it off her head and throwing it back at him. He raised an eyebrow.

"I see a very different Ri before me now to the one I first met who was terrified of asking me to do anything, now your arguing with me and throwing things at me!" Boromir said, and amused smile on his face.

"I'm too tired for that, I'm afraid today you'll have to put with the same Ri everyone else does" Ri stated.

"I like this Ri, it's a good change," Boromir said lightly. He looked directly at her then and Ri was reminded of how Denethor had looked at her that evening, the same intense eyes that made you think that in their head they were writing a detailed study on all your secrets. Feeling uncomfortable, she broke eye contact.

"Well, I agree you will be fine in time but you'll recover sooner if you keep cool," Boromir continued after a moment. Ri sighed and gathered her legs up towards her under her blanket so that she resembled a snowball with a head popping out at the top.

"I'll make a deal, I'll keep the cloth on if you tell me all about her," Ri said with a coy little smile.

"Her?" questioned Boromir, pretending to look confused.

"You know who I mean!" said Ri smiling broadly "She's all the lower level is talking about but no one actually knows anything, apart from that she's foreign," Ri waited expectantly.

"Oh, my potential bride to be?" asked Boromir, looking not all too enthusiastic. Ri nodded. "Well, she called Elenorie and she's the reason I came down here in the first place, to try to escape the court, I can't seem to go one moment without someone asking me when we're going to name the day," he said, carefully refolding the cloth placing it on her forehead. .

"Oh, so you are getting married!" exclaimed Ri happily "How wonderful! When?"

"Please don't start…" Boromir asked tiredly.

"Oh, sorry…" said Ri quickly, realizing what she had said.

"The truth is, I'm not too sure we will be getting married anyway," admitted Boromir.

"Oh?" Ri prompted

"She is a nice girl, she's quiet, modest, couldn't fault her etiquette…stunningly beautiful…" Boromir paused. He looked down at the floor. "But, I don't think.," he began but seemed to stop himself. His face was a study in uncertainty and doubt. Ri could see him rearranging his words in his mind. "You have to understand my father is-" he stopped again. Ri said nothing. He started again "I am not sure of her thoughts." There was a silence then.

When it seemed he wasn't about to say any more Ri decided to prompt him "That's all? Really?" Ri gave him a look that said she knew he wasn't saying something.

He gave a weak smile but looked back down at the floor.

"Just say it, you're thinking it, I can see that, just say it," Ri said. She took one hand out from the covers and lightly placed on his and said "if you want to say it I give you my word no one else will hear of from me."

He felt her move her hand from his and saw he put it back under her blanket. She was waiting patiently. He looked into her eyes. They looked open, honest, peaceful. Those eyes looked like they would were happy to wait all night for him to answer.

The story finally came out in bits and pieces with long pauses between. Ri remained silent, just listening. Ri eventually came to understand that though this girl was lovely (he was always careful to praise her virtues) he could tell from the start that she was not exactly delighted about the prospect of marriage. However she seemed to care for her family and wished to please them. Boromir told Ri that he had the suspicion after meeting with her a few times that there was another she had feelings for. He had asked his maid (Ri remembered meeting Penny in the palace) to see she if she could find anything out but she hadn't had any success.

"I don't know," Boromir admitted, resting his head in his hands. "I don't know exactly who it is but I know there's something. You see in a way I've almost resigned myself to a marriage to someone who I don't particularly want to marry but if the girl doesn't want to marry me either… the whole thing seems so pointless."

Ri could only agree with this statement, but again she kept quiet.

"I think I could live with a quiet wife, presentable at court, there would be no love but as long as there is mutual respect I could live with that," Boromir paused "but I don't think I could live in a marriage knowing that my wife felt forced into the marriage… cared for someone else,"

Ri thought perhaps he was basing a lot on some unfounded assumption and maybe her face said it for her because after glancing at her he continued.

"I'm quite certain of it, you can tell when someone looks at you and wishes you were someone else." Ri looked over at his face but couldn't quite make out his expression but the tone of his words told her everything. He seemed tired, anxious and frustrated all that the same time. Ri had no idea what to say, if indeed anything could be said to make him feel better. She felt an overwhelming feeling of pity for Boromir, so much so that she automatically shuffled to the edge of her bed and reached out and put her arms round him. Ri could feel all the tension in his body slowly fading as he relaxed and wrapped his arms round her in all her blankets. His clothes had a pleasant musky smell that she remembered from his study. She could feel his breath on her neck. The warmth of his body was all around her. She felt Boromir take a breath and squeeze her tighter to him and for a single moment Ri felt entirely, wholly, well again, not cold or hot or shivery, just content to be where she was at that moment.

So, its been, umm, well there's no point using a euphemism... it's been five years since I last updated. That's pretty shocking I know, but this story has been in and out of my head the whole time I do want to do something good with it, I really enjoy writing it and I hope people enjoy reading it and that's why I have come back to it after all this time.

So all this time and all this is is only a rewritten chapter! Well guess people are unlikely to remember anyway (and I don't know if it will get listed as an updated story) but I assure you to make up a lot of the next chapter is already done.

I have a tiny little excuse, at some point in those five years my computer decided to wipe the chapters into oblivion, of course it mostly doesn't matter as it is all on the site anyway but I did this whole other chapter long scene written (I was writing it at a snails pace over that time – didn't abandon it see? Told you I liked writing it) and, well, it was kinda crushing when it disappeared. I know that's a pathetic excuse.

I don't even really know why I said all that. I just felt something should be said after all that time.

The most important thing is, as ever, I hope you enjoyed and please please review. Every review means so much to me, really. I'd love any advice or constructive criticism you want to throw my way, or ideas and things you'd like to see in the story (I won't say they'll definitely be used but I'll carefully consider each one), but "good story" is just as great if you're in a rush.