Title: Why Me?

By: Silverdemonwolf

Warnings: This will have yaoi so if you don't like then please don't read I don't want flames. You've been warned.

Pairings: Inuyasha and Kouga so far maybe more pairings later on.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Katsuya is the OC created by Spiritraven.

A/N: I would like to thank Spiritraven for allowing me to use Katsuya for my fic. She's a great writer and if you haven't read Second Chances or a New Life then you need too. Now on with the story.

Chapter One:

Sesshoumaru ignored the other Lords as they glared at him. He was now at the age to take a mate and have heirs for the Western Lands and he had no plans to mate Sesshoumaru was fine being alone with no female or male missing up his life. "I have no need for a mate. Inuyasha is the heir to the Western Lands."

"He is a useless hanyou Sesshoumaru, surely you do not want him as your heir?" Ryu said with silver eyes filled with anger. He was a bear youkai and the Lord of the Southern Lands.

"Inuyasha can tear you apart stupid bear." Katsuya Lord of the Northern Lands and father of Kouga smirked at the other demon. "Hell that hanyou is almost equal in strength to Kouga."

Ryu growled. "Kouga is weak so I'm not surprised if he's at the same level of a hanyou."

"Really then how is it Kouga was able to send your son home with his tail between his legs?" Katsuya grinned when the bear youkai bared his fangs. "Sesshoumaru even has a hard time trying to defeat his brother." Katsuya turned his head to face the Taiyoukai. "I do want to ask why you want Inuyasha to be your heir? I thought you hated him?"

"Inuyasha has proven himself as worthy of the Inu clan of the West." Sesshoumaru wasn't one to answer questions, but Katsuya was a friend of his late father and was at least three thousand years older then him. Katsuya is the only demon that was allowed to get away with treating him like a pup. "The pups of Inuyasha will also become heirs when he mates."

"I have nothing against Inuyasha, however Sesshoumaru your brother is rumored to love the miko he travels with should they have pups they would be more ningen then youkai. The Western Lands will be weaken." Asuma a kitsune youkai and Lord of the Eastern Lands told the younger Lord.

"The kitsune is right, Sesshoumaru?" Katsuya knew Sesshoumaru didn't want to be tried down, but he might not have a choice. "Inuyasha must marry a youkai and no bitch will have him." He has heard how the Inu females of Sesshoumaru's pack spoke about Inuyasha.

Ryu smiled pleased that he has won or so he thought. "My daughter would be more then happy to become your mate, Sesshoumaru."

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed now he knew why the bear youkai has been pushing him to mate. He wanted his daughter the ugly and spoiled Mitsu to become his mate. Sesshoumaru would rather mate Jaken then her. "I am the head of this clan and who Inuyasha mates is also my choice. I will find a strong mate for my half brother. How about Kouga, Katsuya?"

"Sesshoumaru how will there be heirs if you allow Inuyasha to mate Katsuya's son?" Asuma leaned back against his chair wondering if the inu had lost his mind.

It was Sesshoumaru's turn to smirk. "My brother is a bearer."

Katsuya almost spit out the tea he just drank when he heard Sesshoumaru. He quickly forces his tea down his throat and looked at the Taiyoukai. "How is it I've never known about this, Sesshoumaru?"

"Father wanted it kept quiet." And with good reason since the pups of a bearer were very powerful. Inuyasha would be hunted because of his gift some because of fear and others because of wanting him to have their pups. "Kouga would be prefect and it would unite the North and West."

It was a good idea and Kame knew that brat of his did need a mate Kouga was the same age as Sesshoumaru. Katsuya was tired of hearing his son talk about the miko he wanted as a mate. "Alright, we agree my son Kouga will be the mate of Inuyasha."

"I will have the contact written at once." Sesshoumaru was pleased even knowing Inuyasha was going to throw a fit. Oh well, the hanyou will learn his place.