Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX.

Summary: Unknown forces seem to wander around Duel Academy… at the same time, Alexis is acting awkward… as if she was possessed.

Prologue: Nightmare of the Fang


"Hey Lex… whatcha doin?" a younger version of Atticus asked from behind a tree. A younger version of Alexis looked up from her deck.

"Just looking over my cards Atty.," She said in a sweet voice. Atticus bent down and looked at them.

"Wow Lexi. Those are some powerful cards you got there." His sister beamed. He smiled; seeing his sister's smile was worth anything.

Alexis was content. Suddenly, her brother's smile turned into a sadistic smirk, and he started laughing a cruel, evil laugh. Alexis looked down at her hand and realized her cards were fading into a black mist. She abruptly let go of the cards, not wanting her hands to be sucked into by the mist. Alexis couldn't breathe; there was a powerful odor in the air, which smelled like burning corpses and rotting human flesh. Even though she wasn't breathing, she smelled blood. She looked to her right; her brother was fading. She tried calling out to him, but her voice was gone.

Alexis stood up and ran. She didn't have a clue to where she was running off to, but her instinct told her to leave, now. As she ran, she looked behind her and saw a pool of blood tracing her steps. She heard a growl in front of her, and she turned to see a man. He was clad in a gray cloak, and his hood was up. She saw a hint of red, and realized it was his eyes glowing. He opened his mouth, and she saw fangs. Large and sharp fangs, ready to bite her when it lurched forward. Alexis could not move. It was as if she was stuck in that one spot. The man's fangs dug into her delicate neck, and she let out a scream.

Alexis jerked forward from her comfy pillow and bed, which was covered in sweat. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead, and a cry let out softly from her mouth. She heard a faint beeping¸ and looked to her left to face her alarm clock; the number 7:30 beeping.

Alexis let out a sigh. 'It was only a nightmare.' She thought. She rose from her bed and performed her usual activities. She made her bed, and combed her hair after taking a shower. She looked into the mirror. There were bags under her eyes. She only sighed. She dressed into her uniform and left to receive breakfast.

"Hey Lexi, you don't look so good." Mindy told her, looking at her friend with a concerned face.

"Yea Alexis, are you okay?" Jasmine asked. She was concerned as well.

Alexis only nodded her head. "I'm fine; I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"You sure?"

"Yea. Don't worry."

"Ok" Mindy said, looked at Jasmine with a worried face.

Alexis sat down to eat with her friends. Throughout the meal, she seemed distant. Her eyes were hazy, and she was eating food, not caring what she ate.

Mindy and Jasmine looked at each other. There was no doubt that they were worried for their friend.

Alexis was pondering over her dream. 'Why did I have that nightmare? It's not like me.' She bit her lip unconsciously, and closed her eyes. She shoved her food away, telling her friends she wasn't very hungry, and excused herself.

Alexis walked around Duel Academy, ignoring the stares of other Obelisks who were wondering what was wrong with the Queen of Obelisk Blue.


In every corner of Duel Academy lay a shadow. In the depths of those shadows laid a master of darkness.

A female vampire clad in a red robe was bowing before her master. She had straight black hair that reached her mid-back. Her eyes were completely black, and her bright white fangs showed through her lips that were covered in ruby lipstick. She was in a black bodice and ruffled mini skirt which reached her mid-thigh. The female had tattoos surrounding her arms and legs. Her hands were pale and fingers were long. Her nails were long as well, covered in red nail polish.

"Master Origon… I have found you a maiden host. She will be of great use to you," said the female vampire in a voice that could make women jealous. The male vampire on the throne smirked.

The male vampire was in a cloak, but it was gray. He had red eyes and white sharp fangs as well, but his lips were maroon by birth. His black hair was in a ponytail behind his back, and his skin was pale as a ghost.

"Very good Nora. You have performed an excellent job. Now, who is this young lady?"

Nora smiled a sadistic smile. With a wave of her hand, she created a white portal the size of a wheel. Inside the portal was a picture of a blonde girl around fifteen, with brown eyes and white skin. She was wearing an Obelisk Blue uniform as well.

Origon smirked. "She is perfect." Nora smirked as well. "What is her name?" Origon asked.

Nora replied. "Alexis Rhodes, Master."

Origon nodded his head in acceptance. "Good. She will be the perfect host, and Queen." The two of them laughed in the shadows.


What do you think? Please review. I'm not sure what the pairings will be. Let me think first.