Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers

A/N: I decided to write this after laughing myself stupid while watching Forever Red. I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but I find humor in just about anything. Well here it is!

Andross layed low in the dirt and rocks on the moon so that the machines couldn't see him. He smiled as he saw that they were no where near done digging up Serpentira. They had dug up what looked like a wing or a fin or something. Just then his cell phone rang.


"Bro, you gotta get Zhane. He's trying to touch me again!" Karone said over the phone.

"Look, just tell him I said stop, okay?"


Andross hung his cell phone only to have it ring again.


"Andross, Carlos is trying to touch me again!" this time the whining was from Ashley.

"Just tell him the judge said he can't be within 50 yards of you."

"Okay, is you think it will work."

Once again, his phone rang.


"Andross, Jus-"

"Let me guess Cassie, Justin is trying to touch you again?"


"Dammit Cassie just kick him in the jewels!" Andross hung up the phone.

You guessed it, his phone rang again. At this point he was seriously considering throughing the phone in a crater.


"Andross, he's still doing it." the three whiny voices of Cassie, Karone, and Ashely came over his phone.

"Put them on the phone now!" moments later, the three pervs in question were heard over his phone.

"Hello?" Carlos said timidly.

"Don't hello me! Didn't I tell you three not to cause any trouble while I was gone?"

"Yes." all three said like scolded children.

"And what did they teach you at those meetings your parole officer made you go to?"

"That no means no."

"Good. Now if I get another call, I'm going to rip all of you to pieces. Understood?"

"Yes Andross." Andross hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

"At least my mission is going...good?" it was then that Andross noticed that in the little bit of time he had spent on the phone, they had made alot of progress in digging up the zord. The only thing still buried was it's tail. "Guess I better call Tommy."

Location: Bulk's Cabana.

"You have a phone call." Bulk said as he handed Tommy the phone.


"Uh Tommy, the Machine Empire is digging up Serpentira."

"Don't sweat it. I'm sure it will take them time to dig it up."

"Actually thier kinda almost done."

"Then we must act now! Quickly, summon all the red rangers you can get in contact with."

"Shouldn't we get other colors too?"

"Hell no!"


Location: Aquitar

Aurico sat on his phone, waiting for Leo to pick up.


"Hey Leo, it's Aurico."


"Aurico, the red Alien Ranger."

"Oh yeah, Aurico." Leo had no idea who this man was. Hell, he didn't even know they were Alien Rangers. "So why are you calling me?"

"Did you get contacted about teaming up with the other Red Rangers?"

"Yeah why?"

"Cause I kinda need a lift and I was wondering if you could pick me up."

"Pick you up? In what?"

"Your Jet Jammer."

"Are you kidding? That thing can barely support my weight let alone yours too. Plus Aquitar is like way out of my way."

"That's sad to hear. Cause if Jason knew that you wouldn't come pick me up, he might think less of you." Aurico smiled as he said this. He knew that Leo,(like all the other red rangers with the exception of himself, Rocky, and Tommy) loved the attention of the first red ranger.

Leo was silent for a moment. "You better be morphed and ready when I get thier!" Leo said as he hung up his phone. He slowly and silently approached the Quasar Sabers. He grabbed the handle of his and just as he was about to pull...

"What are you doing Leo?" Leo quickly spun around to see Kendrix, Damon, Kai, and Maya

"Uh, nothing."

"You wouldn't be taking you Quasar Saber to go on some mission without us would you?" Kai asked.

"Of course not! I'm just...polishing the Sabers is all!" Leo said.

"You really expect us to fall for that?" Maya asked.

Leo responded by kicking dust into the eyes of his fellow rangers and running away with his saber.

Location: Rocky's house in Angel Grove

"Let the machine get it." Rocky said to the woman he was currently making out with.

"You have reached the Rockstar. I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message." BEEP Rocky's answer machine said.

"Hey Rocky it's Tommy. Me and Jase and the other Red Ranger are teaming up for a mission to the moon. So if you get this message, bring your morpher and come to the NASADA base. Holla!" Tommy had been ending conversations like that for about a month in his effort to become 'hip'. This also included cutting his hair, dressing differently, and getting a tatoo on his back that read "Screw you Kim and Kat because I don't care if you both broke up with me because I'm cool now and I kick much ass and I'm the bestest ranger of all time so there!" The tatoo took up his emtire back and had a giant tiger, dragon, star and a race car underneath.

"You were a Power Rnager?" the woman asked.

"Um, uh , see the thing about that is..." Rocky then hit the woman about the head with a lamp until she was bleeding. "Guess I' better bury the body." Rocky said as he dragged her body away.

Location: Silver Hills

Wes is at his mailbox reading his mail and sipping a cup of coffee. He had on a red robe and a pair of red slippers. He still had on his beret and his morpher. He then saw Eric come out his house with an enraged Taylor right behid him. Eric was dressed similar to him, but minus the beret.

"Who the hell is Maya? Tell me now Eric!" Taylor yelled

"She's the yellow Lost Galaxy ranger." Eric answered.

"And why the hell is her number in your phone?"

"Cause, um, us rangers need to keep in touch?" Eric's answer sounded more like a question.

"Bullshit Eric! and who is Kelsey?"

"Yellow Lightspeed Rescue ranger."

"And why do you have her number?"

"Um, would you believe the same excuse I had about Maya?"

"I can't believe you Eric! You were probally doing it with Katie since you joined the team." Taylor yelled Eric simply stood thier looking guilty. "I'm going to the park with the others. I talk to you when I cool off." Taylor said as she stormed off.

Wes didn't even look up from the piece of mail he was reading. "I guess she found out about that fetish you have for yellow rangers."

"Yeah. I don't get why she flipped out like that though." Eric said nonchantly. Just then, the cell phones of both men rang.

"Come to the NASADA Spaceport." the person, who was trying to cover up his identity, said before hanging up.

"Should we trust it?" Wes said refering to the call

"Don't see why not. I mean, whats the worst that can happen?"

"We could be walking into a trap."

"So what? We're Power Rangers. Red Rangers at that. We can totally handle it."

"Okay. Let's go then." Wes and Eric then pulled off their robes to show that they were wearing thier Silver Guardian uniforms. Eric reached into a pocket and pulled out his shades which he then put on. Wes then pulled a beret out of his pocket, one that was much redder than his current beret. He put it on and they left in thier SUV.

Location: Random Park in Turtle Cove Island

The Wild Force rangers are in the park playing random games when they notice a yellow jeep. A man then emerged from it.

"Cole Evans?" the man asked. Cole didn't answer, but instead slowly approached the man with the other rangers.

The man decided to ask again. "Cole Evans? Red Wild Force Power Ranger right?" this time he was really loud and people started to stare.

Cole and the other rangers quickly tryed to silence the man as he continued to ask Cole if he was a Red Ranger.

"Yes! I'm Cole Evans! Now please shut up!" Cole said. "What a sec, how do you know my name?"

"Carter Grayson, Red Lightspeed Rescue Power Ranger. I've been sent to obtain you for a mission."

Danny was about to say something, but was silenced when Carter kicked him square in the face.

"All non- Red Ranger are to be silent during this episode." Carter said. "So are you coming or not?"

Cole shrugged and hoped into the jeep. After a few hours of driving, Carter and Cole made it to the NASADA Spaceport. When there, Cole instantly reconized Eric and Wes.

"Damn, I think he saw me!" Wes said

"Just pretend you don't see him." Eric said as he tryed to turn away.

"Wes, Eric! Good to see you!" Cole said as he shoke the hands of the rangers.

"This is Eric Myers, the Quatnam Ranger. Amd this is Wesley Collins, the Red Time Force Ranger." Carter said.

"I know. We kinda alreadt met." Cole said.

"I know, I just like the sound of my own voice." Carter answered.

A red car then pulled into the area they were in. Another man emerged from the car.

"This is Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson, the Red Turbo Ranger." Carter said.

"Just call me TJ." TJ said as he shoke Cole's hand.

"No, call him Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson. That's his name." Carter said.

"But everyone calls me TJ."

"Why? You have three Js in you name. Shouldn't you be TJJJ?" Cole asked

"Or TJ to the third power." Wes added.

"Or just omit the Js and call yourself Theo." Eric said.

"Or maybe T3J." Carter continued.

'You guys are putting too much thought into this." TJ said.

"Maybe your not putting enough thought into it!" Wes said.

"Yeah!" Carter, Eric, and Cole said in defense.

"Do you mind shutting up?" Andross said as he walked up.

TJ turned to Andross "You seem a little on edge. Did Carlos and the others get happy hands again?" Andross nodded.

"Who's that?" Cole asked.

"Andross, Red Astro Ranger." Carter answered.

"Good to see everyone's here. We can began when our leader gets here." Andross said.

"Who's our leader?" Wes asked.

A red spotlight then appeared in the center of the room. "American Bad Ass" by Kid Rock begins playing as Tommy emerges from the ground. He is sitting in a throne and has a crown on his head. he has on red, green, and white robe.

"I am the team leader." he said in his loudest voice.

"Who is that?" Cole asked.

"Tommy, The King of Power Rangers. He's a legend." TJ said.

Tommy then rose from his throne, lifted the sword he used as the evil Green Ranger, and lightning came down and struck the sword. When the smoke cleared, Tommy was wearing his regular clothes and the throne was gone. The music had also stopped.

"Alright rangers, let's begin."

To Be Continued...