MKR & related © CLAMP, etc. Story © 2006 suzanami. Do not redistribute without permission.

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They say you can't go back
Well, baby I don't believe that
Come along with me
Come on and dance with me
Maybe if I hold you close
Baby we could just let go
Of these things that tie us down
We'll come back around
Do you remember?
We were laughing
We were so in love, so in love

-- "We Danced Anyway"; Deanna Carter

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Ferio, Presea and Lafarga headed towards Clef's study. The Mage had called them to a small meeting and was testy when people were late. Especially lately. Everyone could see that something had been on Clef's mind, making him rather grouchy. His words from the previous week had surfaced in Ferio's memory: "Cephiro has no current major threats" he had told them. The more he thought about it, the more concerned Ferio became.

The door to the study was open and the trio entered to find Clef behind his desk. Lantis was at his side. They did not recognize, however, the small, dark-haired man in burgundy robes. Ferio did note the royal emblem of the country of Fahren on his back.

"Guru?" Presea stepped forward. "You called us?"

Clef rose from his seat. "The reason that I haven't made this known to the court earlier is because we thought it would already be resolved. Unfortunately, negotiations haven't been going well this far."

Now the prince took a step nearer to the desk. "Negotiations?"

"The elders of the Fahren court greatly desire to use a large area of Cephiran land," Clef explained. "They wish to use it for a trading port, since it's almost an equal distance to the various trading posts of other countries."

"Bentley," Lagarga realized.

Clef nodded. "We've sworn to the people of Bentley that we would protect the village. Trading will bring in foreign riffraff and disrupt the people's lives, if not put them in dangerous positions."

"Then why don't we just tell Fahren to forget it?" Ferio rested a fist on his hip. "What's the complication?"

"The Fahren elders are very insistent," Clef explained. "While it would be uncomfortable for the people of Bentley, Cephiro would benefit from the social advantages of trade. The country is still in emotional recovery from the change in the support system," he added, referring to the abolishment of the Pillar system three years ago.

"We would restrict it merely to the town of Bentley," the Fahren negotiator piped up, straightening his posture even more as he spoke.

"It's unfair to the other countries for only Fahren to own the trading post," Clef countered. "We don't wish to engage Cephiro in politics like its neighbors. We are a utopia."

The dark man snorted and Ferio noted Clef bristle slightly. "Utopias do not sacrifice young girls to give up their lives and kill each other to protect the country's stability."

If Clef was bristling before, he was trembling with anger now. The Cephirans gathered knew that Clef was extremely sensitive on the topic of the Pillar system; he had never liked it and had been deeply shaken when the Magic Knights' hearts were ripped to shreds because of said system. He opened his mouth to speak but Lantis spoke first, preventing the Mage from responding in anger.

"A pure utopia is impossible," he said. "But Cephiro is much closer to being one now that the Pillar system has been abolished and the citizens uphold the country themselves." His azure eyes narrowed. "I assume your outburst is not representative of the leaders you represent."

The negotiator balked. Straightening, he recited, "If there is no further discussion, I await your representative."

Presea looked from Clef to the negotiator, then back to Clef. "Representative?"

"Fahren requested that if we couldn't come to a compromise, that a representative or two would go for an audience with Princess Aska and the elders," Clef said, motioning to the negotiator to get lost. The man did, bowing as he left. As the door shut behind him, blue eyes turned to those gathered. "The question is, who should I send?"

"I'll go, Guru," Ferio offered, stepping forward. "I'm the prince."

"Need I remind you, Ferio, that's an honorary title, as it was to your sister," Presea supplied, glancing at said honorary prince out of the corner of her eye. "Your parents were not kings. We don't exactly have a monarchy here. Even Emeraude earned her title more than you."

Ferio snorted, eyes darted to Lafarga for backup. The Captain of the Guard just glanced back at Clef. So much for help from Lafarga. "Guru Clef..."

"Presea's right," Clef said, almost smiling at Ferio's childish annoyance. "We need to send someone civil and level-headed. An ambassador that is comfortable working with the leaders of Fahren."

It was quiet in the room for a few moments. Suddenly, Presea's eyes lit up, quickly followed by Clef's and Lafarga's. "Of course!" Presea said, slapping her fist into her palm and making Ferio jump. "Fuu!"

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Fuu jumped, whirling around and grasping the edge of the kitchen counter at her back. "Kuu-san! You scared me half to death!"

"Then I'll be sure not to do it again," Kuu winked. "Oh, I'm sorry, Fuu-san. I didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"I didn't know anyone was home," Fuu replied, palm pressed to her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart. Stupid adrenaline. "When did you come in?"

"When you were running the water, I think."

"Ah." Inhaling slowly, Fuu turned back to where she was making her small lunch. "I didn't expect you home from your examinations so early."

Kuu watched her baby sister as she carefully read the instructions on the instant miso soup package. Fuu had been detached the past few days, and it worried Kuu, always concerned about her sister. Fuu usually had a light in her eyes. Oh, sure, she'd gone through a couple ambiguous down periods, but Kuu knew that Hikaru and Umi were always there for Fuu. Her two best friends could always put that light back in her eyes; it was there whenever she came back from spending time with them, especially on Sundays.

But the past few days... "Fuu-san, are you okay?"

The blonde turned to stare at her older sister. "Why would you ask me that?"

"You've been so... so glazed over all week!" Kuu raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen?" When Fuu stiffened, Kuu knew she'd hit a nerve. "What is it, Fuu? Can't you tell me?"

Fuu opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as the phone rang. "I wish I could," Fuu replied quickly as she leaned to pick up the phone.

Kuu rested her cheek on the back of her fist as Fuu chatted on the phone. Little sister wasn't going to tell her what was wrong. She might as well give up. Kuu sighed as Fuu hung up the phone. "Well, if you want to talk, you know where to find me," she recited as she exited the kitchen.

"Right..." Fuu glanced at the still-uprepared soup and then at her watch. If she was going to meet Umi and Hikaru, she'd have to get going now.

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"The girls are here." Ascot's voice was low and unreadable.

Caldina looked up from her book. "How do you know?"

The summoner continued staring out the window. "I felt Umi's presence. They're here." Ferio was out the door before Ascot finished his sentence.

The prince practically broke the sound barrier tearing to the gardens where the Knights always arrived. Upon arriving, he slowed to a walk and tried to catch his breath, hoping no one would notice how quickly he'd tried to get there; least of all Fuu.

Indeed, the girls were just appearing in a flash of sparkling yellow light, their feet coming to rest on the ground beneath them. Like always, they slowly opened their eyes; Ferio couldn't help but notice less strain in Umi's. The three held hands tightly even after they'd looked around. They stayed together until Hikaru cried, "Lantis!", breaking from the group to jump into the darker man's arms.

Ferio frowned internally but brushed it off. He didn't come any nearer to where Umi and Fuu stood. Looking closer, he saw that the two still had their fingers linked together. His heart raced. Had the two come to terms? There didn't seem to be any obvious animosity between the two like last weekend. Maybe Fuu wasn't angry anymore!

Fuu murmured something to Umi, leaning close to her friend. Umi smiled in response and dropped Fuu's hand. The Wind Knight turned her head and Ferio's breath caught when her eyes met his. He couldn't read them, but the smile on her face was artificial; he knew her smiles too well to believe it was genuine.

He found her at his side. "Good morning, Prince Ferio," she said politely, and his heart fell.

"What's with the formalities?" he replied, not bothering to say hello.

Which she noticed. "You could at least greet me first." Her green eyes narrowed at him.

"Sorry." Following a whim and taking a risk, he found her hand and knelt, brushing his lips over the back of her fingers. He dropped her hand as he stood, satisfied to see a delicate blush gracing her cheeks. "Good morning, Knight of Windam." Her eyes, too, seemed to dim at the formal title. Like she hadn't been cold with him. "Is there a reason you greet me before anyone else?"

She averted her gaze, finding the stone path beneath them very interesting. "The sun is so bright," she replied softly. "I was wondering if you'd like to find a more shady area to talk." She habitually spoke at a much higher register than him -- which he always thought was adorable -- but today her voice was more formal and impersonal than he'd ever heard it. He knew her well enough to know that it was forced.

"It's hard to look at you with the sun in my eyes," the prince agreed, nodding his head towards a shadier area where vines grew in natural arches, creating a dappling green tunnel over the path.

He hated how far from him she walked. I suppose I should get used to it, he thought, frowning. If we're over, what more does she have to say to me?

Fuu's voice broke into his thoughts. "Isn't it funny how the sun manages to break through the earth's plants?"


She stopped walking, looking up at the twisting, curving vines over her head, so much like Earth's own ivy. "The gold of the sun. It always finds its way through the green to get inside, to warm this tunnel with its light."

Ferio took a step back to see her better. Even when she hated him, she was breath-taking. Her chin was tilted up, one arm crossed over her belly, the other raised to her chin. She leaned her weight on one foot, her head tilted slightly as she gazed up, trying to see the sun through the leaves. The gold of the sun did indeed dapple through, washing over her delicate frame and making her glow. Tucking a honey-colored curl behind her ear, she returned her gaze to meet his. "What?" she blinked.

"Ah..." Ferio fidgeted. "You just have something on your face," he lied, taking the opportunity to brush his gloved fingers against her cheek, earning a soft blush. Trying to find the breath he'd lost, he turned and continued walking. "Did you want to talk to me about something?"

Her voice cracked when she replied. "I'm sorry for being so cold."

He stopped and turned. "What?"

She twisted her hands, looking away. "I... I've been thinking a lot this week, and Umi-san and I are doing much better, but... I don't know how to act around you."

"Is there something you want to tell me, Fuu?"

When he said her name, her eyes faltered. She stared at him for a long time with her always-melancholy eyes. She hadn't held his gaze this long since he'd told her what he'd done. God, but she was bewitching him, even now, with that viridescent gaze. He swallowed as his breath felt short. Her mouth finally opened and she spoke. "I haven't been able to bring myself to forgive you yet," she whispered, looking at him a moment more before turning and running back to where they'd walked from.

Well. That had been lovely.

End Chapter Five