Sorry it took a while, guys! I just don't like updating very much (you can all tell, can't you?) Well, anyways, here's the next chapter! Can't say much! Oh, and if I make any mistakes, please tell me. I don't have a beta, but I don't want one (no offense to those who want to be my beta, and no offense to me being the self-centered person I am) I just like doing things myself.
Enough of my babbling.
Disclaimer: Does it look like I own the SLOZC or the Harry Potter stars? If I did, would I even be here? No, I would be too busy trying to touch up my English accent to get a roll in a Harry Potter movie or in the SLOZC. But I wouldn't need an English accent for that.
I'm babbling. Here's the chapter!
James and Oliver were walking through the hotel of the Tipton lobby. Smiles were plastered on both of their faces. Their red hair was bobbing up and down as they took each step. Girls stopped their conversations with the other girls just to gaze at how hot they were.
James and Oliver decided to sit down on the couch.
"Ah, what a beautiful day," said Oliver just as they heard some thunder from outside.
It was just then that Rupert ran inside, his hands over his head.
"It's pouring outside!" he said.
"No offense, but no duh," said James.
"You got a date yet?" asked Oliver.
"As a matter of fact, I do," said Rupert. "She is a pretty brunette, all-American, though. And, did I mention that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world?"
"Well, there's a shocker," said James.
"You haven't stopped talking about her, Rupert, I think we get it," said Oliver.
"Oh yeah? Well, who have you two got a date with, then?"
James and Oliver looked at each other.
"He has a point," said James.
"I'd like an American," said Oliver.
"They're all American's here," said James.
"I want a real American," said Oliver.
"Give it a rest."
"No, you give it a rest."
"No, you."
"No, you."
"Shut up!" roared Rupert. "Both of you, just give it a rest!"
James and Oliver looked up at Rupert.
"No, you," they said in unison. Rupert rolled his eyes and left. And it was just as he left that two very pretty girls, about one year younger than James and Oliver, sat down on the couch opposite them, not noticing them, and started gossiping.
"Did you hear about Kara?"
"Oh, yeah, she just got that role in that new TV series."
"I'm so happy for her."
"I knew her agent would pay off someday."
James and Oliver weren't listening to their conversations, though. They were just staring at how beautiful they were. Then, they turned to each other and started communicating in their secret language.
"Mimo dey lasr harf?" (Should we do it?) asked Oliver.
"Hio jer dey mimo!" (I say we should.) said James.
"Ney ler," (You first.) said Oliver.
"Hesr, ney!" (No, you!) said James.
"Hesr ney!" (No, you!)
"Hesr ney!"
"Hesr ney!"
"Hesr ney!"
"Bably, jers lasr harf hastledsy," (Wait, let's do it together,) said Oliver.
"Krawded," (Agreed,) said James.
The two girls were still talking. James and Oliver stood up and walked over.
"Hello," they both said together.
"Hello," the two girls said together.
"You look familiar," said the brunette. "Have I seen you somewhere?"
"Yes, you have," said the blonde. "They're the twins from the Harry Potter movies."
"Oh," said the brunette. Then, she started blushing. "Hi…um…my name's…Jamie."
"Yeah, and I'm Lizzie," said the blonde more bravely then the brunette. Obviously, she held the courage out of the two of them.
"Nice to meet you," said Oliver. "I'm Oliver –"
"And I'm James," said James. "Once again, pleased to meet you."
"Not as pleased as we are," Jamie blurted out.
"Give us a moment, please," said James. He took Oliver aside.
"Okay, I get the blonde, you get the brunette," said James.
"Done," said Oliver. They walked back.
"Anyways," the two twins said in unison.
"We're going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the success of the fourth Harry Potter movie," said Oliver.
"I was wondering, Lizzie, would you like to come with me?" asked James.
"And Jamie, would you like to come with me?" asked Oliver.
The two girls were speechless.
"Sure," they said in unison.
"Great," said the twins in unison.
"Meet us right here tomorrow night at seven," said James.
"Until tomorrow, I see you again, Jamie," said Oliver, causing Jamie to blush.
"Until tomorrow," said Jamie.
"We can't wait," said Lizzie.
"Trust us, nor can we," said James.
Emma was walking around the hotel with Maddie. Maddie was just so down to earth and didn't really care that you were famous, she would just be your friend. And she was now Emma's new friend.
"So, how do you like Boston so far?" asked Maddie.
"Oh, it's excellent," said Emma. "I've had so much fun here, and I really wish I didn't have to leave."
"Yeah, I wish the same," said Maddie. "Maybe we could exchange e-mail addresses!"
"I don't have an e-mail," said Emma. "Too many fans have tried to e-mail me, trying to get in contact, so I've just disconnected my e-mail."
"Oh," said Maddie, a bit depressed.
"But…maybe I could start a new one, just for friends," said Emma.
"I'll help you if you need any," said Maddie.
"Thanks, Maddie," said Emma.
"So, you find a date for dinner tomorrow?" asked Maddie.
"Actually…no," said Emma.
"No?" said Maddie.
"No," said Emma. "I've met plenty of boys here, but just not the right one. And it's sort of weird for a girl to ask a boy."
"Bonnie did it," said Maddie. She had become friends with Bonnie as well.
"Yeah, but Bonnie does everything," said Emma. "She's really daring. I'm not like that."
"I could always ask for you," suggested Maddie.
"Yeah, but I don't know who –" Emma was cut off by accidentally knocking into a boy.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" said Emma.
"It's okay, completely my fault," said the boy. He looked into Emma's eyes. "Hm…so you're Emma Watson."
"Yeah, that's me, and I don't know who you are," said Emma lamely.
"I'm Steven, just checked in," he said. Maddie looked at this guy and, for some reason, felt he didn't really like Emma.
"Well," said Emma, looking at Maddie, hoping she would get the message. But she didn't. "Well…we're all going out to dinner tomorrow night, and I was just wondering whether…you know…you would like to be my date?"
"I would love to," said Steven. "Well, I've got to go. So, I'll see you tomorrow, I guess. In the lobby?"
"At seven," said Emma. Steven walked away and Emma sighed.
"Isn't he just so hot?" she asked. Maddie, being the honest, truthful friend she was, was going to answer, but didn't want to make Emma mad.
"I think he's just the one for you," Maddie lied.
"Now, about you," said Emma. "I can tell that you don't really like Rob."
"Huh?" asked Maddie, totally giving away that she wasn't being truthful about Rob. "I do too like Rob."
"Maddie, you're lying," said Emma.
"Well…okay…so I don't like Rob the way he likes me," said Maddie. "I guess I sort of…well…"
"Like Dan?" Emma finished.
"How did you know?" asked Maddie.
"I could tell by the time you first looked at Dan in person, your eyes glowed. And when Rob asked you to the dinner, you just sort of…looked let down, like you wanted Dan."
"Well…I do want Dan."
"Then go for it."
"I can't. I'm a girl. Girl's don't ask guys to dinner's."
"Bonnie did. I did. Now it's your turn, and then I can say you did."
"Well, I have another plan with London."
"And I'm going to take a guess on this one," said Emma. "You are planning to be flirtatious with Dan while London, whom I've figured out likes Rob, will ask flirtatious with Rob. But, the thing is, that will only make Dan jealous of Rob and Rob jealous of Dan. Then, the two will get into a whole big fight."
"Well…" said Maddie. "I'm not good around boys."
"Come on," said Emma. "I know how to cheer you up. Let's go shopping! I'm buying!"