DISCLAIMER::: Everything you recognize belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. I just love them so much I wanted to play with them a little.

Summary::: Hermione gets out of the hospital. NOW COMPLETE

New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen

Hermione stood on the platform for the Hogwarts Express looking out at the path leading up to the gates. Taking a deep breath, she started walking. Severus had wanted to escort her back to Hogwarts upon her release from St Mungo's, but she had insisted that she couldn't spend the rest of her life afraid to go anywhere by herself.

When she passed through the gates without incident, she released a breath she was not aware she was holding. As she passed Hagrid's hut, he looked up from weeding his vegetable patch and called out, "'Ello, 'ermione! 'Tis good to see ye back."

"It's good to be back, Hagrid," Hermione said, smiling.

When she arrived at the castle entrance, she was greeted by a smiling Headmistress.

"Hermione, dear, it is so good to see you back. How are you feeling?"

"I am doing well, thank you, Minerva."

"Well, I expect to see you at dinner this evening, and I will not hear any excuses."

"Of course, Minerva, I will see you at dinner."


The lady in the portrait to Hermione's quarters was so happy to see Hermione that she nearly spun right out of her frame in excitement.

"Dreamless Sleep," Hermione called out

"I am sorry dear, but your password was changed while you were gone," the portrait informed her

"What? It's April. The password should be Dreamless Sleep. Who changed my password?"

A silky voice behind her said, "I did."

Turning around, Hermione looked into the face of Severus Snape and inquired, "Why did you change my password, Professor Snape?"

"It is more secure, Professor Granger, if you change your password at irregular intervals, rather than on the first of every month," he replied.

Hermione looked at Severus for several long seconds before smiling, "I missed you too, Severus. Besides, who needs a secure password with you in the castle to protect me?"

Severus' face stayed as expressionless as ever, but his eyes smiled as he looked from Hermione to the portrait and whispered, "Amortentia!"

"A love potion? How interesting," Hermione murmured as she entered her quarters with Severus following shortly behind her.

"What was that, Hermione?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud," Hermione answered. Then gesturing toward the sitting area, she said, "Please, Severus, have a seat. I will put my things away, and then we can have tea."

Rushing through a door in the back of her quarters that led to her bedchamber, Hermione pulled the shrunken items out of her robe pocket and tossed them onto her bed. Quickly casting the spell to return them to normal size, she waved her wand again, and her clothes put themselves in the wardrobe. Severus had to duck as her books floated out into the sitting room to reshelf themselves.

When Hermione returned to the sitting room, Severus was just pouring the tea. She took the cup he offered her and sat on one end of her sofa, tucking her feet under her.

"How are you feeling, Hermione?" Severus asked.

"Other than being annoyed that everyone keeps asking me that, I am feeling alright," Hermione answered with a slight edge in her voice.

"I am sorry, Hermione. If you truly are well, I will stop asking," Severus said. Then looking her in the eyes, he said gently, "However, you look troubled. Is there something bothering you?"

"I… well…yes, there is. I have been trying to understand why."

Looking puzzled, Severus asked, "Why, what?"

"Why, Severus, did you spend six weeks at my bedside while I was unconscious, and then another three visiting me daily after I awoke," Hermione inquired softly.

Trying to figure out how to word his response, Severus took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then, not meeting her eyes, he said, "Hermione, let me start by saying that I have respected you for many years. When Ronald abducted you, I was terrified. We had become friends, and I was furious that someone had dared to hurt you..."

Hermione remained silent when Severus paused.

"When we found you and young Mr. Weasley in that cell like room, and I saw what he was trying to do to you, I…well, Draco had to stop me from beating that child to death right then and there."

Hermione could see the truth in his eyes. 'Is he saying what I think he is saying?' she wondered.

"Hermione, I am not good at showing my emotions, but I think you should know that I have deep admiration for you," Severus said.

"Only admiration, Severus?"

"No, but I am not sure if you would accept anything more from me."

Hermione could hear a slight tinge of what sounded like fear in his voice. 'Does he think I would reject him?' she thought.

"Severus, in the last few months, you and I have become good friends. I have come to care for you in a way that I have never cared for anyone, not even Ronald." Pausing to compose her next words, she then continued, "When I was stuck in that cell, I only had two wishes. If I was going to die, I wanted to see Harry and Draco again, to say good-bye, and I wanted to tell you that… tell you… I love you!"

Severus had been looking at his hands as she spoke, but as she said this, his eyes shot up to meet hers.

"Are you sure, Hermione? I am not an easy man to love, by any means. If you are sure, and would like to try a romantic relationship, I am also willing," Severus said with a small smile.

Hermione stood up and crossed the small sitting room to Severus. He looked up into her eyes and was shocked by the depth of emotion in them. She smiled as she bent to press her lips to his gently at first, just a slight brushing of lips.

Severus moaned softly as their lips met, and he gently pulled her head down to deepen the kiss. Hermione slipped into his lap, and he held her to him tightly. Her body was soft and rounded and perfectly complemented his hard and angular frame. One of Severus' hands went up to tangle in Hermione's unruly hair while her arms wound themselves around his neck. They pulled each other closer, their kiss becoming frantic. Severus broke the kiss first when breathing became necessary, but his lips did not wander far. He pressed feather-light kisses to Hermione's jaw and down her neck as one of his hands moved to cup her breast.

"Severus, it has been a very long time for me," Hermione breathed.

"It has been a long time for myself as well, Hermione," Severus whispered against her skin causing her to shiver and moan softly.

At the sound of her pleasure, he pulled back slightly to look in to her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked softly.

She nodded, and at her assent, he scooped her into his arms and carried her towards her bedroom.


Hermione and Severus never made it to dinner that night. The next morning, when they arrived at breakfast together, the staff knew where they had been. Minerva somehow didn't have the heart to be cross with Hermione for breaking her promise.

Two months later Hermione Granger became Hermione Snape in a small ceremony in one of the private gardens at Hogwarts. The only people to attend were the staff, students, the five remaining Weasley men, and, of course, Harry as Hermione's witness and Draco as Severus'. That night was the first night of the rest of their lives. It was their new beginning.

The End

AN::: As always I would like to thank my fabulous betas, Allison and Piper. I would also like to thank all those who have continued to read this story. I took the inspiration from my own life after being married to an abusive husband for many years. My therapist told me I should write down what he did to me, and so I did. Then, after HBP came out and I saw that Hermione and Ron seem to be headed in the same direction that my ex-husband and I were, this story idea was born. I took my life and adapted it to them, and so New Beginnings was born. I hope you liked it, and if you didn't, I am sorry. I am not a professional writer for a reason.