Welcome to Domitian's The Four Allies. This is a story about two young ninja thrust into the supernatural of extraterrestrials and mutant turtles. It will revolve around the main character Leah as she goes through changes no other teenager on Earth has ever imagined not to mention her upbringing wasn't normal either. It's one bad thing after another for her as her brother and her newly discovered allies help her conquer them.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Chapter one: Prologue

Leah had always enjoyed her ninja lessons. She watched her teacher intently as he instructed them in the proper ways of handling a sai. The ten year old girl sat Indian style next to her twin brother, who was just as entranced in their teacher as she was.

Their teacher was an old man whose origins were in Japan. He looked to be somewhere in his early seventies, but that did not dub him as frail by far. Tanemura's body carried a powerful aura around him, and when his low bass voice spoke it felt like it was rumbling through Leah's entire body. He wore a wise, encouraging expression that inspired many of her classmates.

"And be sure that you do not slash at your opponent like a wild animal with your sai. It is a tool of grace, and should be treated as such. Now come, pick up your practice weapons and partner up," Tanemura concluded.

The young girl whipped her head to her brother, Lee, who was already looking at her. They were always partners, but not for the reason that they were siblings. They were the only children in the program, but it was not a disadvantage. The children did exceptionally better than the adults and it was something the twins were despised for.

They were beautiful, but for twins they looked nothing alike. The twins did have the same dark brown hair color as their mother, but Lee was the splitting image of his father while Leah looked somewhat like her mother. Leah seemed to inherit what must have been some strange long forgotten recessive genes since she favored neither her father nor her mother in some aspects. Both of the twins had blue eyes, but Leah's was a very dark navy while Lee's was a sky blue.

The twin's active lifestyle made them very strong and fit for their age. They had been trained since birth in the ways of ninjutsu, and it was well known that Master Saki favored them. It was rumored in the organization that the twins were a genetic experiment and that was why they could beat any opponent set against them.

The children bowed to each other and with practice weapons in hand they began. Lee started it off with a simple blow, which Leah easily blocked and counter attacked missing her brother by mere inches. Lee knew it was a close one and had to sigh in relief, but he did not have much down time though. His sister came at him with a flurry of strikes and blows. He broke out in a sweat blocking each one, and finally counterattacking as the weapon hit its mark. Leah took in a small burst of air as her eyes widened, but she would not lose. The girl swallowed her need to give up, and did one last kick smacking her brother directly across the cheek. He went spiraling down.

"Good job, children!" Tanemura congratulated the twins, a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you Sensei," Leah replied for both of them as she helped her brother up.

"Next time, Lee, do not assume the fight is over so soon. Always make sure your opponent is definitely beaten," Tanemura advised.

"Yes Sensei," he responded with a nod of his head.

The teacher went off to contend with his other students and after making his rounds finished with a disapproving frown. It was obvious he was not happy with his students.

"Leah and Lee you are the only two who really seemed to comprehend today's lesson. You may go. The rest of you will remain for more practice," Tanemura announced earning the children many hateful, jealous eyes.

"Thank you, master," they chanted and bowed, but as they turned to leave they saw Master Saki, the leader of the organization.

"No, Tanemura, they shall come with me," his hard voice disagreed.

"Anything the master desires," Tanemura said bowing quickly as the rest of the ninja trainees followed example.

Leah's heart stopped and on impulse her body made a right angle. Lee quickly did the same. Master Saki was not one to upset. He inflicted terrible, sadistic things to the ones who did not respect him or do as they were told. The young girl's mind raced trying to think of anything wrong she or her brother had done, but came to the conclusion that it did not matter. If she was going to be punished anyways finding the cause would not prevent it and arguing with him only made your punishment worse.

"Come with me, children," he demanded as the siblings returned to being perpendicular to the ground.

They kept their heads down and followed their leader down the hall to the hidden elevator next to a large and very overweight Buddha statue. They entered so quietly that the ding indicating the door closing made Leah jump, so when Master Saki started to speak she nearly came out of her shoes.

"I am sure you are both aware that your tenth birthday is this week," he began as the twins began to lift their heads and nod.

Leah's father was going to take them out for ice-cream and throw them a small party. Their parents were divorced. They lived with their father, but their mother took them to their ninjutsu lessons every night and had them every other weekend.

"I wanted you two to meet my daughter. She is fourteen and close to your age. I would like to see how you both fair against her," he explained allowing Leah to let lose a sigh of relief; they were not in trouble.

She was actually a little excited about the new opponent. Leah always enjoyed testing her skills against new people. As she looked at her brother though, he seemed to be a little lost in thought. The girl frowned always curious as to why he always had that thoughtful expression on his face.

The elevator dinged signaling their ride was over. As the twins stepped into the large room, their jaws dropped. They were awed by the many antiques and sheer quality of the room, but what mostly caught their attention was the teenager waiting for them.

The fourteen year old had shoulder length jet black hair, and dark brown eyes set in her skull. She was much taller than Leah and her brother, and was obviously very skilled by the way she carried herself. Maturity was just being to take her over being able to tell from the noticeable bulge in her chest. Her face looked carved from how edgy it was, and her muscles were thick with strength. Overall, she intimidated the twins greatly.

"Father, these are the two you told me about," she stated bowing to Master Saki and staring down the siblings all in one movement.

"Yes, Karai, this is Leah and Lee. I have brought them here to test them against you," he informed her smiling.

"Boy, you shall compete first against my beloved daughter!" he exclaimed yanking Lee by the back of his collar towards Karai.

Lee stumbled towards her and caught himself. Leah watched as he sighed and closed his eyes before he looked at Karai and began to walk towards the older girl. Karai grinned as she met him halfway holding her head high. They bowed before each other, and waited for the command.

"Begin!" Master Saki said forcefully as Karai instantly took off at Lee.

She began with a simple blow to Lee's stomach which he blocked expertly. He was pushed back while she tried to counter by kneeing him in the stomach instead. The boy dodged it with ease as his confidence began to grow and Karai. was beginning to get frustrated. She angrily tried to make a fierce blow to his left cheek, but he was able to grab hold of her arm and use her momentum to toss her directly over his shoulder. He could hear her shoulder pop out of place with a sickening sound. Karai's scream bellowed in the large room, but she was not out of the fight yet. Lee had to thank Master Tanemura because just as he had assumed the fight was over he remembered his mentor's wise words and turned around just in time to dodge her fist and sink his into her stomach. Her breath left her and she sank to the ground coughing.

"Enough!" Master Saki exclaimed harshly.

He stared at his daughter in open disgust, "That was the weaker of the two, Karai! You are not even well enough now to take on Leah! You have failed me today," he growled and turned his back on her.

"Come with me children," he commanded taking them back to the elevator leaving Karai in tears.

"Here, Mallory," Master Saki said after they got off the elevator, and he gave the siblings back to their mother.

Mallory bowed deeply, "How did they do, master?" his best elite ninja asked him.

"Your boy was exceptional, but I am almost certain the girl is what we were hoping for. Her mind is like that of a five star general in the middle of combat," he replied looking at Leah as she clung to her mother's arm.

Mallory smiled, "I'm glad everything worked out," she stated

Master Saki glared, "It does not mean it is okay to disobey orders," he informed her.

"We would not have young Lee, and you said yourself he is an exceptional boy for the age of ten," Mallory said with a large smile.

Thank you for reading and hopefully reviewing!