-1Acheron's tale

By Tyler

(Do not distribute)

Chapter 2 part 4:

Shane awoke, his neck aching dully from the awkward position he'd slept in, strewn across the Da'kor's lap. It was early in the afternoon, and the church's bells in town were ringing a farewell to its followers. He tried to get up, but couldn't as he found Acheron's arm tightly wrapped around his stomach, effectively trapping him. He rolled over, coming nose-to-nose with the Da'kor. Lifting himself into a push-up position, he lifted with all his might, but couldn't escape. He looked down and saw the corner's of Acheron's muzzle quiver, and his eyes were shut tight, and it was obvious he was faking it. Settling down again, Shane leaned in and planted a kiss on Acheron, slowly rubbing the Da'kors furred chest until he cracked from over stimulation.

Laughing, Shane rolled off of Acheron's chest and stood, playfully kicking at the Da'kors side before dashing off. He sprinted across the clearing, the tall grass slapping across his legs as he headed towards the stream. In mid-leap over a log, onto the sandy shore, a furred blur slammed into him, clutching around his waist and causing him to overshoot his landing, ending up in a deeper part of the stream. Acheron landed short with an "Oof!" as he winded himself on the sandy floor.

Shane surfaced, treading water before swimming back to the winded beast. He climbed ashore, before tugging Acheron to his feet.

"Why don't we go to town?" Shane suggested mildly.

Acheron smiled at the boy, and shrugged, "I don't see why not.."

Shane smiled, and wrapped his arms around the Da'kor. "We could have lunch and a drink at the Tavern, see the shops, and pick up the silver I have stowed outside my father's estate."

Acheron looked around, and after locating his tunic, shook it of the sand and put it on.

Shane trotted off to camp, heading to get his clothes and Acheron couldn't help but give more than a passing glance at the male's toned rump. Shaking his head, he followed, getting ready to pack all of his things back into the small pack.


The town they walked into was called Baris, and was a good forty minutes north of the town they met in.

The streets were packed, and no one paid much attention to the Da'kor holding Shane's hand. Da'kor were common in this area, and the humans and the beasts had developed a bit of an unwritten treaty.

The smells of cooking food were around them, and Acheron purchased some dried beef off of a cart, to curb the hunger until they went for an actual meal.

Chewing on the snack, they walked into one of the many crowded shops, browsing but not really looking to buy. But behind Shane's back, Acheron quickly purchased something and stowed it in his pocket, the object clinking slightly to the necklace he had retired from wear after him and Shiara split ways. Passing the sad emotions off by thinking about the day to come, he quickly reunited with Shane.

After leaving the shops, they began to look for a good place to eat. Shane was actually quite finicky, and they spent several minutes walking door-to-door before he finally settled on a place. But before he could walk inside, Acheron grabbed him and pulled him into the space between the buildings, and gave him a deep kiss. Pushing him up against a wall, keeping him distracted with the kiss, the Da'kor grabbed the present, and slipped it over Shane's finger.

Shane's eyes widened as he felt cold metal on his finger, and broke the kiss to look down and saw a shining silver ring, embedded with two sapphires, and with a small emerald in the center. He looked up at Acheron, speechless, before stammering out an 'I love you'.

Acheron smiled back, kissing Shane again before walking him out of the alley, and into the building.

The place was a modest pub, filled with small tables and with a bar running along the far wall. It was quite vacant for the time of day, but a musical performer was onstage, plucking at the harp while singing a slow, sad song about a man who's wife was lost at sea.

Acheron pulled him to a corner table, far from everybody and took Shane's ringed hand in his paws. He kissed Shane's fingers before retreating to his side of the table as a middle-aged serving lady showed up to take their orders.

She shot them a suspicious look as she had caught a glimpse of the Da'kor holding the boy's hands.

As Shane was speaking, Acheron snaked a foot under the table and rubbed it slowly up his calf. With small jolt, Shane pretended like nothing happened, and managed to finish ordering as the Da'kor's claws dragged up his thigh and his heel came to rest against his groin. He shot the Da'kor a dirty look as furred beast calmly dictated what he wanted, not seeming to find it uncomfortable being so amorous with his love under a table in public. In mid-order, he flexed his foot repeatedly, causing Shane to shudder and jerk slightly, attracting a curious glance from the server and a couple of patrons.

After the waitress left, he whispered angrily across the table, "What do you think you are doing?"

Acheron passed it off with a chuckle, his shoulders jumping slightly as he said in a suggestive tone; "Just having a little fun, love."

"Well, save the fun until we are out of town!"

Their food came, with a wine for Acheron and a frothy mug for Shane,

As they ate, Acheron slowly moved his foot back to the floor, and pulled a map from his pack.

Sliding their drinks to the side, Acheron began to point out possible destinations and how hard it would be to reach them.

The closest one wasn't far enough for Shane's taste, as if his father set out a search, it would likely reach there.

They ended up settling for Bangul, a large town around seven days to the east.


Acheron moved at a crouch, moving from bush to bush, following Shane. On the wall ahead were two archers, but they weren't going that far. After a few minutes of digging, Shane handed him two heavy bags of coins, certainly more than the Da'kor had ever held.

Sharing a few kisses, they headed back into the woods, looking for a good spot to sleep.

They settled in a small clearing near a creek, and bathed quietly, drained by the active day, and then settled to fall asleep, cuddled close under a blanket Shane had snatched from a clothesline on the edge of his property. Long after Acheron dozed off, however, Shane found he could not sleep, and spent much of his night thinking of past days and the ones to come. Turning the ring on his finger, he smiled as it glistened in the moonlight.