AN: Oh wow, I haven't posted on this in soooo long. I am so sorry anyone waiting for this final chapter. It just didn't really want to be written, I am not quite happy with it, but it gets it out. Maybe I will change it later… who knows.

Don't own anything but the mistakes… all those are mine. Hasn't been betaed an I know it needs it, sorry.

As always reviews would be marvelous to feed the muse with.

Benny looked at the Dr. in stunned aw.

"You want me to what?" He was certain that he had heard wrong. That could not be what just came out of that man's mouth.

"I want you to watch your roommate for the next month and note when he cries, when he is emotionally detached. When he begins to freak out so to speak."

The guy was serious. He wanted Benny to watch Mark?

"I don't get it. Why?"

"I shouldn't tell you this, but his sessions are getting us no where and something has to give. Mark had a break down in a professor's office last month. He was screaming and flailing about, refusing to let anyone near him. He will not talk to me about what precipitated the incident."

"You mean he won't tell you why he flipped out." Benny clarified. "You don't have to sound professional to me to make up for not getting Mark to talk. No one gets Mark to talk about his emotions or his past. He just doesn't do it. I have tried for the past two years. We are best friends, roommates, and he just doesn't talk."

"So I have noticed. But be that as it may Benjamin. You can help him."

"Does Mark really need this kind of help, me spying on him?" Benny was upset.

"I can't find out how to help Mark unless I know what is going on. If you just help me find out what sets him off I can try and find out how to help Mark."

"Look you quack. I am not spying on my roommate so you can try and fix him. What Mark needs is to be left alone, he needs to be supported fullheartdly by his family. And right now, that is me. I am not going to betray him that way." Benny stormed from the office.

How unreasonable was that. To be asked to spy on his own roommate. Sure Mark was a little off, and Benny knew it was something to do with his family. Something about a fight they had. It was in Marks movements, it was in his voice when he spoke with his mother, and her voice on the answering machine in the dorm.

But Benny couldn't help watching Mark more closely now. Watching his shoulders become more and more hunched and the stress lines more propionate as the winter holidays approached. He saw Mark fall farther into himself. Benny watched the once lively young film student become small and withdrawn. He watched Mark loose weight and watched him flinch away from people all over campus as they walked. He listened to Mark's whimpers as the younger boy slept.

Benny did the only thing he could think to do. He went back to the Doctor.

"I won't tell you what I found, other than I am worried about my friend." Benny looked at the man.

"The only thing I have left is this prescription. Its an anti depressant, he refused to take it, to talk about it. He took it once, and I found sold it off to a friend he felt needed it more."

"Sounds like Mark." Benny laughed softly. It really did, his ablity to care for everyone and everything, except himself. And he would put himself through the most humiliating things to help those around him.

"I will give it to you, if you agree to watch over him and help me get him to open up."

"I can't promise you that. I won't make him talk about this, I wont force it. Mark has to acknowledge it first, and we both know he hasn't. I will take the prescription and make sure he uses it when he needs it. But I am not, not spying on him for you."

Benny took the prescription, had it filled and hidden away in his desk by the end of the day.

He continued to watch Mark, watching him as finals began to take their toll on the young film maker. Watch as the call from home became more frequent, and less often answered.

And then one night, the night before Mark was slated to take the train home, he watched as Mark completely fell apart.

Screaming work Benny from his slumber, his roommates screams. Jolting from bed he watched as Mark faugh off some deamon in his sleep. The screams not really subsiding as Benny talked to Mark, trying to coach him awake.

'Mark, buddy, come on man wake up." Mark only thrashed more.

"No, I wont, please, I promise I wont say…… Stop… Please, no more…. Daddy stop it…."

And at that point Benjamin Coffen the Third, felt something inside him snap. If this whatever it was, was something that had to do with Mark's father, Benny was never letting Mark go home alone again.

But before Benny could deal with that, he had to get Mark awake, and had to stop him from tearing all the skin along his arms off as he scratched at his unseen asaliant.

Benny plugged the tea kettle that Mark's mom had sent them into the wall and set to make a cup of tea, with the little pill from the Dr. crushed into the bottom of the mug before moving back to tackle Mark.

"MARK, Marky wake up man, your having a nightmare." Benny gave up trying to call Mark and simply sat upon his roommate and grabbed his arms.

Mark woke with a jolt and let out another type of scream eniterly when he came to with Benny on his stomach.

"What the fuck Benny."

"Dude, you were having this panic attack in your sleep." Benny stands and moves to the tea kettle to pour up the water right before it whistles, making both guys a cup of tea and mixing Mark's well before sitting on the bed next to the still recovering blond.

"So, you gonna be ok?" Benny asked.

"Yeah, sure, it was just a nightmare." Mark's voice was shaky, but he accepted the tea willingly.

"Hey, man I was wondering what you were doing over the break, I mean I know your going home and all, but I got these friends back in New York City, that I was gonna visit right after Christmas. If you wanted to join us that would be great."

"I, well, my mother." Mark paused, taking a sip of tea. "When can I meet you?"

Mark never did make it home after that night. He slept past the time his train was leaving, Benny told him the alarm never went off, but Benny knew it was the medication that made Mark sleep, and Benny knew he needed to sleep. They both managed to catch a seat on the train Benny used to get into the city. Mark spent his first Christmas ever with Benny and his family.

They never did talk about what was wrong with Mark. Though by catching snippets of phone conversations and what Mark would scream when he had a particularly bad panic attack, Benny pieced it together. Benny never told the Dr. what happened, only worked it so that Mark would always have his prescription filled when he needed it.

Benny would never push Mark to talk, and Mark knew he was always there, even when Benny had married and moved out. Mark who always trusted him to do the right thing, to come to him if Benny was having troubles, and Benny did, at least once a month, if only to ease Mark's mind that Benny hadn't died.

Benny continued to come over and check the prescription level, to check on Mark when he knew Roger was out and Collins and Maureen had moved out. Benny would watch until an Angel came to take care of Mark. And when Angel left there was Collins and one day he found out, one day there was everyone to take care of the film maker. They took care, but they never knew why. No one knew why they were medicating Mark, till Cindy.

Benny was glad he missed that. Because, Benny knew as he looked at the phone in his hands, if he had been there, Cindy wouldn't have walked away. Because as long as it took the rest of them to understand Mark, Benny had known for so much longer. And he knew that Cindy would be the end of Mark as he had known him.