Name: Tangled Webs
Rating: M for heterosexual content and some violence.
Synopsis: Peter Pan Fanfic. Movie-based. Takes place six years after the end of the movie. A grown up Peter returns to Wendy and they fall in love. But will Wendy choose to go with Peter to Neverland or will she stay in London and marry the man her parents want her to?
Disclaimers: All characters, settings (with the exception of Gregory) belong to J.M. Barrie. Peter and Wendy are 18 years of age and are therefore of a legal age for sexual activity.
Warnings: This fic is rated M and contains explicit heterosexual content and is not suitable for persons under the age of 16. If you are too young to be reading this or if you think you may be offended then turn back now.

Tangled Webs

Chapter 1: Watcher in the Window

"Wendy!" her mother called. "Are you ready yet? Gregory is here!"

"Coming Mother!" Wendy called back as she rolled her eyes in frustration. This was the third ball she'd been to this week, and she was beginning to grow tired of being out in society. Her friend's mindless chatter about all of the available handsome young men and who was courting whom was beginning to wear on her. Of course she knew a handsome man when she saw one, but none of them had managed to capture her attention for more than a few minutes. Well, not unless you counted Gregory.

Wendy supposed Gregory was considered her beau by many people in society. She had known him since childhood and they were very good friends. They shared the same adventurous spirit and wild imagination. After Wendy had come back from Neverland, she had told the stories of her adventures to Gregory, and he had often joined Wendy and her brothers at playing pirates and Indians.

But that had been a long time ago. Now Wendy and Gregory were both adults and expected to act as such. That is why night after night Wendy let him escort her to balls and other events, all of which she considered to be stuffy and boring. Wendy knew that soon she would have to find a man to marry, and she supposed Gregory was just as good, if not better, than the others.

Wendy did care for him, even though she couldn't exactly say she was in love with him. But she knew he would be a good match. He came from a wealthy family, was good-looking, and above all, he cared for her very much. In fact, he loved her. Wendy knew this, she had known it for quite some time, even though she wasn't exactly sure when or how it had happened. One day Gregory had been her adventuresome friend and playmate, the next he had turned into her shy suitor. They had shared kisses and cuddles, but for Wendy there was never that spark. Only one person had ever managed to ignite that flame in her, the one that was the keeper of her hidden kiss and always would be. Peter Pan.

Wendy paused at the thought of Peter and looked wistfully at herself in the mirror. After all these years she still thought of him. She knew it was foolish, he was just a boy after all, with no real concept of mature love. Incomplete, just as Captain Hook had said. But that didn't stop her from thinking about him, thinking about how things might have been different if she'd been able to convince him to come back with her and grow up. She sighed, lost in her thoughts.

"Wendy! Please, hurry!" her mother shouted at her. Wendy snapped out of her reverie, angry with herself for having these thoughts about someone she could never have. She hurriedly finished putting on her earrings and necklace, and with one final approving glance in the mirror, rushed out of her room and down the stairs to meet Gregory.

Unbeknownst to Wendy, there had been someone watching her get ready that night. A strange young man clad in leaves and vines was hidden in the shadows on the windowsill, peeking through the window at her. Peter Pan.

He looked on as she fixed her hair, surprised that the girl he had once known had so quickly become a woman, and a very beautiful woman at that. You see, Peter had no real concept of time. What had seemed like a relatively short period of time in Neverland had actually been years, six years to be exact.

Peter gazed longingly at Wendy. She had paused and was staring at herself absently in the mirror. Her blue eyes had a hint of sadness in them and her full, ruby red lips were curved up in a wistful smile. Peter wondered what she could be thinking of that made her look both happy and sad at the same time. He quietly floated off the windowsill into the air and was about to make his presence known when he heard Mrs. Darling shout at her. He quickly ducked back into the shadows as Wendy hurriedly finished getting ready and went out the door. He waited in silence and a few moments later, he watched as Wendy and a tall young man left the Darling household.. The young man took Wendy's gloved hand and helped her into a waiting carriage before climbing in himself. Peter watched the carriage take off down the road, listening to the hooves of the horses as the they trotted on the pavement.

Peter felt a twinge of jealousy. He wondered if this was the man that Hook had told him would take his place at Wendy's side, this husband. He cocked his head to one side, considering whether or not he should follow them. No, he decided. Better to wait here for her to return so he could speak with her in private. He didn't know if this man was Wendy's husband or not, but it didn't matter. Peter had come to make his feelings known, and he wasn't going to let a husband get in his way. He curled up in a shadow on the roof over Wendy's window, enjoying the warm summer breeze on his skin, sweet with the smell of nearby flowers, as he drifted off to sleep.

A rustling sound in Wendy's room some hours later is what awoke Peter from his pleasant nap. He stealthily made his way across the roof and peeked around the side of the window pane, what he saw made his heart start pounding wildly in his chest. Wendy was there in the dark, her slender figure illuminated by the moonlight, she had just finished hanging up her ball gown and was now beginning to strip off her undergarments, reveling her smooth pale skin in the process.

Peter watched, stunned, as she unlaced her corset and pulled it off, then proceeded to undo her hair from it's neat bun, shaking her head as the loose chestnut brown curls cascaded down her bare back. She turned to the side to take her nightdress out of the closet and Peter was rewarded with a view of the outline of her breasts before she pulled the nightdress on, once again covering her skin.

Peter let out a shaky breath, his body trembling slightly. Wendy was absolutely breathtaking. He silently congratulated himself for having made the right decision to come back to her. She yawned sleepily and climbed into bed and Peter was rewarded with another glimpse of her body, this time the back of her thighs, before she pulled the covers up over herself. She closed her eyes and lay still. Peter watched as her breathing became slow and rhythmic as she fell to sleep. His body stirred with pleasure as he pondered the small glimpses of Wendy's body that he'd gotten. He waited a few moments, trying to regain control of himself, before he cautiously floated into the room, positioning himself over her in the air, and reaching a finger out to softly brush against her full lips. Wendy's eyes immediately flew open at the soft touch and she opened her mouth to let out a small scream of terror. Peter quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shh, Wendy, it's just me," he whispered. Suddenly afraid she may have forgotten him after all these years, he added "It's Peter," Wendy's eyes widened in fear and confusion and then finally recognition. Peter slowly pulled his hand from her mouth and flashed her what he hoped was his most charming smile.

"P-Peter?" Wendy asked him incredulously. She stared at him with eyes as wide as saucers until Peter began to fidget nervously with his leaves.

"B-but it can't be you," she finally spoke. "You've grown up!" she squinted at him in the dark.

"It is me, Wendy. Look, I'll prove it," he said and began flying quickly about the room doing fancy somersaults in the air. "Who else do you know that can do that?" he asked landing in front of her on the footboard of her bed, with his hands on his hips. "And look," he flew over to sit next to her before she could say anything else, and pulled something out of a pouch around his waist, he held out his hand so she could look at it. "It's your kiss," he whispered as she took the thimble from his hand to examine it. He watched her expression change as she stared at it. Memories came flooding back to her.

"Oh, Peter!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around his neck. Peter sat still for a moment before cautiously wrapping his arms around her back, returning the hug.

"I thought you'd never return! I was sure you had forgotten all about me!" she said as she withdrew from his arms.

"I could never forget you Wendy, and I promised I'd come back, remember?" he asked smiling shyly at her.

"Yes, I remember," she stood up and lit the lamp near her bed. "Come here in the light so I can get a better look at you." Peter obeyed, stepping into the warm orange glow of the lamp and feeling quite foolish as Wendy's eyes studied him. Not wanting Wendy to know how uncomfortable he was, he stood up straight with his hands on his hips, and smiled arrogantly at her.

Wendy's heart began beating faster as she studied the young man in front of her. Peter had the same pretty blue-green eyes that sparkled mischievously and were framed with long dark eyelashes. He also had the same messy sun-kissed hair and charming smile that she had always loved. But his jawline and nose had grown more defined and masculine and his cheeks has lost there boyish roundness. Her eyes traveled down his body. His tan skin glowed orange in the lamplight. His body was lean, but muscular, and scantily clad in vines and leaves. He had broad shoulders with well defined muscles in his arms and legs. She could tell that his chest and stomach were also well muscled. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

She turned away, a blush painting her cheeks as she realized she had been staring at him for quite some time now. Peter took that as his cue to stop his arrogant charade and sat down on the bed beside her. Wendy raised her head and looked into his eyes. "Peter, how did you grow up? And why?" she asked.

Peter shrugged. "I don't know, it just happened, it had something to do with your thimble," he said, referring to the kiss Wendy had given him on the deck of the Jolly Roger. "After that, a change came over me. I no longer thought only of pirates and fighting and adventures. I began thinking of thimbles and feelings, and... you," he said, looking into her eyes and smiling shyly at her. "At first, I was angry with you for causing these changes. I had no desire for them. My life had been so simple before, and now I was dealing with all these unfamiliar emotions. As time went by, I noticed my body changing and I knew I was growing up, not knowing what else to do, I went to the fairy queen for answers and she confirmed that my growing body was related to your thimble. She said your thimble had awakened the stirring's of a man inside me and so a man is what I became. I'm now complete, the queen said I would grow to the point of maturity, but not beyond that. I will never grow old like Hook," he said, anger flashing through his eyes as he thought of his arch enemy.

A shiver ran down Wendy's spine at the mention of Hook. "Oh, is he still alive?" she asked, a mixture of curiosity and fear in her voice.

"Yes," Peter nodded. "He somehow managed to escape the crocodiles belly unharmed. It is said he lit a fire inside the crocodile causing it to spit him out."

Wendy was silent for a moment as she took in all this new information.

"Oh Peter, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed suddenly, putting her face in her hands.

Peter looked at her confused. "For what?"

"For causing you to grow up, for Hook still being alive, for everything," she said as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

"Don't be sorry Wendy," Peter said putting a tentative arm around her waist. Wendy, in turn, put her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. "Being a man isn't as bad as I thought it would be. You should have seen the look on old Hook's face when he realized I was growing bigger and stronger. I'm twice the threat I was to him as a boy. And there is also pleasure that comes with being a man that I never knew about as a boy," said Peter bluntly. He was, of course, referring to the way certain parts of his body now responded to touch. Just like any other growing young man, Peter had discovered the pleasures his own body could bring. Wendy guessed what he was talking about and began blushing furiously, but still remained in his arms.

"Peter why did you come back?" she asked him quietly.

"Because I missed you," he replied honestly. "And I..." he trailed off, unable to form into words what he felt for her, to tell her that he wanted to be with her, to take her back to Neverland with him. Wendy heard his heart beating loudly in his chest and she brought her head up to look at his face.

"Peter, would you like another thimble?" she asked him in a voice barely above a whisper. Peter nodded slowly looking her directly in the eyes. Time seemed to stand still as Wendy leaned her face in closer to his. She brought her hand up behind his neck, her other hand encircling his back, and Peter felt his hands do the same. He tipped his head to the side and their lips met in a kiss. A thrill went through Peter as he once again felt Wendy's lips on his. He had dreamed of this often over the years and could hardly believe it was real.

Peter closed his eyes as Wendy's lips moved expertly against his. He kissed her a bit awkwardly at first, but caught on quickly. Their kiss deepened as Peter tightened his arms around Wendy, pulling her closer to him. Wendy moaned and, in doing so, opened her mouth to him. Peter's tongue accidentally brushed against hers, and he pulled back in surprise at the new sensation.

"Sorry," he murmured shyly. But Wendy just shook her head at that, and leaned into him once again, pressing her lips firmly to his. She brushed her tongue against his lips, a silent plea for him to open his mouth. He obeyed, and their tongues met once again, sending a tingle running through both of them, and stirring Peter's body to arousal. It was now Peter's turn to moan as he felt himself begin to harden between his legs. He shifted his body trying to accommodate his growing erection and in doing so accidentally brushed it against Wendy's thigh. He moaned at the sensation and pressed his erection harder into her thigh. Wendy's eyes immediately flew open and she pulled quickly away from him.

"Peter, what are you-" she glanced down at the bulge in his groin region and then back up at his bewildered face. "Oh," she said softly. She had no idea she could arouse Peter so much with just a kiss. Concerned that they were moving too quickly, she scooted away from him on the bed. Peter noticed this and quickly guessed it was because of how his body had reacted to the kiss. Embarrassed, he also scooted farther away from her, while also placing his hands in his lap, trying to cover up what he knew had offended Wendy.

An awkward silence filled the room, neither of them daring to look at the other, until Peter finally cleared his throat to speak.

"Well, it's getting late, I should probably be going," he said at last.

Wendy stood up alarmed at the tone of his voice, fearing she had offended him from pulling away from the kiss.

"Peter wait! Will you return?" she asked pleadingly, not caring if she sounded desperate.

"Um, do you want me to?" he asked in confusion.

"Of course, I do! More than anything!"

Peters face brightened at that. "Well in that case, yes!"

"When?" she asked.

"Tomorrow night," he answered simply.

Wendy walked towards him and grabbed his hand leading him towards the window. He followed and they turned to face one another.

"Tonight was lovely," Wendy said shyly and Peter nodded in agreement.

"Well, goodbye!" he said and turned to leave. But Wendy grabbed him and turned him back around.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked him suggestively. Peter looked around the room in confusion.

"No I have everything I came with," he told her.

Wendy giggled. "No I mean aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?"

"Huh?" Peter said, looking more confused than ever, and that's when Wendy realized that Peter still didn't know what the word kiss meant.

"Oh Peter! I'm sorry I didn't realize-- I should have told you! A kiss is actually when two people press their lips together and a thimble is really that little metal thing that I gave you and told you it was a kiss," she explained hurriedly.

Peter scratched his head as he listened to her. "So what we did back there," he said gesturing towards the bed. "That was a kiss? And this," he said pulling out the thimble Wendy had given him. "This is a thimble?"

"Yes," Wendy nodded.

"But why didn't you tell me that when we were children?" he asked.

"Oh I don't know. It's just that when we first met, I wanted to give you a kiss and when you held out your hand, I got embarrassed and gave you the thimble instead," she shrugged lamely.

"Oh," Peter nodded in understanding, his expression softening as he looked at her. "Well now that I know what it is, I'd love to give you a goodbye kiss." He leaned in towards her and her lips accepted his warmly, wrapping her arms around him in the process. Peter's body was kindled to arousal once again and he reluctantly began to pull away from her not wanting to offend her as he had before, but Wendy only tightened her grip on him, pulling his body closer to hers, and ever so slightly moving her waist against him to brush his arousal through his leaves, her unspoken way of letting him know that she knew it was there and she didn't care. Peter opened his eyes in surprise, breaking away from the kiss in the process. But Wendy just smiled up at him and raised her hand to caress his cheek. He took her hand and kissed it softly before flying up to perch on the windowsill.

"Promise me you'll come back tomorrow!" she called after him.

"I promise," he said with a serious expression on his face, his voice husky. She nodded and watched as he flew into the sky towards the second star to the right, until he was just a small dot, and then finally, he disappeared.