Author's Note: Hi! This is my first fic, so please be nice. (I don't appreciate flames ;; ) Um, it's a little out of season (the setting is sometime December) but I really don't care. XD I need there to be snow in order for most scenes to work! Okay, enough ranting, onto the story. Oh and I apologize if I'm OOC at times… I'll try and keep them IC the best I can. Douzo!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. And if I did, there would DEFINITELY be more HitsuHina scenes and I would make them an official couple… because that's how obsessed I am. XD However, I do own my original character, Takashi Ueda.
"Heh, you okay there, Hinamori?" Hitsugaya chuckled.
"Be quiet Shirou-chan! You know I don't like the snow!" Hinamori retorted.
"Oi, don't call me Shirou-chan! Anyways, when we were little, you loved the snow. Every time it snowed, you would run out and play in it," Hitsugaya reminded.
"Yeah, then I got hypothermia…" Hinamori sighed.
"Baka, that was because you didn't dress properly. I know you wanted to play in the snow, but at least wear something warm! Now look at you. You're afraid to even touch the snow. You know if you just dress warm, the snow won't kill you."
"Ugh… whatever… can we go someplace warm please?" Hinamori pleaded, for she didn't want to hear Hitsugaya scold her even more about her stupid mistake back then.
"Tch, fine."
Hitsugaya and Hinamori ran inside the tenth division office and brushed the snow off of them. They weren't surprise to find a certain tenth division vice captain lying on the couch drinking sake when they came in.
"Ah taichou! Hinamori-kun! You guys finally back from your date?" the sassy vice captain asked slyly.
"D-d-date…?" Hinamori stuttered as her cold face heated up with a bright red.
"MATSUMOTO!" Hitsugaya scolded, as his face also turned a bright red. He hated when she made things uncomfortable for him and Hinamori. But of course, he wanted these little gatherings with Hinamori to be considered dates, but there was no way in hell he was going to admit that to either women.
"Haha, aren't you two just adorable? Anyways, you guys are going to the Winter Ball, right?"
"Winter Ball…?" Hinamori questioned as the bright red faded into a blush of pink.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten Hinamori! We just discussed it earlier at the vice captain's meeting!"
Hinamori stood there pondering for a second. "OH! That Winter Ball!" she exclaimed.
"Yes… 'that Winter Ball!' Matsumoto mocked. "I hear someone from fourth division is going to be teaching us the waltz. So we have to go get dance partners, Hinamori!"
"Dance partners?" Hitsugaya repeated. "Why are they requiring this?" he questioned, as he felt uncomfortable letting Hinamori dance with other guys.
"It's not REQUIRED, taichou. It just seems more fun if you learn how to waltz with someone special," Matsumoto explained as she winked at the young couple.
Hinamori could feel her face heat up again and knew her face was probably a bright red, yet again. Unable to stop this, she quickly got up from the couch and stared at Hitsugaya and Matsumoto. "Um, well, I really should be getting back to my division… you know how much paperwork there could be! Heh heh… well I'm off now. Ja!" and with that she ran off, with a very flustered face.
Hitsugaya stood there bewildered as he watched his childhood friend run off in such a fashion. He then turned his attention to Matsumoto and glared.
Matsumoto couldn't help but smile at the situation. "What?" she retorted. "You know you guys are probably going to end up going together anyways, so why worry? I mean, what guy is going to risk himself being frozen to death by you?" she laughed, as she plopped herself back down on the couch for her daily afternoon nap.
"OI! No more sleeping! We have a lot of paperwork to do! OI!" Hitsugaya yelled, but knew his yelling was futile when he noticed her snoring. "Tch… baka vice captain."
Hinamori's quick dash out of the tenth division office became a slow, reluctant walk as she thought about what Matsumoto just said. Waltz with someone special…? Hinamori thought to herself. I… I want to dance with Shirou-chan. How do I ask him? What if he says no? He probably doesn't think of me that way… wait… what way am I talking about? Do I… do I love Shirou-chan? Do I—
Hinamori's thoughts were disrupted by a strong force. To be specific, disrupted by walking into someone.
"Ara!" Hinamori squealed, losing her balance and almost falling over. But just in the nick of time, the unknown person reached their hand out and grabbed her arm pulling her up.
"Daijoubu, Hinamori-fukutaichou?" asked the kind gentleman.
"Erm… hai," Hinamori managed to utter. She looked up at whomever it was that just saved her from hitting the floor. It was hard to make out the figure, as the night sky cloaked the both of them. After a second or two, she recognized the person as fifth seat of the tenth division, Takashi Ueda.
"Ah, Takashi-san!" Hinamori exclaimed, and then proceeded to immediately bowing. "Sumimasen, I wasn't watching where I was going!"
Takashi let out a soft chuckle. "Don't worry about it Hinamori-fukutaichou. The only thing that matters is that you're okay," he smiled. Hinamori gave a reassuring nod back, then noticed he still was holding her arm. She jumped back, causing him to release his grip on her.
"A..ano…" Hinamori muttered quietly. Her attention was then turned to the fast paced footsteps coming from behind her. She turned around to find Hitsugaya running up to her.
"Hinamori! You're still here?"
"Hitsugaya-kun! What are you doing out here?" she asked.
"Well you left so fast, you didn't give me a chance to escort you back to your division… Oi! That's Hitsugaya-taichou," he responded as he stared at her. His gaze then reverted to his subordinate standing beside her. "Takashi."
"Hitsugaya-taichou," Takashi responded.
"What are you doing out here at this hour?" Hitsugaya questioned.
"Well I was taking a walk to clear my head, then I accidently walked into Hinamori-fukutaichou," he explained as he flashed a smile at her, causing her to back away a little at his sudden friendliness. Hitsugaya saw this and didn't find his so called "friendliness" at the least bit gentlemen-like at all. Hitsugaya took a step forward to stand in front of Hinamori.
"Not to be disrespectful or anything sir, but I believe a lovely young lady like Hinamori-fukutaichou should be escorted back to her division considering the hour at the moment," Takashi explained.
Hitsugaya grew annoyed. Excuse me? Did you just not hear me say I was going to walk her back? Who the hell do you think you are! I'm your captain, god damnit! Hitsugaya thought to himself. And don't refer to Hinamori as 'lovely'… I already know she is so back off.
Hinamori looked back and fourth at the two men and felt uncomfortable by the tension growing between them. She decided to break the ice as carefully as she can. "Umm… well… I really should be on my way now so…" she said, as she took slow steps away from the two. Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and guide her away. She stared at the hand attentively and realized that it belonged to Hitsugaya. She turned her head to look up at him, and a rosy shade of pink tinged her cheeks. She continued to stare at him as they walked off in the direction of her division.
Hitsugaya didn't break eye contact with Takeshi as he and Hinamori walked off. He glared at him, and Takeshi was taken aback. Takeshi understood Hitsugaya clearly without any words being exchanged. Hitsugaya was clearly pissed off at him for stepping into his territory. Hitsugaya turned his head to face forward as they turned the corner.
"Heh… I sense a challenge Hitsugaya-taichou," Takeshi smirked as he walked off in the opposite direction.
As the next day dawned upon Soul Society, everyone was in a panic as they each tried to find their special dance partner, seeing as today was Lesson 1 of "How to Waltz." Even some of the captains were a bit agitated as some of the captains wanted a chance to learn as well. Though, most of the captains were just chaperoning the ball.
Hinamori stood outside the tenth division office rehearsing how she is going to go about asking Hitsugaya to be her dance partner. She fidgeted around, constantly fixing her hair and straightening her robes.
"He's probably doing paperwork right now. I don't want to disturb him! But I have to ask him before anyone else does… Ohhhhh what to do, what to do…" she thought out loud. Before she could decide what to do, the door slid open and there stood Hitsugaya, watching in amusement as his childhood friend walked back and fourth talking to herself. She obviously didn't notice him there, so he cleared his throat to catch her attention. She stopped abruptly and turned to face him. "H-H-Hitsugaya-k-kun!"
"Hinamori, what are you doing?"
"W-well… I was going to ask you something very important…" she started.
He stared at her curiously and urged her to continue. "And…? What did you want to ask me?"
"A-ah! Yes… well… I, um… wanted to ask you, Hitsugaya-kun…"
"Yes…?" Why is she so nervous?
"I wanted to ask you…"
"Hinamori! Spit it out already!"
"Hinamori-fukutaichou!" yelled Takeshi from afar. She fell over in surprise. Hitsugaya looked at her very concerned and helped her up.
"T-Takeshi-san…" Hinamori stuttered.
Takeshi cleared his throat, then plopped on the floor on one knee. Hitsugaya and Hinamori watched him in confusion at what he was doing. Matsumoto walked around the corner, along with Kira, Renji, Ikkaku, and Hisagi and stopped dead in their tracks to see this awkward situation. They all looked at each other, then ran up to the three.
"Taichou… what's going on-" Matsumoto started.
"Hinamori Momo! Words cannot express what I feel for you everytime you are near. Your goddess-like hair sends shivers down my spine as it blows in the wind. Your voice as soothing an angel's song, and your smile," he paused a bit. "is more radiant than the bright sun. In other words, I have fallen deeply in love with you."
Everyone stood there. Shocked. Aroused. Stunned. Perplexed. Appalled. Dismayed. There weren't even enough words in the human language to describe what everyone was feeling right now. Especially Hitsugaya and Hinamori.
Takeshi then pulled out a bouquet of roses from behind his back. "Please accept these roses as a token of my affection, Hinamori-fukutaichou," he continued. He then took her hand in his and placed a soft kiss upon it gently, shocking the group once more. Hinamori was absolutely shocked. No one has ever done this to her before. She stood there, unknowing of what to do.
Hitsugaya couldn't control his emotions and immediately pulled Hinamori's hand away from Takeshi.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Hitsugaya shouted, very outraged.
Takeshi grinned as he saw Hitsugaya's jealousy explode. He turned his attention back to the blushing Hinamori and cleared his throat.
"Hinamori-fukutaichou, I'd be honored if you were to be my date for the Winter Ball," he continued.
Hinamori stood there, confused on what to do next. She felt her head spinning and her vision going blurry. She didn't even notice her body hit the floor until everyone crowded around her and all she could hear was panicked voices calling out to her.
This was going to be a very interesting event in Soul Society.
A/N: Chapter one completed! Please excuse any mistakes in here, I didn't thoroughly proofread this. ;; Go on and review! I want feedback! Oh and, Flames are not appreciated.