Disclaimer: Owning FMA? Do you beleive in the Easter bunnyas well?

A/N: Enjoy!

Wrath was sitting on the edge of his bed, nearly falling off, as Envy told, almost whispered, him a story. Unlike most people, Envy had a very... strange imagination.

"There once was a little boy, no older than you Wrath, that had a very favorite jacket-"

"Like me and my foot," Wrath interupted. Envy gave him a bazaar look and said, slightly confused, "Yes, exactly like you and your foot... I guess." Wrath showed his love for his foot to Envy by rubbing it against his face like soap. "Anyway," Envy began.

"Yes. He loved his jacket-"

"Like my foot, " Wrath interupted, again. Envy became quite paranoid that he couldn't go on with his story without Wrath interupting him. He stooped to a lower, more efficient level. "Wrath, if you interupt me again, I SWEAR I'll take your little neck and wring it so hard that it comes right off," in a less than comforting voice.

To show that he understood, Wrath zipped his mouth shut and hid partially under his dull covers.

Envy continued: "He wore the jacket everyday, summer or... not. He took it everywhere; to parties, laundary matts, east side, west side and laundary matts," he was too caught up in his own story to realize his own mistake. "And wherever he went, he always zipped the zipper up.Until," Wrath leaned forward to learn more about the zipper, the boy and whatever else Envy would throw in there. "The jacket became old, stinky, and USED. He didn't think there would be any use for it so, he threw it away," Wrath shivered under his blanket. "But that very night that he threw it away, when he thought he was safe, sleeping in bed,IT CAME," his last icey words made Wrath gulp. "You could hear the zipper... zipping up the stairs, zip zap zip zap. Then it reached the boy's room and...stood there, breathing heavily," Wrath was so blunt that he didn't realize all the impossible things happening in Envy's story. "The zipper turned the knob and entered the boy's room, stood next to his bed, glaring at him. In a rough zipper voice, it said, ' you zipped and zipped me beyond my expiration point! And when I became useless, you threw me away! It's my turn now!'" Wrath hid under his covers and screamed, "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

Envy realized that he scared the poor child to death. He liked it. " He was constantly zipped and unzipped, feeling excrutiating pain every time.He had become just like the jacket." Envy located Wrath's poorly hidden head and kissed it, "Good night, Wrath."

Wrath began to cowwer under his blanket, whispering shakily, "There's no such thing as zippers," til it became a chant that led him to false security and sleep.

A/N: In Chapter 2, Greed comes in and helps Envy show Wrath that fear of zipper and other crap is normal. And fail? And what's this? Greed and Envy are back together? When were they EVER together? oh yeah and R&R!