Gah! This series isn't popular enough… Not enough fan fictions to devour and not enough readers to, well read. I'd like to thank those of you who have read and reviewed, though. You're encouragement is very helpful! 3

This evening, I've had to forcibly inspire myself to write. I wasn't really in the mood, but then I read a Wata-meki fic that was interesting, but not as well written as I would have liked. It somehow made me want to write... ; Anyway, hopefully this will work out well.

Disclaimer: If xxxHOLiC belonged to me, Doumeki would have bunny ears and Watanuki would dress up like a giant carrot. Don't ask me why I'd do that, but you haven't seen it happen yet, have you?

Chapter Three: Such Good Friends

"Damn that Doumeki!" A wet and now squeaky clean Watanuki growled at his reflection.

The boy ruffled his hair dry with his towel. He checked his torso in the mirror. His burns still hurt, but the cold shower had helped. The redness wasn't nearly as bad as it had been earlier. He was pretty certain he'd be fine within a day or so. He'd certainly be okay to go to school and work the next day.

"I guess I wasn't burned that bad after all…"

He wrapped his towel around his waist and sighed. "Why is that jerk being so helpful? It's weird…" He thought for a moment. "Then again, he usually helps with all the weird missions Yuuko-san sends me on without complaining. I don't think she ever pays him…" He shook his head. "Who cares anyway?"

Kimihiro studied his reflection; his eyes in particular. It still kind of bothered him the way one was slightly off… One wasn't his. "Why did he do that…?"

He was distracted by a noise coming from his room. It sounded like the door had just opened and closed.

Did he… leave? Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks. Thank you, god!

He threw the bathroom door open and stepped out. The small apartment looked exactly as it had before he had gotten home. Well, minus one table and plus a makeshift clothesline with the wet towels hanging on it. Doumeki did this..?

"That jerk! I told him I'd clean it up!" He wasn't sure why it made him angry, but he had to vent in some way.

Suddenly, the door reopened and Shizuka walked in.

"You're loud. I could hear you from the hallway."

Watanuki jabbed his finger at his 'guest'. "You're still here? I thought you went home!"

"I threw out the table."

Before the shorter boy could respond, he noticed Doumeki quickly look him up and down. It was then that he remembered he was still in a towel. Suddenly it felt as though someone had set his face on fire. Actually, to Watanuki, the room suddenly felt several degrees hotter.

Clutching at his towel nervously, the boy glared. "What are you looking at?"

"Your burns look better."

"Y-yeah. I guess the water helped." Suddenly feeling incredibly embarrassed, he quickly grabbed some clothes and practically ran back into the bathroom.

Why else would he be looking at me? His throat had gone dry, and he kept licking his lips as he threw his clothes on. He just wanted Doumeki to leave. His presence had somehow gone from incredibly annoying, to suffocating: and he couldn't figure out why. Why is he still here?

Shizuka was staring at a framed photo when Watanuki reappeared in the room.

"Is this you and your parents?" The taller boy asked without turning his gaze.

"Oh, yeah…"

Instead of speaking further, Doumeki continued studying the photograph. It was then that Watanuki remembered that his friend's clothes were still soaked.

The boy walked over to the dresser the photo was on and opened and closed a few drawers, removing a few articles of clothing. Without warning, he chucked them in a wad at his companion. To his dismay, the latter caught them.

Adopting a haughty expression, Watanuki placed one hand to his chest, throwing the other out dramatically. "I, the great Watanuki will show you compassion and allow you to borrow those clothes." He paused. "Just try not to stretch them out and ruin them!"

"Will they fit?" The bigger boy eyed the clothes in his hands.

"Hey! You're not that much taller than I am!"

When Doumeki went into the bathroom, the other boy breathed a sigh of relief. He checked the clock. It was already almost eight. Doesn't he have a home to go back to?

The bathroom door opened and Shizuka reentered the room. The clothes looked surprisingly good on the taller boy, aside from being a little short around his wrists and ankles. Kimihiro had given him one of his baggier shirts, a blue one with a hood, and plain black pants. He held his damp school uniform folded up in his arms.

He pointed at his pants. "They're short."

Watanuki bristled. "Well, I'm sorry I didn't have bigger ones ready for you!"

"I'm leaving."

"Finally!" Thank god! "I was wondering when you would!"

Doumeki slipped his shoes on and paused at the door. "I'll by you a new table."

"Wh-" The door shut before he could finish.

Watanuki had trouble sleeping that night.


"What is this?"

"What do you think it is?"

Doumeki stared at the bento Watanuki had shoved into his hands. The Shorter boy had handled it like it was the most disgusting thing he had ever laid hands on.

"I said I'd buy lunch today."

Kimihiro glared at a tree, refusing to look at the other boy. "It's not like I was hurt that bad." He placed a hand on his stomach. "It didn't even hurt by the time I woke up this morning."

The taller boy opened the bento and began to eat without further attempts at conversation.

"Hey! Where's my 'thank you'?"

Doumeki paused and looked up from his meal. "It's not what I wanted."

Watanuki had to restrain every cell in his body from beating the other boy within an inch of his life. "Well, I didn't exactly have time to shop for the ingredients, okay?"

"Make it for me tomorrow."

Taking a deep breath, the spectacled boy was about to scream his head off when he was interrupted.

"Hello, Watanuki-kun, Doumeki-kun!"

All previous thoughts forgotten, Kimihiro skipped toward the object of his affections. "Hello, Himawari-chan!"

The girl smiled cheerily. "You're very energetic today, Watanuki-kun!"

The boy swooned. Somehow, hearing those words from the pigtailed girl filled him with bliss.

"Sorry, I'm late." She sat down a few feet away from Doumeki and placed her own bento on her lap. "I had to talk to my homeroom teacher about something."

"Don't apologize, Himawari-chan!" Watanuki plopped down happily on the ground near his friends. "I'm just glad you could eat with us today!" He glared at Shizuka. "Eating alone with him is like torture…"

"No one makes you eat with me." Doumeki stared at the boy as he filled his mouth with another bite of food.

"Well, I have to bring you your stupid bento, don't I?"

"You could leave after you give it to me if you wanted to…"

Watanuki was practically hissing with anger before he was distracted by a soft giggle.

"You two really are such good friends!"

"He is not my friend!"

Himawari only giggled once more, unwrapping her lunch.

Grumbling to himself, Kimihiro sulkily began to eat his own lunch. Why does she always say that? How are we friendly in any way? He shoved some food in his mouth, not even tasting it. Why couldn't it just be Himawari-chan and me? I always end up alone with that Doumeki, but I almost never get to spend time alone with Himawari-chan…

"You make a lot of funny faces when you eat, Watanuki-kun!" The dark-haired girl said with a laugh.

Watanuki laughed nervously. "Heh… Do I?"

"You look like an idiot."

And then embarrassment went straight to anger. "Well, you look like an idiot all the time!"


"Hey, don't ignore me!" He screamed at Doumeki as the latter continued eating with his free hand over one of his ears.

Himawari sighed and smiled to herself. Even if he doesn't realize it, they really do get along very well…

Chapter Three: End

I don't know why, but this chapter was a bit harder for me to write… I kept losing interest and leaving it. I ended up sitting down to write this three times. Usually, I do a chapter all at once.

Anyway… Review! I need more love! Oh, the love I need! If I don't have at least one review by the time I get home from work tomorrow, I swear, I'll kill a puppy! I'll kill two if you people drive me to it! AND, if I receive enough luvin' I'll make sure the next chapter isn't so short, okay?

Save the puppies; REVIEW!