Disclaimer: I don't own any of this but it would be great if I did...

A/N: Wow, its been almost a month since I last updated and I apologized for that, especially to all my patient readers and reviewers. I was so caught up in finals and grades that writing my story was forced to become one of my least important priorities but think no more of this since I am finally out of school. With this, I'll be able to write more so you can expect more frequent updates. As I said earlier, I apologize for not updating or warning you about how long it would take for this chapter to be written but enough with my apologizes and on with the story.

"So what was Huntz excuse for being late, this time?" Colin asked in a non-surprised matter.

"He happened to meet my roommate and was just talking to her. He also promised to bring her to the Pub too."Stephanie replied, excited that she would soon meet her roommate.

"Flirting, love. Huntz was flirting with her, not talking," corrected Finn.

"Dear God, I hope she isn't another one of those blondes who will sooner or later become one of Logan's playmates. Do you happen to remember my roommate last year, I think Annie was her name."

"Actually, her name was Vanessa." Interrupted Colin.

Unfazed that she had mistakenly said the wrong name, she continued as if Colin didn't say a thing. "She was so convinced that Logan liked her more than a one-night stand, and that he had become her "unofficial" boyfriend. Did she get on my nerve later on...practically drooling whenever Logan came over," ranted an annoyed Stephanie.

Just as she had finished ranting, Logan himself arrived at the table with a brunette girl in tow. "Hey guys," he greeted, as he pulled up two chairs for the brunette and himself. Colin cleared his throat and looked from Logan to the girl expecting him to introduce her. Understanding what Colin was trying to ask him to do, he began introducing everyone one by one. "The one who's asking for an introduction is Colin, the Australian across the table is Finn, and your new roommate is Stephanie over here. Everyone, this is Rory Gilmore."

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After a couple of coffees, laughter and chatter could be heard from the table, no doubt everyone seemed to get along together quite well. During this time, everyone had quickly learned that the Gilmore Girl in front of them was as highly addicted to coffee as Finn was to his dear, alcohol.

Not having anything to add to the current conversation, Colin glanced down at his Rolex. "Gilmore, when are your movers suppose to arrive?" Before Rory was able to answer, her cell phone interrupted her.

Rory excused herself for a moment as she got up from the table and headed towards the door to answer her call. Finding her phone in her purse, she looked at the caller ID, slightly confused as to the reason of the caller; she still answered the call, non-the less.

"Hello, may I please speak to the daughter who some how forgot her mom and decide to leave for lunch."

"I forgot to leave a note?" Rory questioned weakly.

"Yes, you did missy and you left you're poor mom at your new dorm all by herself. For that you're gonna owe me a few cups of Luke's coffee." Lorelai said, triumphantly. "So really, where did you go, hun? I was just picking up boxes from the car and when I come back you're not here."

"I swept out to lunch with my new roommate and some of her friends."

"Okay just remember to get back soon, since the movers and most likely Chris are due to arrive any minute."

"I'm guessing we're just about to leave anyways, so I'll see you in a bit."

When Rory was just about to head back in, Steph opened the door. "We're heading back to the dorms. Let's go!" Stephanie grabbed Rory by the arm and began skipping down the path towards the dorms.

When Steph realized that neither of her guy friends were following them, she shouted. "Hey, you guys coming?"

"Coming, Love." Finn hollered. Hearing their answer, Steph and Rory continued on their way to the dormitories.

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As they approached their dorm, they saw quite a few movers unloading boxes off of a truck and into their common room. Walking into the room Steph and Rory immediately heard someone yelling at another person. As they went further in, they saw what seemed to be an older version of Rory and a man somewhere in his thirties, in a heated argument. "So I'm guessing those two are your parents," Stephanie whispered quietly trying not to catch the couple's attention.

Whispering back, Rory replied, "Yup, those are my parents, Lorelai Gilmore and Christopher Hayden."

"Hayden."Stephanie repeated, not quite believing that the man in front of her was the Christopher Hayden. Her dad had somewhat mention befriending a guy named Chris Hayden in his high school days at boarding school. What was the school called again...Saint, something...I think it started with an 's' or maybe I'm thinking that because of the word saint. Waving off the thought of trying to come up with the name, Stephanie gave Rory a shove towards her parents as Logan, Finn, and Colin walked in.

Finally noticing the presence of an audience, the two ended their argument and turned their gaze upon their daughter. "Um.. Hi mom, dad," Rory greeted her parents feeling a bit uncomfortable that they had been arguing in front of her new friends and her new roommate none the less.

"Hey Hon, didn't think you'd be back from lunch so quickly." Lorelai stated, trying to cover up the fact that she was, yet again, upset with Chris

"Hey Ror, it's been a while hasn't it," Christopher told his daughter as he walked over and gave her a hug.

Smiling Rory stepped out of her father's embrace and began placing names to the faces of her friends. "Mom, dad, this is Logan Huntzberger, Finn Rothschild, Colin McCrae, and Stephanie Vanderbilt." Of course Rory had her eyes on her mother when she was saying these names. Lorelai wasn't a big fan of anyone part of the Hartford elite. Learning from past experiences, Rory knew that her mothers was always a bit reluctant about her befriending these types of people, more specifically meaning the people her grandparents would approve of her knowing. She, herself, would have to agree that she hated how some of the Hartford elite flaunted how much money and what their status was in front of others. Unlike Lorelai, Rory was able to give these people a chance even if they were from the Hartford elite. Just like she had expected, Lorelai's facial expression had changed ever so slightly but she would never be able to fool her own daughter.

Turning towards her friends, she began to introduce her parents. "You guys, these are my parents, Lorelai Gilmore and Christopher Hayden."

"Colin, what was that one school you got banned from?" Stephanie asked, trying to once again remember what the name was.

"I do believe it was St.-"

"Sebastian's! That's it! St. Sebastian's." Exclaimed a rather happy blonde.

"Mr. Hayden," Steph began saying but was stopped.

"It's just Chris or Christopher. No, Mr. Hayden or anything like that, it'll make it seem like I'm my father."

"Now, we wouldn't want Chris to feel like a stuffy person like Straub, now would we." Lorelai joked lightly.

"No, we wouldn't Mis-, I mean Lorelai. But like I was saying earlier, Chris, you attended St. Sebastian's did you not?"

"I did last St. Sebastian's for quite a while. How did you know?" Asked a rather suspicious Christopher.

"By any chance do you remember a friend that attended there, named Eric Vanderbilt?"

"Ah, yes, Eric Vanderbilt one of my closest friends during my stay at St. Sebastian's. And you know this because you're Eric's little girl aren't you." Christopher said, piecing together the information. "I also believed that you're mom was a new student that semester too." He added, smiling at the memories that had been brought up.

"How long were you there for, Chris? And what do you mean, you lasted at St. Sebastian's for quite a while?" Questioned Colin.

"I was there for about a semester before I was kicked out which is what I meant, by lasting there for quite a while. I mean, compare to Groton and St. Sybill's..." he said, trailing off at the end. Logan and Finn had immediately joined the conversation when Groton and St. Sybill's were mention.

After a while, both the trio and Chris left, leaving only the girls in the dorm. "I'm going to head back home now, sweetie." Lorelai said as she hugged her daughter. "Be good now and I'll see you next weekend." She stopped at the doorway of Steph's room and said goodbye as she left her daughter for college, for the first time.

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Returning to the empty house, Lorelai couldn't help but think of the past. Her daughter was now attending an Ivy college away from home and everything in her life was falling into place like it should. Her life on the other hand was very...different than her daughter's but the one life she could always relate to was Christopher's.

It seemed as though whenever they had finally found their footing and thought that they understood one another; their next step would turn out for the worse, and they would end up red-faced yelling at each other. Once in a while, Lorelai would wonder what had happened to them. They were high school sweethearts but their feelings for each other had started even before that. They had practically known each other since they were in the sandbox. Of course when she was little, like any other girl, would dream about her prince coming someday. It was almost too good to be true, when she had finally realized that her true prince was right beside her all along. He was with her through thick and thin disguised as her best friend but when revelation came to her, he was her truly her knight in shining armor. It seemed, as though he had always known what his role was and would patiently wait until his princess would turn to him. Everything went downhill, when she had taken Rory with her and left Hartford. Now the situation had been switched, now, he was the one trying to find his one and only and she was left to wait for him.

I'm in need of a Beta so if you're willing contact me! I'd also like to thank all my reviewers!

andrea kamille