"When one door closes, another opens," Stabler's new partner opined.

"Right," Munch replied, in that way of his that said he was about to shred whatever the other person in the conversation had just said, and coincidentally the person's ego.

"I've always thought it was a bit more like what the character Maria said in the Sound of Music, 'When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.' That saying makes it seem much more like you have to work a bit to escape your woes, finding the somewhere the open window is located, and then wriggling through it , hoping you don't find yourself on a high floor with no fire escape outside that open window," John concluded, happy that he could contradict Elliot's Partner of the Month.

"That's my partner, Mr. Optimistic," Fin said clapping John on the shoulder as he passed by. Fin was no more enamored of Elliot's latest partner than John was. They both wanted Olivia back, and they weren't very subtle about their displeasure with Elliot, Cragen or the "new talent". "You about ready to blow this Popsicle stand, old man?"

"Yeah, are you offering me a ride?" John asked as he picked up his coat from his chair,

"Sure, if you hurry that skinny ass of yours up and get out of here before Cragen can call us in his office and give us something to do."

"Done," John said as he headed toward the elevator.

"They don't like me very much, do they?" Dani Beck observed to her partner.

"Don't take it personally. They're just both missing Olivia and they're mad at Cragen and me. You're just catching some of the fall out. Eventually it's gonna dawn on them that they're being jerks and they'll cut it out," Elliot assured her.

"I'm sure you're right." Dani replied.

"Look, if it really bothers you, I'll talk to them," he offered.

"No, no I can handle it." Dani quickly countered.

Later, in a tunnel in Central Park

"So why did you call SVU out, officer?" Beck asked.

"Well, we think we have the perp, but since he's an old homeless guy we thought maybe SVU would be better suited to handle him. I mean don't you guys handle all elderly victims?" the young patrolman asked.

"Yeah well, that's victims not perps," she sighed. "Well, let's see who we've got.

She approached the homeless man who was already cuffed. He was tall for an elderly man, almost six foot and he stood upright, not at all stooped. He was silver haired and bearded. Like most homeless he was dirty and smelled, but no more than any of the rest of them.

"Sir, can you tell me your name?" she asked gently.

The elderly man smiled. "A lovely lady asks me for my name, of course I will tell you. My name is Andrew Munch," he answered in a very charming voice.

She blinked, a bit surprised.

"Are you related to a John Munch?"

"Yes, I have a young nephew by that name." he replied.

"Great, just great, this is really going to endear me to him."