DON'T own winx club kk

Hey! Thanks again for all the reviews that you've all given me! I really appreciate it!!

I have another Fanfic called 'French Class' soooo go check it out! Lol only one chapter but I'll be sure to update soon

Don't own winx club!

Hey everyone!! Back again lol sorry for the long wait!! I had to wait a couple of months for a new laptop and I finally got it! So I had to transfer all my previous work here ha-ha

Anyways I should be updating more frequently now since I take this thing everywhere!
Thanks again for bearing with me! Leave reviews they're always welcomed and I'll answer back laters!

Thanks again to all the people who took the time to review and add my story to their alert list









Story lover

I think there's more ppl but I didn't really have time sooo thanks again!!!!

Chapter 9

"I wish to know the truth…To know who I am… This person that everyone sees…This person that is me…"

There was less than three days left for the big ball and so far that was all anyone ever talked about now. The girls at Alfea would gush about their dates and their dresses while all the boys at Redfountain would brag about their rides and who they were taking to the ball.

Meanwhile the winx club girls still found the time between all their shopping and studying to spy on Musa. However they always came back even more confused than before and in big heaps of trouble.

"What's wrong Stella?" Bloom asked as she spotted her very tired friend coming into the room followed by Layla and Flora.

"AHH! I don't want to talk about it!" she cried as she through herself to a nearby bed. Both she and the other girls were a mess, they were all covered in dirt and mud and had twigs and leaves stuck in their hair.

Bloom looked confused as she walked over to Stella expecting an explanation for their strange appearance. "Uhh…" Layla sweat dropped

"You see we were …sort of 'following' Musa" came Flora's sweet voice as she played with her hands.

"Yea... ha ha… lets just say…it didn't go to well" Layla said as she looked down at all her torn clothing.

"Yea! Who ever said spying on Musa would be easy never imagined having to jump into bushes or climb up trees all day long did they?!" Stella tiredly complained "I mean just look at my hair!"

"Uhh Stella that was your idea" an annoyed Layla retorted as she fell to the floor tiredly.

"Ugh! Whatever! I'm going to take a nice long bath!" Stella replied as she left.

"Don't forget we have detention later on Stella" Flora replied as she looked at Bloom's confused face "it's a long story" Flora replied with a laugh.

"What's a long story? And what happened to you guys?" techna asked as she came into the room.

------------------------Alfea's Garden ---------------------

Alfea was a place of great beauty and its gardens were reflections of the peace and tranquility that it held. It was late in the afternoon when Musa decided to head out to the gardens.

She found a nice secluded spot in the corner of the garden where an old looking bench covered in leaves sat. She then began to quietly take out her notebook and pen. She had been elected a few days ago by the entire student body at Alfea to work on the entertainment for the Ball that was taking place. Ever since then she had been coming to the garden working on the song she was suppose to perform and because no one hardly ever came in there it was also one of the best places to hide herself and think for a while without any distractions.

Lately she had had the feeling that she was being followed but whenever she would look around she always found nothing.

"its so boring here" Musa whispered as she looked up at orange sky, it would be dark soon and she knew that she should head back to her dorm but she had always enjoyed the night sky, it was always so intriguing to her.

Musa sighed as she looked down at her notebook she hadn't finished her song yet, the one she was going to perform at the ball "and it's only 3 days away! Ahh! Actually 2 days…great…" Musa mentally hit herself as she closed her eyes.

Nothing much had happened since her strange vision and things had begun to turn normal… well except for the fact that she didn't hang out with the girls anymore and that Riven was actually 'NICE' to her for a change. He was always there for her and she really liked that, she was also talking more to the older Damien, for some reason unknown to her Riven didn't seem to like.

Yet on days like this the only thing that seemed to give her comfort was the moon shaped necklace she always wore. It reminded her of her dreams and of the young Damien she had met.

Lately she had been dreaming of a white room filled with large flower vessels of some sort. She never quite understood it. While other times in her dreams she could not see but hear muffled voices then cries and she would always try to force her eyes open but they were always too heavy. She would then awake feeling all tired and drained.

Musa examined her necklace admiring its color and texture before slowly putting it down and giving a sad sigh 'I wonder what happened to him…' she thought sadly as she looked up at the sky. 'I mean…this Damien's the same person right? Its like I know him too but it's… different' Musa was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice some one walking up to her.

"Hello Musa" a dark voice said "what are you doing here this late? Its going to get dark soon you know"

Musa gasped as she quickly turned around "Oh! Damien!" she said as she reached a hand upon her chest "don't scare me like that again!" she laughed as made room for him to sit with her.

"What's up? And what are you doing here this late?" she asked as she watched him take his seat. He was currently wearing black sneakers, dark baggy pants with a black long sleeve shirt and white short sleeve shirt on top.

"Ah! You caught me I guess" he laughed as he scratched his head "as for what's up? The sky" he pointed up.

"Oh ha ha funny today hm?" She said as she poked him on the side. "Well what are you doing here anyway?" Damien asked

"Oh? Just trying to finish up a song for that stupid ball" she angrily sighed "writers block?" he asked smiling "don't worry I'm sure you'll have it done by then and it will be great" he said smoothly as he laid back.

Musa regarded him for a moment before she turned to look at the sky "its beautiful hm?" Musa asked. "What? The sky?" Damien asked "not that! The stars!" Musa replied as she pointed up to stars that were slowly starting to appear.

Damien gave a sad smile "yea…you always did like them, didn't you princess" he whispered the last part as he hid his dark eyes.

"What was that?" Musa asked oblivious to everything "hm? Oh nothing…" he replied with a fake smile.

"Hey…Damien" Musa whispered suddenly watching the sky darken "have you…I mean…"

"What is it?" Damien asked curiously as he watched Musa struggle with her question. She was wearing dark jeans with a black skirt and a long sleeved blue shirt.

"Oh…nothing it's stupid" she laughed as she began to blush.

"Oh come on Musa…tell me" he said as he made eye contact with her. Musa suddenly felt very strange and decided to ask him another question instead "ok…" she said with a thoughtful look "Do you like the dark?" she said carefully watching him.

He was very surprised at how ironic the question actually was 'she asked me that once…' he thought sadly. His eyes held great sadness as he looked up towards the sky "I actually use to hate the dark when I was little…but then one day…I just got over it" he replied coolly as he closed his eyes and smiled "what about you? Are you afraid of the dark?" he laughed

"Me? No way!" Musa smiled as she watched the night sky.

Damien's eyes turned cold and emotionless as he watched Musa before returning his attention to the starry night.

"its weird…"Musa said suddenly "how sometimes… it just feels like everything here isn't real…an illusion of the mind" she said gripping her necklace "but then that feeling changes…and you feel like you yourself aren't really here…like your someone else…but I'm just weird like that" Musa said laughing

Damien suddenly got up clutching his chest "actually…" he whispered "that doesn't seem weird to me at all…" and with that he started to walk away "I'll see you at the ball then Musa." He said waving before he disappeared around the corner.

Musa just sat there staring at the corner he had turned '…that was strange…' she thought with a frown clutching onto the moon shaped necklace 'I thought I felt him…' she looked around the garden before she too got up and began her long silent walk to her dorm.

Riven had been walking around Alfea for a few hours now looking for a certain someone.

He was wearing dark blue jeans, a black shirt with a red jacket on top and black sneakers. 'Where the hell is she?' he thought angrily as he continued his search.

He'd been confused for a while now and in a way still was confused. He couldn't explain the feelings he had building up inside of him for the last couple of days. It still scared him at times when he'd see Musa and his heart would suddenly speed up or when she would talk to him and he'd feel his face heat up.

This was not the type of guy he was, he didn't do this sort of thing… but Musa was different. He loved it when she laughed and smiled, the way she talked and the way she'd act all tough. The way her eyes would always light up while she looked at him…

He'd been noticing a lot of little things when they hung out like the way she would lean in as if she were telling him a secret when they talked or argued, or the way her hair smelled of strawberries. Things he would never notice when he went out on dates with other girls.

That's why for the past 4 hours he had been searching up and down looking for the girl that made him feel different 'great! Just when you need to talk to her you can't find her!' Riven thought tiredly as he scratched the back of his head.

He had entered the garden when he heard familiar voices ahead of him. He stopped short as he witnessed the scene before him, Damien had just sat next to Musa on a bench and they were now in conversation. 'Dam that bastard' thought Riven angrily as he began spying on them.

He had been wondering whether or not to just barge in on their chat and drag Musa away but was interrupted by Musa's voice "not that! The stars!" he watched sadly as Musa smiled towards the sky. 'She seems to be enjoying herself…' he thought as jealousy made its way through his veins. He couldn't just stand there doing nothing and he wasn't going to embarrass himself either.

With one last glance at the couple he started walking back but not before promising himself immediate revenge against that Damien guy. 'First find a way to talk to Musa…then let's see of I got any pranks left for this Damien' he thought with a smirk. No way was he going to give up this easily.

'So you finally realized you like Musa?!' his inner self shouted

'Shut up and no I'm in denial!' he thought back

'…'-inner voice

'No stupid I just need to talk to her that's all' Riven thought calmly as he felt his face get hot

'…ehh…its progress' thought the inner voice happily as it left

---------------- Back with Musa--------------

She had almost made it to the building where her dorm was when she spotted a dark figure laid back against one of the nearby trees. As she continued walking she sighed with relief as she made out Riven's figure. 'Wow that was scary for a sec. what's he doing here this late? I mean do all the guys at red fountain sneak out late just to come over here? Geez I wouldn't be surprised if I spotted any of the other guys around' she thought with a quiet laugh.

She continued walking up to Riven when she noticed that his eyes were closed and that he seemed to be in thought. As she continued on with her thoughts she failed to notice Riven open is eyes.

"M-Musa!" Riven said as he fell back, his face as red as his hair. Musa however didn't notice since it was too dark to see. 'crap that was to close!' he thought as he remembered seeing Musa's face barely inches away from his, at that thought he turned a darker shade of red.

"Riven ahh sorry!" Musa said with a smile as she helped him get up "I really didn't think it was you" she said as she looked up at him. Riven however couldn't speak for a while when he noticed his hand in Musa's.

"Wait a minute! So you sneak up on other guys like that?!" Riven spoke up a little jealous as he watched Musa laugh.

"Eehh maybe? Ha ha just kidding I just wanted to scare you ok? Sorry!" she said while smiling at the look on his face

"That wasn't funny or scary… you just surprised me a little" Riven scoffed then smiled back at Musa, though secretly he was still jealous of the thought of Musa getting close to any guy.

Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do

Time's square can't shine as much as you... I swear its true…

Riven looked at Musa as she looked towards the dorm house, though it was dark and difficult to see he could tell that she was uneasy.

'Why do you have to be so…beautiful Musa?' he thought sadly

"Umm…Riven can we talk?" Musa suddenly said while looking at the floor braking Riven from his thoughts.

"Sure what's wrong?" he said while trying to make her look at him, and that's when he saw it…she was crying

Hey there Delilah don't you worry about the distance

He suddenly pulled her into his arms

I'm right there if you get lonely give this song another listen

Close you eyes.

Musa was shocked by his sudden action and slowly closed her eyes as she hugged him back, trying to hold back her tears.

'Why do I have to feel this way around you Riven' she thought miserably as her heart rate started to speed up.

Listen to my voice it's my disguise I'm by your side…

"It's ok Musa…I'm here, I won't leave you…I'm right here it's ok" Riven whispered soothingly trying to comfort Musa

Oh it's what you do to me… oh it's what you do to me … oh what you do to me…oh it's what you do to me, what you do to me

Riven really didn't know what had come over him, one minute he's trying to figure out his emotions and the next he has this girl he's fallen head over heels with in his arms crying her heart out. 'Musa…I don't like to see you like this…I swear I'll kill… I don't care who! (Sighs) I just want to see you smile again…' he thought as he held her tighter

Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard

"Riven…it's just…I don't know what to do" she said while crying

But just believe me girl some day I'll pay the bills with this guitar

We'll have it good…we'll have the life we knew we would… my word is good…

"Musa please tell me what's wrong" he pleaded silently while cupping her face in his hands his eyes were full of worry and something Musa couldn't really describe, was it passion? Maybe even love?

'Nah I must be crazy to think something like that' Musa thought while trying to look away as she blushed lightly

Hey there Delilah I got so much left to say

"I have this feeling…deep inside" she said while pointing to her heart

"I… I don't think he's coming back! I think I lost him…" she whispered the last part while looking away

"Lost who?" Riven asked though he knew the answer.

With every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away.

"I think…that something's going to happen soon…and…" she stepped away from Riven

"I think…" she said clutching her necklace "that I have to find a way to get to him…"

"That it isn't too late?" Riven finished the sentence for her a little angrily

I'd write it all... even more in love with me you'd fall … we'd have it all.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into Musa!" he said as he approached her trying to get her to look at him.

"You don't understand…"Musa said with tears in her eyes "it's killing me…" her eyes full of grief.

"I don't belong here Riven…my time has passed and …" she couldn't look at him

"And what…I don't understand…" he said while trying to calm himself down

Oh it's what you do to me… oh it's what you do to me … oh what you do to me…oh it's what you do to me…

"Riven…I'm going to die" she said softly as she looked at him, he just froze looking at her as if she was crazy "…what? ..." he whispered while looking at the floor.

"You're crazy Musa…if you think I'm just going to let you talk like that" he said silently with an edge to his voice.

A thousand miles seems pretty far but they got planes and trains and cars

I'd walk to you if I had no other way…

Riven hurriedly walked the short distance to Musa and held her in an embrace as he stood there shaking. Musa closed her eyes as she whispered "I'm sorry…"

Our friends would all make fun of us

We'd just laugh along because we known that none of them have felt this way…

'I love you Musa' he thought at first sadly then angrily… he wasn't going to let her do this to herself.

"I have to save everyone…I have to save him… save his brother" came her muffled cry from his chest as she snuggled deeper "help me" she cried softly as she held Riven tighter.

Delilah I can promise you that by the time we get through

The world will never ever be the same... and you're to blame…

"Musa…I promise you…I will protect you" Riven said as he buried his face in her hair, smelling her sweet scent.

"But please Musa…don't leave me…don't go away" Riven said softly

Hey there Delilah you be good and don't you miss me

"What?" Musa asked a little confused and shocked as she looked into Riven's eyes, she had never noticed how soft they where or how good it felt to be held like this before.

His muscular arms made her feel save and warm, something she hadn't felt in a while.

Two more years and you'll be done with school and I'll be making history like I do… you know it's all because of you…

"Make me a promise…" he said looking at her with a serious face "that you will stay here…with me when this is all over" he said with a small smile as he brought his right hand to her face "don't go away…don't leave me" Riven said as he gently cupped her face in his left hand, slowly wiping away her tears as his fingers gently caressed her lips 'crap…I think I'm going to kiss her' he thought with an inner smirk.

We can do whatever we want to…

Hey there Delilah here's to you… this one's for you

"…I promise" she said gently with a teary smile 'only you can make me act this way' she thought as she hugged him tightly trying to avoid looking at his parted lips.

"Musa…"Riven said with a light blush on his cheeks

"Right! Tell anyone this and die!!" she threatened playfully with a shake of her fist.

"Of course" he smiled and he raised her chin and softly kissed her on the lips

Oh it's what you do to me… oh it's what you do to me … oh what you do to me…oh it's what you do to me…

'It will be our little secret' he thought as he pulled away from a very shocked Musa.

'I will protect you Musa…I won't let them get you' he thought while looking into Musa's dark blue eyes.

------------To be continued…-------------------------

Soo tell me what you guys think then! I thought I'd give you this ending for the long wait lol and be sure to check out my other story "French Class" just one chappie now but I'm finishing up the next set. Anyways hope you like it! I know it could have been better but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer! (Cries) lol