Ok this id my first fic ever! The story is about how Musa has been having these strange dreams in which a boy waits for her. She seems to think that it has a deeper like some one is calling her. Well what happens when Riven finds out? What will he do? How can he save her from the boy… and herself? And who is this attractive young man that says he knows Musa? From where and how? And is Riven getting jealous of the guys closeness towards Musa? Only time will tell!

"Nothing is all right….."

It was a regular day in Alfea the winx girls were hanging out together talking about their already planned dates. Sky and Bloom would be going to the movies later at night while Stella and Brandon would go on a romantic date by the enchanted lake, Flora would be out with Helia all afternoon they were going to the forest to see the plants and Tecna and Timmy were going do some calculations that would take them late into the night. They still would not admit of their relationship but that didn't stop everyone from noticing their little winks and catching each others eyes.

Well this was a normal day for everyone. All the winx's girls seemed happy and in love that is except for Musa and Layla they were the only ones in the group who seemed not to have a guy.

Well that didn't seem to bother them much though Layla however knew that Musa had deep feelings for Riven but was too stubborn to admit it.

Ever since their return from Shadow Haunt she has been acting very strange. She has separated herself little by little from the group like she doesn't care.

At first she complained that she just had a big headache or felt really tired. But since everyone was in love no one noticed this except for Layla and Riven.

Riven truly loved Musa but was too shy to admit it. Either that or he was too stupid to know what he felt for her.

Well anyway as the girls were getting ready for their dates the boys had decided to stay with the girls before they all went on their dates…

Brandon "Stella you are going to love this spot I found"

"I can't wait babe!" Stella said as she smiled

Sky "Bloom you are going to love the movie that I picked it's a horror one"

"Really! It's not that scary... right?" she asked nervously

"No! Hahaha don't worry I'll be with you" he smiled

"Oh Helia I can't wait to see the flowers!" said Flora as she spoke with her guy

"Timmy you won't believe this new..." said Tecna as she and Timmy got into a really interesting discussion.

"Well I guess it's just you and me and mister moody" said Layla

For she had decided that all three of them should hang out together so that they wouldn't be left out of the fun.

Riven had agreed to it saying that he really didn't care and didn't feel like staying in his dorm today he was secretly wanting to spend time with Musa.

"Actually Layla I really don't feel like going out anywhere I'm just really tired today so…yeah bye..." said Musa as she quickly left without looking at Riven.

"I don't get it" said Layla "what's wrong with Musa?"

Riven just shrugged

"Well…I guess it's just you and me huh?"

Riven really didn't care so they just left

During the shopping at stores Layla couldn't help but wonder about Musa...what was wrong with her? Why is she acting so strange? Is it Riven?

Back at Alfea Musa sat on her bed

She was getting those headaches again

"Dame it... what's wrong with me!"

Lately strange things had been happening to Musa even for fairy standards.

She's been having these strange dreams...

Musa walks to her balcony

… In these dreams there is some one waiting for her...

Musa looks down at the ground deep in thought

… Some one is calling her name...

She starts to cry she can't hold it in

…this person keeps waiting for her he told her something in this dream that Musa can't

seem to get off her mind...

"What do you mean?" Musa whispers

… "I promise you Princess Musa that I will wait for you that I will wait for you forever… I have faith in you…" the boy says

For some reason Musa felt that she was suppose to free him… that he was waiting for her to set him free… that he was waiting for her… he was searching for her…

Ever since these dreams had occurred she felt alone…really alone. She didn't care for life or for friends…

"Hey Riven!" Layla yelled

He was lost in thought again


"You want to go check on Musa?"

"…. Why should I care?"

"What do you mean!" Layla was angry

"… Whatever lets just go! I'm bored here" he was actually very anxious to go he had been worried about her.

It had taken them little to no time to get there for Riven was driving.

"Well ok lets go see from the garden I think she's there most of the time" said Layla

"Ok" said Riven

At the garden Musa was sitting on a chair covered with flowers and vines.

She was wearing a short blue skirt with dark jeans underneath and had a long sleeved dark blue colored shirt.

She was talking to Tune

"What's wrong Musa dear?"

"…nothing…" she said with a sigh

"That's not true!" she yelled angrily

"Everyone's been worried sick for you Musa! Even Riven"

"Wow could have fooled me!" she replied

"Listen Tune I really don't want to talk about it"

Suddenly Riven and Layla hear voices and decide to hide underneath a bush

"Please Musa"

"I said NOTHING is wrong with me! Got it? And why would I want to tell a stupid PIXIE for anyway?" she said angrily

"..Musa…I …I…" but Tune was already brought up with tears for Musa had smacked her out of the way.

"Musa! How dare you treat you pixie like that!" yelled Layla as she hurried to where Tune laid on the ground.

"Easy… I knew you guys were spying on me… and she was getting on my nerves" said Musa

"What's going on Musa has a witch taken over you body!" yelled Riven

"Oh look who's talking" said Musa

"Listen before both of you speak… I'm only saying this once…I don't ever want to speak to any of you ever again… I HATE ALL OF YOU! And I curse the day you where born!" said Musa

"Musa..." both Layla and Riven replied shocked

"Your… you're not the Musa I know..." said Riven

"Your right…I'm not…because she was an illusion she never existed…not to any of you…you will never know…anybody…"

"What are you saying!" yelled Riven

"I'm saying that you… that no one knows me! No one understands! You say I'm not me…but I am!... I've only woken up from a long dream…"

And with that she ran as far as she could

Hey this is my first fic and I would really appreciate reviews!

I need to know if you readers enjoyed it and if you think it's worth my time.

Critics, flames, whatever! Just review!