"Out of my way!" screamed Sharpay Evans, a junior at East High. She was screaming at a group of freshmen standing in front of her pink locker door, as usual, anyone who got in her way was screamed at. She was known as the Ice Queen and always got what she wanted.

The freshmen, not knowing what to think, moved quickly out of her way. She smirked and opened her locker door, not noticing Ryan Evans and Troy Bolton standing behind her.

Ryan Evans was her twin brother; they shared the same shimmering Blue eyes and the Same Blonde hair. They also shared the passion and Talent for singing; they always got the lead roles in plays and musicals.

Troy Bolton was the basketball star at East High; he was also Ryan's best friend. He had deep Brown eyes, and brown hair. For 2 years Sharpay had a crush on him, but then she got over him and moved on. He was one of the few people who knew the real Sharpay, though he didn't want to admit it.

After grabbing her books and examining herself in the mirror, Sharpay shut her locker door. She turned to leave, but then bumped into Ryan. She backed up a step, and then looked at him. "Ryan!" She exclaimed, with a tones of annoyance and surprise in her voice. She turned her head toward Troy, who was holding a lavender colored paper, and looking at Sharpay with a look that said 'I can't believe you just now seen us!' Reading his facial expression, she glared, and then turned back to Ryan, "Well? What do you guys need? I'm busy!" Sharpay snapped, as she tapped her foot on the ground, so her high heels made a 'click' sound and her dark pink skirt was brushing back and forth over her legs. The tone in her voice was again, an annoyed one. Ryan and Troy, noticing this, looked at each other, and then Ryan spoke up.

"Ok, I know your having a bad day, but Shar, just listen to what We're suppose to tell you..." Ryan said looking at Sharpay. Sharpay's expression didn't change, her foot was still tapping and she still looked annoyed, finally though she gave a faint 'fine' and Ryan continued. "Great! Troy, you explain the rest"
"Me!" Troy exclaimed. As far as he was concerned talking to Sharpay, the Ice Queen, when she was annoyed, was like talking to a brick wall.

"Waiting…" Sharpay hissed, still tapping her foot, and looking as annoyed as ever.

"Fine…" Troy sighed, "You're wanted in the Auditorium"

"That was your 'Big' 'Important' speech that couldn't wait till later!" Sharpay exclaimed, getting louder with every word. When she reached the word speech, heads started to turn because she was getting to loud.

"I'm not finished!" Troy said, with an impatient voice.

"THEN FINISH!" Sharpay glared at him, putting a hand up to her brother's mouth when he was about to speak. Ever since 2 days ago, Sharpay was meaner to Troy then what she had been before, no one knew why though, not even Ryan.

"Ok! They want you there so Ryan, Gabbi, you, and myself can rehearse for the fall concert coming up!" Troy replied then turned, walking to Ryan, he whispered something into his ear. Ryan nodded, then Troy walked off to the Auditorium, while Sharpay threw her locker door back open and threw her books in. She then slammed the locker door and turned, walking past Ryan, mumbling to herself. As she walked down the hall, Ryan walked after her, and several people stood, staring at her. She caught on to this quickly and stopped, glaring as she looked around. "What!" She finally yelled as she ran off down the hall. Ryan sighed before walking after her. After Sharpay had screamed, the hall was silent and as people seen her coming they split like the Red Sea. The day had just begun and Ryan already knew that it was going to be a very long day for them.