Well here we are, the last chapter of Just A Bowl Of Fruit.

Robert; Really? No! -Clings to Spencer for dear life-

Spencer; You do realise she's planning a sequel pending on the reviewers.

At least someone remembered and speaking of reviewers, I'd like to thank...

Elemental Gypsy; who inspired me to write this fanfic, cheers hun!

Nienna Angel; who's been brilliant at cheering me up, many thanks.

Kenzie Jadenwie


Party in the Afterlife

And Rainbow 101 to name the few I can remember, everyone else who's read/reviewed, thank you!

Now on with the last chapter /sobs/


Chapter 14 - Love it or ya don't.

Spencer POV

I think all my wishes came true last night, cos here I am now, in the same bed as Robert after our first mind-blowing love making, now watching my sleeping cherub… hold on, aren't they them little chubby things with wings? Oh well.

I don't care, he's adorable when he's asleep, he doesn't look like he's got lockjaw, I've had that, hurts like a bitch when you relax. I leant forward and kissed him tenderly on the forehead.

"Down Izzy." he snorted and turned over, the cheeky sod! I pulled him back against me and just for the heck of it, licked his cheek. I was greeted with bleary chocolate eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead." I smirked.

"Spencer? Did you lick me?"

"Well, I kissed you and you called me Izzy." I sat up and raised an amused brow at him when he blushed and huddled against my chest. Mumbling something about being asleep. He sat up, wincing slightly, I hope I didn't hurt him. Then he looked like he changed his mind and lay back against me, I just ran my fingers through his hair idly.

"Love you Spencer."

"I love you too Robbie. I didn't hurt you last night did I?"

"A little, but everything else made up for it." That's good to know. This is where I get personal, I remember Tyson making a comment about Russians being backwards, what does he know.

"Was last night… your first time?" I feel like a twit now, I'm blushing.

"Uh huh, yours?"

I sigh, I'm gonna be honest with him, most of my life I've lived like a coward.

"Technically… no, but I don't want to drag up the past, not when I have my present and future in my arms." I kissed his head.
You can all guess who it was.

"Such a bastard shouldn't be able to taint such an angel." Ok, he guessed too and for that I'm grateful.

"I'm no angel." I've done so many bad things to others under Boris's control, heck I even stole Dranzer from Kai!

"You're my angel." God love you Robert, and so do I.

We shared a sweet kiss before there was a knock on the door.

"Enter at risk." Robert growled. But no one did, what the hell?

"Stay here, I'll go." I got out from the sheets and wrapped a towel I found on the floor around my waist. I opened the door and just by instinct, I looked down.

A box? my birthday was yesterday and Robert's isn't for a couple of months. I picked it up and walked back to the bed.

"Open it." he looks cute when he frowns, cuter when he smiles or he's thinking. Doing so I found a huge bowl of fruit and a large scroll. Robert took the scroll and opened it out. I was greeted with a sketch of my back from the class this whole thing started in. Each muscle and strand of hair picked out to perfection.

"Good." I nodded.

"Of course it's good, it's you." Flatterer. "Oh there's a card here." he picked it up and read it. "That cheeky sod!"

"Care to fill me in?" ha, he's gone red again, he's so sweet.

Are you gonna tell me Robert or are you going to eat those cherries?

I looked to the drawing I was now holding and then the fruit bowl, Oliver's put every fruit I know in there and some I don't. I picked up a peach.

"I assume that's why you made the comparison that you did." I asked as I bit into the fleshy fruit. I love these things, and this one's really juicy.

Next I know I've got a flushed Robert licking my chin and kissing me, I lost my balance and fell to the floor, him - still naked - on top of me! I should eat peaches more often.

Well I did wish for our relationship to be passionate, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

"You ok?" Hey I was enjoying that.

"The carpet broke my fall." Don't pout at me, you know I'm sarcastic, it's a Blitzkrieg Boy trait.

"Are we going to get dressed anytime soon or are you gonna walk around in that towel all day?" One problem there.

"My clothes disappeared remember?"

"You didn't notice they're right by the d-OOR!" I had other, better things to look at. The reason for his sudden vocalisation- I just gave his arse a squeeze.

Robert POV.

I turned over after something wet touched my head, I think Izzy's got into my room. Then I was pulled back against something muscular and a tongue across my face. I opened my eyes to scold the offending tongue. Kind of surprised by the owner.

"Morning sleepyhead." Stupid smirk.

"Spencer? Did you lick me?" I mumbled.

"Well, I kissed you and you called me Izzy." I blushed and rested on his chest.

"Can't see through my eyelids when I'm asleep." I mumbled.

I sat up with the intention of getting dressed, I thought better of it when my arse twanged and leant back against Spencer, his fingers combing my hair, so nice…

"Love you Spencer." I didn't get to say it after last night's… ministrations.

"I love you too Robbie." Robbie? I haven't been called that for years. " I didn't hurt you last night did I?" His voice held some concern.

"A little, but everything else made up for it." Of course it did, a little pain for a load of pleasure and all that.

"Was last night… your first time?" Now he asks me, he looks embarrassed to ask.

"Uh huh, yours?" His first willingly I wager, Boris probably got his grubby tentacles on him first.

He sighed, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm right.

"Technically… no." I knew it, poor baby. "But I don't want to drag up the past, not when I have my present and future in my arms." Aw that's so sweet and a kiss to go with it, I wonder who his therapist was.

"Such a bastard shouldn't be able to taint such an angel." I reached up to move his hair from his face, that sun kissed gold.

"I'm no angel." Self-esteem issue, Tyson did warn me. Sure he did do some bad things in the past, but forgive and forget right?

"You're my angel." I think that made him feel a little better.

We shared a sweet kiss before there was a knock on the door.

"Enter at risk." Hey, we're having a tender moment, can you blame me?

"Stay here, I'll go." Oh but Spenny! Now you spoiled the view with that towel.

Great I'm turning into one of those perverted fogies I often have to talk to at social dos.

He came back in with a box. I frowned, he looks so damned sexy with that sceptical look.

"Open it."

In doing so we saw a huge bowl of fruit and a large scroll. I know what that is but I opened it anyway, I thought I told Oliver… never mind.

"Good." he nodded his approval.

"Of course it's good, it's you." well he is gorgeous. "Oh there's a card here." I read it. 'We're all going to see everyone off and go to Kai's to check damages. Hope you enjoyed last night since you're not up yet. Just remember how this all started, bon appetite!' "That cheeky sod!"

"Care to fill me in?" I blushed and avoided the question by picking out a few cherries.

"I assume that's why you made the comparison that you did." he asked as he bit into the peach he had picked out. Again with the whole peach thing! He's got juice dribbling down his chin, messy angel.

I couldn't help pouncing and licking the juice off his chin and kissing him senseless, Then the angle of the room shifted as he fell over, me on top of him.

"You ok?" I didn't mean to make him topple over.

"The carpet broke my fall." I pouted, sarcastic bugger, I wanted to kiss him better.

"Are we going to get dressed anytime soon or are you gonna walk around in that towel all day?" I really don't want anyone walking in on us like this.

"My clothes disappeared remember?" Oh yeah, I forgot he thought they were stolen."You didn't notice they're right by the d-OOR!" Hey, easy on the goods mister it still hurts! Squeeze my arse, I bet Sanguinex's bat friends heard that from the tower we use as an attic. "Evil git."

"You love me though." Evil, sarcastic, cocky, stupid, cute, undeniably sexy - I'm going from one extreme to the other here! "Penny for them?"

"Huh?" I'm such a ditz. I blame my mother.

"Your face went from pouting, to smiling and then to downright exasperated." Stupid overly observant- "You're doing it again. You sure you don't have Gustav bring you some medication or something?" If I didn't love him so much I'd throttle him.

"Who needs medication when I'm addicted to you." I kissed him and rested my head on his shoulder, then I felt the duvet being pulled over me.

"So, who's the cheeky sod?"


"And the fruit?"

"Oliver's coping method for drawing nude models. To think of them as…" he has this annoyingly delicious habit of kissing me mid-sentence, and so does the phone ringing.

"Jurgen castle, Robert speaking." Better than Gustav walking in to see us like this.

"Hello Robert, it's dad."

"Dad, how are you?" I hit the hands free and told Spencer to keep quiet.

"Sporting a migraine but fine my boy. How's the Spencer situation going?" I laughed and rest my head on Spencer's chest again.

"It's going perfectly dad, how's mum doing?"

"She's gone into denial that her little boy is 'batting for the other side' as she's so hysterically put it. Hence the migraine."

"I am sorry Dad." I bit my tongue trying not to laugh.

"No you're not, you've been wanting to get one up on her since you knew what payback was."

Spencer couldn't hold it in anymore. "And I thought Kai was one to hold a grudge. Evening Mr Jurgen."

"Morning Spencer. Happy birthday for yesterday." Smart as a button is my dad.

"Thank you sir." I can see these two getting on famously.

"I can hear your mother coming back Robert so I better go or she'll start wailing again."

"Earplugs are usually a good remedy for that."

"I think you might be onto something there Spencer. And keep an eye on my son for me." Dad! I'm twenty, not two.

"Will do." I hate that smirk.

"Bye dad."

"Bye boys." and he's gone.

"How did you know it was evening in the Bahamas?"

"It was the last place I went before coming back to Germany with Kai."

Now he's sitting up and peeling a banana! He's smirking at me again...

Is it me or is it hot in here?

I stared at him as he ate the banana in two bites! Ah, that mouth of his alone is…

I look down, shit.

I'm never going to be able to look at fruit the same way again without getting aroused.

"You seem to have a little problem. Allow me to fix that for you."

Damn I love that smirk.



And there you have it, please review and I'll get that sequel started .

Sanguinex; This is going to be a disaster.

Lupinex; shut up /hugs Nicky and Nicole/ you two are alike I just noticed.

Hm, Nicky's is practically a clone of me, my female OC's are representations of myself.

Please review!