OMG! I haven't written in since forever! Sorry bout dat I got caught up wit school! Newayz here's my new story Somone's watching over me! The song by Hilary Duff inspired me 2 wrtie this! Hope ya like!

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and I repeat Inuyasha and Kagome and Sango and Miroku and……get on with it……….geez fine I do not own Inuyasha and company……..happy?

"Die Naraku" Inuyasha yelled out as he cut Naraku with his wind scar

"This isn't over Inuyashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" screamed Naraku as he disappeared.

"Finally" sighed an exaggerated Inuyasha

"You did it Inuyasha! You finally killed Naraku!" said Kagome

"No…You mean…we did it, I couldn't have done it without Miroku and his wind tunnerl, Sango wit her hiraikotsu, Shippo with his illusions, Kirara, and you Kagome with your arrows and belief in me" replied Inuyasha

"Well said Inuyasha" said Miroku

"Miroku check your right hand to see if the wind tunnel is gone" said Sango

"Oh right!" Miroku said while unwrapping the prayer beads around his right hand once he unwrapped it he saw that the wind tunnel was gone

"It's gone, the cursed wind tunnel is finally gone!" yelled out a very happy Miroku


"I wonder what I'll do now since Naraku is defeated and we have revived the shikon no tama" thought Kagome

"Mmmmm" hummed Kagome

"Kagome? Are you okay?" asked Inuyasha

"Oh Inuyasha I didn't see you there? What? Huh?" asked Kagome

"I asked if you're okay" replied Inuyasha

"Yeah…I'm okay? Why?" asked Kagome

"Oh no reason really you just seemed troubled" replied Inuyasha

"Oh I'm just thinking" said Kagome

"About what" asked Inuyasha

"Well…you see…"

"Mmm? It's her" interrupted Inuyasha and he flew off somewhere

"Who? INUYASHA! Come back here who are you talk…oh wait it's her…Kikyo" said Kagome when she saw soul collectors

"I knew it, for a second there I actually thought he cared…what am I talking about Inuyasha would never care about me…only Kikyo…I mean Kikyo is so much better than me…I mean she's prettier…and nicer…and stronger…and smarter….and…and…and" sobbed Kagome


"Ka…Ka…Kagome?" Inuyasha stuttered out

"Inuyasha! Oh my god don't tell me you just heard that!" said Kagome

Inuyasha nodded his head

"I…I…I hafta go!" yelled Kagome running towards the bone eaters well

"Kagome! Wait" yelled out Inuyasha following her

Inuyasha caught up with Kagome before she reacher the well


"Shhhhh! Leave me along Inuyasha, I know that you love Kikyo and not me, so I'm doing you a favor by going back to my own time forever, I'm never coming back, I won't be a hazard to you or Miroku or Sango anymore! I wish you good luck with Kikyo, tell Sango and Miroku good-bye and tell them good luck on their relationship and tell Kirara that I'll miss her and Shippo that I love him and he'll always be in my heart. Don't think about going after me because I'm never coming back no matter what you say…please just give this one favor and don't follow me I never want to see you ever again! Good-bye Inuyasha…forveer" And with that Kagome jumped back down into the well.


Ok that was the 1st chappy yes I know it stinks! More coming up!s