Hey everyone I just thought about this fan fiction please tell me what you think and if I should keep writing

Days pass me by just like moments
There here and then they're gone for good, for good
I work so hard at where I'm going
I wonder what I've missed

" So um Nick are you sure you don't mind me staying here for a bit" Sara asked Nick

"Sara you can stay here as long as you need to" Nick said as the two of them walked into Nick's apartment

"Nick thank you so much...but I'm going to try and get out of your way as soon as I can" Sara said

I can't remember the last time
I picked up the phone just to talk
For hours on end
Or sent a birthday card un-belated
Maybe I should slow down

"Well you can stay here as long as you want . . . so you wanna tell me how you got that black eye?" Nick asked her

" Um well it's a long story . . . I'll tell you some other time." Sara said thinking that sooner or later she was going to have to tell him, and that later is what she wanted

" Okay, okay..well here is your room" Nick said as he walked down a small hallway with only 3 rooms his room the guest room that would soon to be Sara's room and at the end of the hall was the bathroom

Life doesn't wait for us to get it right
Day after night
It just goes on when it goes wrong
It goes and then it's gone
So I'm gonna do my best
To make the most of it
Avoid regret, Yeah
Take a breath and realize
Time is irreversible
This ain't no dress rehearsal

" Wow this is a really nice room Nick" she told him

" Yea well I had some painters in here a couple weeks ago and well I cleaned it up at bit" Nick said

" Yea...um ok sure" Sara said knowing that Nick couldn't paint...or clean for that matter

" ok well the truth is... my parents came down last month for thanks giving and well my mom is a neat freak" Nick said making Sara laugh " ok well I have to go to bed I work tomorrow do you work?"

" Nope I have the day off" Sara said sitting down on her new bed in her new room

" ok well I'll see you tomorrow" Nick said as he turned around and headed to his room, but just then Sara comes out of her room and calls his name " Nick"

"Yea" Nick said as he turned around

" Thank you for letting me stay here for a bit"

"Sara you can stay here for as long as you need...unless you say thank you again then I may just have to kick you out" Nick said joking

I've always got a big to-do list
Oh, but there's so much more to do, to see
I want to
Know that I didn't leave I love yous
Trapped within my heart
There won't always be another day to
Say all the things you wanna say, so don't, don't wait
Wait for the perfect situation
It will never come around

" ok" Sara said laughing a bit " but for the last time thank you"

" I'll see you tomorrow Sara, night"


Nick went into his room and got under his covers

Sara went into her new room and sat on her bed about to go to bed, but first thinking about how lucky she is to have a friend like Nick.

And when the show is over
And they lay me down
I want to be remembered for the love I spread around

ok well I know this song does not really go with this chapter but I liked the song and I thought that it sounded nice LOL

Please R&R