{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Disclaimer: I do not own DB/DBZ/ or DBGT. They belong to Akira Toriyama and Bird Studio/ Shueisha, Toei Animation, Licensed by FUNImation Productions,Inc. I do not own my friends or family members either. All person's name's except for my own and my brothers have been changed. And also in no way am I making profit from this so don't sue me. You wouldn't get much anyway.\par

Authors Note: High rating for cussing and maybe for some lemon. (Don't know how detailed I want it yet.) Thank you and read.


"Hey Chris what do you think of this drawing?" I said holding it out for him to see. He tookit from my hand and looked it over.
"This is pretty good Vega." He said handing it back to me.
"Oh you always say that about my work." i said putting my hands on my hips. He looked at me with his hazel eyes and said,
"Well i like all of your work, I like your drawings." He gave me one of his best smiles and turned back to talking to Zack.

My name is Marilyn, but everyone calls me Vega. A nickname I picked up in my freshman year of high school. Zack and Chris are my two best friends. Were all sixteen and just entered our sophomore year. Zack has hazel eyes, straight brown hair that rest jsut above his ears and a kind face. I've known him since seventh grade. Chris, I've known since sixth. Both him and Zack have hazel eyes and stand at five foot, eight inches. While I only stand at five foot, six inches. Chris has messy/curly dirty blond hair and a great smile. Me myself, I have blue eyes, slightly wavy brown hair that reaches down to a little above my waist. Currantly it was in a plain ponytail.

It was lunch and we were all sitting at the foot of the steps facing the student parkinglot to the school. It was while we were talking that i saw something in the sky. Chris stopped talking and looked up also, soon Zack was too. We watched as the thing grew in size and soon was clearly seen. It was a sphere. As it came closer I saw how huge it really was, it could have taken up the entire student parking lot with no problem. It soon stopped and hovered over the parking lot, seeming as though it was watching us.

As we stared at it in awe we saw three figures come from it and land in front of us without a sound. By this time we all were standing and staring. The three figures were actually men, but none we had never seen before. The Tallest of the three seemed to be the leader. He had short black hair that stood up in spikes that went in many different directions, his eyes were black and very frightening. He wore white boots and a dark blue spandex body suite that left very little to the imagination, he also wore what appeared to be armor made of a white and brown material. I looked behind him and found the other two wore the same things except they wore deep red spandex suites instead of dark blue.

The leader looked us over and nodded to his two partners. They rushed up to Zack and Chris with amazing speed and held them immobile. i turned back in time to have the leader grab me by my neck. He lifted me up off the ground by at least a foot and held me there. I struggled to breath, i grabbed hold of his arm and tried to do anything to make him stop. I heard Zack and Chris call my name. The man who held me laughed cruelly. i looked into his face and found some sort of device attached to his ear that covered one of his eyes with a piece of colored glass. I heard a beeping noise come from the devise. The man used his free hand to press a button on the side of the devise. From the thing I heard a a strange guttural language. While the man spoke back to who ever it was on the other side of thing, I still tried to breath. The man stopped talking and loosened his grip just as I was enveloped by darkness.

Well that's all for now. Please tell me what you think. Should i continue? or throw this in the trash?