Dark Angel

A/N: Hey, guys!! I know, I know, long time no update. Like I said on my profile, I've been busy working on my novel. I already finished one, and now I'm working on getting that published - although I'm tempted to self-publish as an e-book. Thoughts?

Also, I've been not updating because I realize this is a blatant Mary-Sue, which I've been trying to get away from. But oh well. I'm going to finish this story. :) Promise.

And yes, I've renamed the story to just "Dark Angel" because I really don't like "I Am Me" anymore. But I'll change it back if you want. :)

"You're dead," Elena repeated. "You're dead."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid not anymore, young one. The Force has called your abilities and brought me back to life."

Elena stared at him. "Please tell me you're joking and that this is some kriffing dream."

"Would you like me to pinch you?"

Elena frowned. No, she didn't think Obi-Wan Kenobi would say that in a dream. "Uh, no. Thanks."

Obi-Wan nodded and handed her a glass of water. "Here. You're looking a bit pale."

"Can you blame me?" She gulped down the water greedily and continued to stare at him. After a moment of silence, she said, "So you're really Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Obi-Wan smiled faintly. "Yes."

"THE Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Negotiator. My father's teacher."

"Yes to all the above."

"And somehow, by some freak Force happening, you've been brought back to life. By me."

"Yes. It's not a freak Force happening, but yes."

Elena sighed and rubbed her forehead. "This is unbelievable."

"I know. But Elena, the Force has brought me back for a purpose. One which I will not be able to fulfill if I do not leave here immediately," said the former Jedi General. "This incident has caused a deep stirring in the Force, one that I'm afraid the Emperor will not miss."

"Oh," she said faintly. "Lovely."

"I'm afraid so." He tugged off his cloak. "I don't want to be seen wearing these robes. Is there any way we could get me something else to wear?"

Elena nodded, still in a daze. "Yeah. I'll be right back. Just… wait here." She disappeared in a puff of blue smoke and reappeared a few minutes later with a dark jacket, pants, and thick boots. "Here."

"Thank you," he said courteously, taking them with a nod.

Elena looked at his face with a frown, and he asked her what was the matter. "Your hair," she said. "It needs to be cut. And you'll have to get rid of the beard."

Obi-Wan frowned and rubbed his beard. "Yes," he sighed. "I suppose I must."

Luke groaned. Rolled over on his back. Tried to block out the light pouring into his eyes.

"Easy, young Skywalker," said a soothing, deep voice. "You need to rest. You've had a trying day."

Luke felt a large hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes. He blinked several times and stared at the man standing over him with a gentle smile on his face. "You're…" He sat up, but the man eased him back down.

"You need to rest," said the man.

"But you're…"

"Yes, I am," the man said with a smile.

Luke blinked again and shook his head. "But how…"

"It was all you, young Luke," said the man. "The Force has connected with your mutant abilities to bring out my return. But you've taken quite a beating."

"What happened?" Luke asked, still in shock.

"The Force had to draw on your own life force to bring back mine," said the man. "Which drained you, I'm afraid to say."

"So you're really…"

"Qui-Gon Jinn," said the formerly deceased Jedi Master. "Yes, young Luke."

Luke stared at him. "Could you give me a minute?"

What… happened?

Leia groaned. Rolled over on her back. And slowly, blearily tried to open her eyes.

Ooh – no.

Much too bright. She tried to move her hand, but it felt so sluggish. Finally, she managed to drag her hand up to her eyes and rub them tiredly.

"Ohhh," groaned Leia.

A warm, soft hand touched her forehead gently. "It's all right," said a quiet voice that brimmed with emotion. "You're going to be all right. Just lie still."

Leia froze. Pulled her hand away from her eyes. Blinked and stared up at the figure standing over her. Leia's mouth fell open in shock. She tried to speak but couldn't.

"Don't try to speak, honey," the woman standing over her soothed. "You need to get your strength back. It will take some time."


Leia finally managed to get out: "How?"

The woman smiled down at her. "You, honey. It was you."

Leia let out a choked sob.

Obi-Wan exited the fresher with a completely new face. His beard was gone, and his hair was short and highlighted with blonde streaks throughout his light red and hazel hair. He ran a hand over his familiar Padawan-style cut and smiled faintly. "It's been a while since I was like this."

"Alive?" Elena asked dryly.

He shot her a look and shook his head. "I was going to say without a beard and long hair." He stared at her with a sudden sadness. "You look just like him, you know."

Elena swallowed and looked away. "I know."

"But you have your mother's kind heart," he said with a smile, putting a hand on her shoulder. "She would be proud of you."

"I hope so," Elena said wistfully. "I wish I'd known her."

Obi-Wan squeezed her shoulder and went over to the chair where his black jacket was draped. He pulled it on and said, "I tried to keep you from your father, you know. I came to find you."

Elena nodded. "I know. But I think it's better that I stayed. Dad needs a positive influence in his life."

Obi-Wan frowned. "Once you start down the dark path, you stay that way, Elena. I know you hold to the hope that he will come back, but once you are of the dark side, you are lost."

Elena rose to her feet, brow furrowed. "I don't believe that. He's turning around, Master Kenobi. I can already see him distrusting the Emperor. It's taking a while, but I and Leia and Luke still think that he can return to the light side. I have to have hope. It's not like I have any other choice," she added in a darker voice.

Obi-Wan studied her with a saddened eye. Finally, he nodded. "If anyone can turn him, it should be his children," he said. After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat. "But I can't stay here, Elena. I'm afraid you've already jeopardized yourself with bringing me back."

"Great," Elena muttered under her breath, wondering just how much any other Force-sensitive or mutant had felt with bringing Obi-Wan back. She fought back a wave of dread as she wondered if the Emperor had felt that. "All right," she said, putting her hands on her hips with a sigh. "We need to get you out of here without raising alarm bells."

"We have few options," Obi-Wan said with a frown. "You can't take me back to the castle – Vader will certainly sense me."

Elena nodded. "Right. I'd say a transport off-world – go somewhere remote and safe for the time being."

"I'll come back when the time is right," Obi-Wan agreed. "But for now, I'll return to the exile Ben Kenobi."

"The question is, how do we get you out of here safely? I can't teleport," said Elena worriedly. "I don't have my strength back yet."

Obi-Wan nodded grimly. "Then we'll have to go the usual way."

Elena regarded him curiously. "What's that?"

"On foot."

Elena raised an eyebrow. "You. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jedi Knight. Wanted criminal. In the heart of Imperial Center. On foot."

"Yes," replied the Jedi Master. "But everyone believes I am dead, correct?"

Elena nodded slowly. "I suppose."

"And I hardly look like my former self last seen," Obi-Wan added sensibly. "Since you don't have your powers, you won't be able to shape-shift, so obviously getting a cruiser to a hangar bay is out of the question. And if I'm correct, this district doesn't have an off-planet transport, does it?"

"No," Elena sighed. "The nearest is the next district over. But that will take all afternoon to get to on foot."

"Then," said Obi-Wan, "I suggest we start now."

Elena looked at him. "I was afraid you were going to say that."

Well, there's that chapter! Only a few more chapters to go. Three, four - five at the most, I think. Reviews are much appreciated! :)

- Serena