My brain was extreamly scattered and I didn't feel like doing anything productive, so here it is. I give you…

The Worst RENTfic EVER!

So, there's a stage okay? And Morein is on it cuz she in the school play, right? And all of her friends are in the audience kuz they all went to the same highschool and I was there, too with my long flowing gorgeous red hair and Mark it totally in love with me, but he hasn't asked me out yet. So Morein is up on the stage doing her lines and stuff. Everyone cheered at the end of the play and she was so good I mean like even I could not do something like that. SO, we go to the Life café and celebrate just like they do with the song Le Va Bohme. And we have a ton of fun and Mark kisses me at the end.

And they find a cure for AIDS so Mimi and Roger and Collins and Angel can all be like yay we can live!

And we all live happily ever after.

The end!

I told you I wasn't feeling productive.