So it's the last chapter of the story! Hope you enjoyed it! Ya-da ya-da, I don't own Harry Potter or The Giver. It's those geniuses JK Rowling and Lois Lowery. I love them! So yea, here we go!

Chapter Four

Hermione awoke the next morning to stiff limbs and the sun shining brightly into her face. She stretched her arms, moaning slightly as she did so. She turned to Percy's bed, expecting to find him sound asleep, but it seemed that Percy had other ideas.

He was sitting up, glasses on his face, The Giver in his hands and was contentedly reading.

"Good morning Hermione." He said jovially when he saw that she was awake. He looked considerably better. The bags from under his eyes were gone, his cheeks had only a slight flush to them, and his voice sounded stronger and clearer than the night before.

"Good morning Percy, how do you feel?"

He put his book down onto his lap and smiled.

"Loads better, it's amazing. It seems that I just needed that one night, I think I'm all ready to go again."

"Well, we'll see about that," said Hermione as she reached for the thermometer.

This time, he eagerly opened his mouth, ready to prove to her that he was indeed fine. She put it in under his tongue, and waited for a minute. Pulling it out, she held it to the light and looked closely at it.


"Well. 99.5, so you still have a little bit of a fever."

Percy looked slightly perplexed, wondering how he could still be sick even though he felt absolutely fine. Suddenly, a tickle came inside of his nose, and he let loose a sneeze.

"Hmm…" said Hermione, "well, just in case, I think I want you to stay in bed for the rest of today."

Percy's face fell, and he whined "Aww…but Hermione! It's Saturday!"

She looked sternly at him as if to remind him what happened the last time he didn't listen. Seeing this, he slumped down to his pillows in defeat.

"Fine, but tomorrow I'll get to do whatever I want."

"Within limits of course," Hermione laughed, "and if you really are better, maybe I can keep my promise…"

Percy waggled his eyebrows at Hermione and said, "And what promise was that again?"

"Well," Hermione said and she leaned on the bed, steadily getting closer to him, "I do believe that I promised you that when you got better…" She was steadily getting closer, her face leaning towards his.

"Yes?" he said eagerly, unconsciously moving in closer towards her as well.

"I do believe I owe you…" Her hands were on either sides of him, her face in front of his.

"Owe me what?" he said, even though he already knew.

Her lips inches from his own, feeling his hot breath softly tickling her, she whispered "A kiss."

Just as he was leaning in, expecting the soft touch of her lips on his own, she pulled away.

"But I did promise you that kiss for when you're better." she said smugly.

"Hermione!" he said, exasperated, "I am better!"

His comment was followed shortly by an intense sneeze, from which upon he guiltily looked up

from, was met by a very 'I-told-you-so' look from Hermione.

"Ugh, fine! You're such a tease." he pouted.

"I only want what's best for you Percy." she said, trying not to laugh.

"Alright, I'll stay in bed for the rest of the day." he said, snuggling back down into the covers,

"Why don't you go to your rooms? You no doubt want to freshen up a bit, and knowing you, you'll want to

make up any work you might've missed while you were with me yesterday."

Hermione looked thoughtful for a minute, not wanting to leave Percy. But after a minute, she decided that he was doing well, and so it couldn't hurt.

"Alright, but just call me if you need anything."

"Don't worry Hermione."

With that, Hermione stood up, quickly stretched, and left the room.

The rest of the day went by quicker than Percy expected. He most of it reading, eventually

finishing The Giver. He called the house elves when he was hungry, and successfully ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner. By the time he fell asleep, he felt right as rain.

The next morning dawned bright and early for Percy, and woke up feeling one hundred percent better. He smiled to himself as he checked his temperature and it came out as a perfect 98.6. He showered, brushed his teeth, and went downstairs to the common room where he was met with Harry, Ron, and Ginny sitting at one of the tables occupied with what looked to be a very intense game of chess.

He bounded over to them and said "Morning guys, where's Hermione?"

Ron ordered his knight across the bored, successful taking Harry's queen before he looked up and said "I don't know Percy. I think she's still up in her rooms."

Ron turned his attentions back to the game, leaving Percy only the information he had presented. But Hermione was always an early riser, she never slept in. Becoming slightly concerned, he headed across the common room to the girls side of the dormitories. Being Head Boy, he simply cast the spell which aloud him to successfully make his way up the stairs without being cast back down.

He came up to the fifth year's dorms, and gently knocked upon the door.

"Hermione, are you in there?"

He listened closely, and after a minute he heard a muffled "Come in."

Percy gently pushed open the door, and found himself walking through a dim room. He heard some snuffling, and used that to make his way over to what he perceived as Hermione's bed.

As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could make out Hermione on the bed under a mountain of covers. A box of tissues and a garbage can overflowing with used ones came into sight, and he became confused.

'But I thought Hermione never got sick?'

He stood beside her, and she miserably looked up at him.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

"Ob course I'b otay. I neber ged sick….I can't sick, I'b neber gotten s-sic-ACHOO!" she sniffed a few times and coughed a little bit in an unsuccessful attempt to clear her throat. "I'b neber been sick." she finished lamely.

Percy couldn't help it, he starting laughing. She glared at him menacingly, but he continued to laugh. After he finally caught his breath and was finally able to calmly speak again, he said "Hermione, you can't deny it. You're sick! I told you that you would get sick if you stayed with me!"

He looked at her, smiling smugly because for once in her life she was wrong, and he was right.

"Perbcy Weasely! I'b n-not s-s-sic-ACHOO!"

She grabbed a tissue and wiped her nose ruefully.

"What was that Hermione?" he said, smiling.


"Alright," he said, finally deciding that enough was enough, "if you aren't sick like you said, then you wouldn't mind coming outside and helping me make up my Herbology lab from yesterday.

With one glance at the blizzard raging on outside, Hermione was silence.

There was a moment of silence between the two the them, occasionally being broken by Hermione's discreet sniffles. Finally, after a moment or two, Hermione spoke.


"Yes Hermione?"

"I'b tink I'b sick."

Percy couldn't help but laugh at her, she was so adorable. She glared at him again and said, "And what may I ask is so funny?"

"Does this mean I don't get my kiss?"

I'm sorry if you don't like the way I ended things. I couldn't really think of a better way. So yea, last time to review, please help me grow taller! (I'm SO short!) Thank ya for reading my story, hope you enjoyed it! Much Luv, Sarah