: Chapter 1:

It had been a year since he had left Wisteria Lane and now looking at all the perfect house with their picturesque lawns he realizes why he hated it to begin with. Everything seems surreal here. All the families with their hidden sins and tragedies that reside here trying to appear pristine. He waves briefly at Mrs. Solis and registers the surprise on her pretty model face. Grimacing he presses on the gas when he spies Andrew, the boy of his longing and regret mingled with pain. Too late to turn back now, he thinks and he notes that John is with the teen. Suddenly one of the Scavo's kids runs out in front of him and he slams on the break praying that he doesn't hit the scurrying rat. Lynette rushes out of her house and he jumps down from his truck to check on the kid. "Please be alright," he begs quietly and the blond woman looks at him with relief clearly on her face. "Justin, correct," she asks and he nods hoping his racing heart will calm. "Is he alright?" He recognizes the voice as John's, but he's too numb to respond to anything. "Yeah, he's fine. Calm down, Justin, you didn't hurt him. The kids like to get into trouble," Lynette says holding tightly to one of the twins and finally it registers that he didn't' accidentally kill a child. "That's great. I think I'm going to leave now," he says, his tone reflecting his dazed feeling, and shaking he takes in some deep gulps of air. "Why don't you come inside until your calm," Lynette says in that tone mothers use when their question is actually a command and he's being led into the house before he can think of a reply.

Sitting down at the kitchen table with Lynette standing at the counter with a cup of coffee, Andrew sitting across from him, and John standing awkwardly near the fridge, he just wants to escape. "So, what have you been up to? I heard you did some modeling," Lynette mentions trying to break the tension and he looks up at her quickly. "Yeah, two other guys I met and myself did some shots. The photographer, a women named Marianne, talked us into doing some "classy" nude shots," he admits looking at the table intently and Andrew's gasps draws his eyes to him. He hasn't changed much. Has the same hazel eyes that mesmerize him, the sexy lips that normally curve into a smirk yet now are frowning, and even his hair is the same. The only major difference is he doesn't have this overly confident aura. "Interesting," Mrs. Scavo says and he shrugs glancing at her nervously adding, "It wasn't full frontal or anything and only one shot was nude and that was by the waterfall. The others were clothed. We did the shoots for some clothing line. Dave had to wear the Speedo in the waterfall shoot, but Kyle and me were nude." She nods with understanding and glances at the clock as her sons come running in screaming bloody murder. Tom walks in carrying their daughter and raises an eyebrow at them.

Slowly he rises and smiles at Tom and Lynette before saying, "I got to go. Thanks, Mrs. Scavo." He rests his forehead against his steering wheel and nearly jumps out of his skin when the door opens. "Justin, you got to come to the party I'm throwing," John says grinning wildly and he nods recalling the last party he had gone to. "Alright, see ya later," he says and he takes one last look at Andrew. "Wait, come out with us. It would be fun, you could go wherever later." His initial response is to tell him to leave him alone, but he quells it and replies, "Whatever, John, but I have to be there by six or they'll give the room away."

Now he can barely breathe with Andrew next to him and John pressing him closer every time he changes the station. "So, what else have you been up to," John asks and there's genuine interest in Andrew's eyes when he says, "Not much; I got a restraining order against my ex, took a trip to New York where I met Marianne and her best friend, Angelina, and then came back to California where she talked me into modeling for her with the other guys." Leaning forward, John looks at me then chuckles saying, "Do you remember Jackie?" He nods though the name means absolutely nothing to him. "She got pregnant shortly after you left with the husband of the woman she babysat for. Tommy got himself put into jail for vehicular manslaughter and Rachel was busted for underage drinking," John goes on to tell him even though he had long ago stopped caring for the gossip. "Oh, guess who asked about you?" Rolling his eyes, he states, "My mom, probably wondering if my soul has been purged." Shaking his head, John explains, "No, that leggy blond, Janet." He laughs and says, "Why in the world would she ask about me? I thought I made it clear to her that I'd rather not catch an STD." "She thought you might change your mind about that offer," John tells him and he has to wonder if there had really been jealousy in Andrew's eyes.

"Justin, why did you leave," John asks after they had walked the entire mall and he avoids looking at Andrew when he says, "I just needed change." He hated that question. His parents had asked that over the phone and then his cousin when she checked up on him. He had forgotten she lived in New York. "You missed a big blow out, dude. Eric got into a fight with his brother over some girl which led to a whole punk against prep fight, and Andrew here got himself jumped," John says and skeptically I glance at the silent teen. "It was nothing, I just ended up in a really bad part of the city and got surrounded," he says and he looks down at Andrew searching for the truth. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. Andrew lives on his own now, apparently his mom finally let him go," John states and when we arrive at his apartment he curses when he sees Janet standing on the sidewalk. "Hey cutie, welcome back," she says and he groans when she tries to kiss him while John just laughs then pats his back. "I got to go, Janet," he says and prays for something to save him from this groping whore.

The feel of warm lips on his own shocks him, but the kiss doesn't taste like waxy lipstick. "I missed you," Andrew whispers against his lips and he gazes down at him curiously. "Can we talk sometime, Justin, please?" Once again he realizes that the teen has changed. "I guess," he says trying to fight off the need to kiss Andrew again. "Do you need a ride home," he asks when they're left alone and Andrew nods with a real smile upon his face. "I missed you, too," he says and he knows that he's becoming addicted to Andrew once again. Only this time he prays his addiction wont harm him.