The artificial rain pounded all around. Hitting the tiles and splashing back towards her in a secondary spray, much cooler than the first. She could hear the door creak open just enough to make a cold breeze waft in.

"Lot?" The voice drifted past the fog, and through the curtain it seemed to bounce of the walls at Lotte causing the voice to almost overwhelm her. "Lotte?" Albie's voice pulled her completely from her daze. "Your phone's ringing, or at least it was." She could tell that he was now staring at the little screen on the front of the phone that told her she had missed a call. Lotte said nothing she didn't have to Albie knew what each of her silences meant they were the words that only he knew. "I'm going in to work, so I'm going to leave it right here. It's on the sink. Okay?" Again only the pounding of the rain could be heard in the bathroom. "I'll see you around five or six, okay?" He closed the door after wait a few moments, Lotte soon turned off her simulated rain and stood dripping on the bathmat. She sat on the toilet seat wrap in a towel the room was filled with the scent that Lotte most closely identified with Albie. She stared at her phone almost knowing what it was going to do, and at that moment the little screen lit up revealing the clouds that were hidden to all quickly and replaced by his name and icon. She stood up and through the phone in the trash as she exited.

Logan sat in his office Lotte's voice mail had greeted for the eighth time and he shut the phone. "Are you ready to go?" Rory stood in the doorway of his office looking at him with the smile that made him forget all about what had so consumed his thoughts a moment ago.
So this has been on my computer since Feb. and I can decide which way I want to go with it so I'm leaving it up to you guys who ever is still reading this story. There are two options of what is going to happen:

1. Lotte and Albie move away and live a life away from New York then come back and Lotte sees that right as she leaves her father and mother get back together (true in both options). I want to go with this one more because not only is there the problem that Lotte and Rory face but also new ones that Lotte faces with Logan.

2. Lotte stays away for only a few days or a week, it drives Logan crazy. Logan finally catches when she comes back to the house to get stuff and the story goes on from there.

My feeling is that #1 would be the best one to go with but I want to know what you think.