Disclaimer: I own nothing

Note: All this is a flashback

Rory stood at the doorway.

"I can't do this Logan! I can't take it anymore!"

"Rory don't go, please! I can help you through this, just don't go." He reached for Rory's arm.

"Don't touch me Logan!" She slapped his face. "Let me go Logan; its going to better for you, for me, for all of us."

"Rory, stay. Don't do this. Not like this." He pleaded with her, she stared him right in the face.

"Logan, I'll be happier this way. Don't you want me to be happy?" He did; more than anything. Logan nodded. "Then give me my happiness; let me leave."

"No! Rory this isn't you. Tell me what's wrong. I can help."

"I don't want this life. This is not what I imagined." Rory looked around at the house that Logan's parents had bought them as a wedding present.

"Then I can give you what you want. Tell me Rory what do you want; anything in the world Rory, it's yours. You want to live in Stars Hollow; okay let's go find a house, right now. Please just don't go."

"I…I have to." Rory's voice had softened. "I'll have my attorney send the papers over tomorrow. I don't want anything. You can have it all."

"I don't want it all; I want us to share it."

"I can't do that." Rory turned and walked out the open door, slamming it behind her. She walked to her car. In the house Logan stood staring at the shut door; he heard the car engine turn over, the wheels slowly pull away from the front door and the gate shut behind her car. She was gone. Logan didn't have the strength to follow her; he had to be strong, strong for another. Logan turned to see the small cradle sitting in the living room, he walked over to it. There in the bed of the cradle slept his baby girl, only a year old; oblivious to the fact that her mother had just walked out of her life.

Author's Note: I know it's short but I just wanted to make sure that people would like before I posted more chapters. This is just the prologue, the real story happens in the later years. Please tell me if you like it, or if you know of another story like it. Please read and review.