** Sooo this is mega-ultra-horribly old. Publish date was in 2006. It's kinda awful. I don't do well at humor. **

I recently read a really weird interview with Kevin Federline that a friend linked me to.
In the write up, almost everything was bleeped out (hence why the fic has that going on)
and somewhere out of the blue, he said he did not pimp Britney out or something. It was
so hilariously bad that I had to laugh...and make a (semi)parody!

So here for your reading pleasure, my interview with Jack Skellington!

Note love Mr. Skellington dearly but I do not own him...he is property of Tim Burton

DarkestWonderland: It's so great to finally meet you Mr. Skellington.

Jack: Just call me Jack. Or J-Skell

DW: Uh Jack So how have things been since Nightmare Before Christmas?

J: Oh here and there I suppose. I made a guest appearance in "James and the Giant Peach".

DW: That was quite a while ago, Jack!

J: I WAS IN KINGDOM HEARTS! That was kinda recent! And the merchandise. There's still PLENTY of merchandise!

DW: You seem touchy.

J: The movie industry ain't what it used to be ...sighs...

DW: True, but I bet you make a fortune in that merchandise.

J: That I do. Did you ever see the ad for my Bone Daddy cologne?

DW: ...thinks... Can't say that I did.

J: You should have! It's was hot!

DW: And how did Sally feel about that?

J: Trust me, she was excited! ...laughs...

DW: Tell me, with all of this new found success, has Sally developed any insecurities?

J: ...Bleep... that! ...Bleep... no she hasn't! Just because I have billions of female fans worshiping me doesn't change the fact that I love her!

DW: ...raises eyebrow... I never said you didn't it was only a question.

J: Oh, continue.

Dw: So, have you picked up any hobbies lately?

J: Sort of ...laughs...

DW: Well ?

J: Okay I'm trying to keep this on the DL, but I'm in the process of making a rap CD. It's called J-Skell - Bone up on this

DW: Wow a rap CD ...smiles oddly...

J: Word!

DW: Moving on, what about those rumors?

J: ...Looks around nervously... Wh, what, what rumors?

DW: There's been rumors circulating that you have been frequenting strip clubs and leaving with some of the overly qualified entertainers. There's also rumors that your marriage is on the rocks!

J: You ...bleep...ing crazy! None of it's true! ...Slams fists on table... AND I DID NOT PIMP SALLY!

DW: Have you been hanging out with K-Fed lately?

J: No I'm just showing you how to wave the pimp hand strong!

DW: I thought you just implied that you weren't a pimp

J: ...Stunned expression... Well, I, ...BLEEEEEEP...! I'm out! J-Skell out!
...Walks out of door and slams it...