I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know I promised to write the next chapter of Love or Lust? but I'm still working on it. I'll have it up soon I swear but for now I couldn't help but start this one. I promise this one will be long and filled with unlimited fluff:P

Please let me know what you think, constructive criticism ALWAYS welcome and any ideas you can lend me also! R & R!

Rated for hardcore fluff!

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns ME!

A Tale of Two Romances

Chapter One: The Deal

Hermione stepped out of her parents' car and waved happily at the Weasley's waiting for her out the front of the Burrow. Ginny raced forward and enveloped Hermione in a fierce hug. "Hello Hermione!" she squealed excitedly.

Hermione laughed and squeezed her back. Mrs Weasley came and embraced her next then turned to Mr and Mrs Ganger to discuss the arrangements for the summer. Fred and George came forward and began unloading Hermione's gear from the boot of the car. The two girls came forward to lend a hand and then they all dragged the luggage up to Ginny's room were Hermione's bed was already laid out for her. Then the two girls raced back outside again to say goodbye to Hermione's parents.

"Goodbye Mum, goodbye dad," said Hermione kissing them each in turn.

"Have fun in Canada," added Ginny.

"Thankyou dear," said Mrs Granger.

"We'll see you at the end of the summer before school starts, honey," Mr Granger said.

Hermione waved until the car was out of sight then turned to Ginny a frown on her face. "Where's Ron?"

From his window Ron watched Hermione excitedly scramble out of the Granger's car and embrace Ginny. His heart was beating like crazy and his whole body was tingling. He felt slightly lightheaded and wondered if he was ill. He wanted to go outside and greet Hermione but he was scared. He had been experiencing feelings a lot like this when she had been around lately, okay well maybe for a few years, but they had never been this strong and overwhelming before. They frightened him. This wasn't the way he was supposed to be feeling around his best friend.

He watched as his family and Hermione waved off the Grangers then saw Hermione turn and ask Ginny something, a puzzled look on her face. Oh no! She's asking about me, Ron thought frantically. Now she's going to know something's up. But how can I face her? I will probably go bright as a beetroot simply at the sight of her. I wish these feelings would go away. She's just my friend!

Ron saw the people below enter turn to enter the house and panicked. He rushed out of the room and down the stairs. He entered the kitchen just as he heard the door opened and tried to grab the biscuit tin but knocked it onto the floor with a crash.

Hermione entered first and stopped when she saw Ron munching innocently on a biscuit.

"Oh, hi Hermione," Ron said with a mouthful of biscuit trying to look surprised. "I didn't realize you were here."

"Is there any time when you're not eating, Ronald Weasley?" Hermione said crossly before turning and lugging her trunk up the stairs.

Ginny rolled her eyes at him before following.

"Nice one!" laughed Fred and George. "We told you girls don't like the 'pig' imitations."

Ron scowled at them before cleaning up his mess.

"So?" asked Ginny.

"So what?" replied Hermione confused.

"Come on Hermione, you have that look on your face again. You're thinking about someone aren't you?" She smiled knowingly. "A boy perhaps?"

Hermione tried to laugh but it came out as a snort. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ginny came over to help Hermione unpack. "Sure you do, I know that look. I know you too well, admit it."

Hermione gave in. "Well I was thinking about someone but-"

"Aha! I knew it!"

Hermione shook her head. "It's not what you think. It's just, well," she turned pink. "I just thought Ron would be there to greet me at least, you know? I was looking forward to spending the summer with you guys, no squabbles and what not. Well, I guess I shouldn't worry too much about bickering with him since he didn't even care enough to come say hello. Instead he was stuffing his face with biscuits."

On his way up the stairs Ron paused outside Ginny's room.

"Well, maybe he really didn't notice that you had arrived," Ginny suggested hopefully.

"I don't think so," Hermione said bitterly. "He had a kind of guilty look in his eyes. I think he knew I was here all along."

Ginny was confused. "Then why didn't he come say hello?"

"I don't know. I just want us all to have a peaceful summer when we all have fun and get along. Maybe I will go talk to him."

When Ron heard that he quickly sneaked away into his room closing his door silently behind him. He went and sat on his bed taking death breaths. Great, now he had probably screwed everything up, all because of one lousy feeling. He cursed himself and his stupidity. He should've just gotten into bed and pretended to have a nap instead of going for the biscuits. Now she thought he didn't care about her when that was totally the opposite.

He was startled by a light knock on the door. His heart thudded painfully. It was probably Hermione. "Come in," he called.

Hermione closed the door behind her and lent against it trying to conceal her nerves. "Ron, I-"

He cut her off. "I'm sorry about the biscuits." His ears burned.

Hermione stared at him for a moment then gave a small smile. "It's okay Ron I know you always put your stomach first."

Ron bristled. "I do not!"

"Look, forget it," Hermione said waving a hand. "I just wanted to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" Ron asked stiffly.

Hermione nodded. "Yes. I want us to agree that we won't argue and bicker and get mad at each other this summer. I just want us to have fun and stay friends. Okay?"

Ron scowled. "I don't think we'll be able to help it but fine." He held out his hand to shake on it. As soon as he did so he reddened, feeling like a five-year-old.

Hermione's eyes were cold but relieved and shereached forward and shook it. As their skin touched a shiver went down her spine and her hand tingled. She hoped that Ron hadn't noticed and quickly pulled back. Without another word she left, shutting the door gently behind her. She stood for a moment breathing deeply to calm herself. Why does he always seem to be able to get me so worked up? she wondered then sighed. She tried to shake herself free of thoughts of Ron as she returned to Ginny's room to finish unpacking.

Ron sat still on his bed his mind whirling. His skin still burned where Hermione had touched him and he wondered if this feeling would ever go away.

Sorry! There wasn't any fluff in this chap but I PROMISE there will be some in the next one. Stay tuned, I swear it will be good! R & R please!