Hey I just started this story i already have the first 4 chapters planned out i know its kinda un orginal but oh well.
"So you mean I can't come back?" Kel asked astonished.
"Yes Kel i'm sorry but you can't return next year." Lord Wylond said who was attempting to hide the smug look on his face.
Kel got up thinking, why was she being sent away she had kept up with the boys perfectly well she was even better than some of them. Right when she was about to exit the room she turned back towards Lord Wylond a mad look on here face she knew something had to be said, she could not stand that smug look on his face.
"Just remember this though one day Lord Wyldon" I said "One day you will regret the say that you sent me away." You could tell he was startled by how hard my voice was "One day soon I will come back to court and you will be kicking yourself because you sent me away. I will be such a strong warrior that you will not even be able to sleep at night because I will not be a knight of the realm that you will not be able to call upon to aid the army I can promise you that. Good bye Lord Wylond I hope I never see you again." With that said I bowed to him and left his office I quickly packed my things and saddled peachblossom I would stay in the city tonight and leave tomorrow all that I left behind for my friends was one of my waving cats and a note:
I'm sorry.
3 years later
In Tortall
The lioness had resigned as the kings champion, the wild mage was always angry and never talked o the king or Lord Wylond, and Buri had quit the Queens riders and was off to find something else. All girls at the castle who knew mw or had seen me train stopped talking to the king except when it was a matter of a battle. Even the Queen herself stopped talking to the king for two months.
With Kel
"You saved my life Keldry of Midlen and now I repay you. I give you the title Rose Warrior and I give you permission to train with our Treens (squires in the Yamani islands) and My Lord Warrior Helo. Some you will be the best warrior the Yamani Islands has ever seen.
If i get at least 5 reviews i'll update the next day :-P