Look At Me With Your Eyes Open
Chapter One
"Do you see that, Kai?" The man pointed to the night sky and looked at his son, which was sitting at his side on the grass.
The boy smiled and followed the finger up. "What is that one called father?"
"That one? Well that one is called the Big Dipper, and if you look over there, that one is the Little Dipper."
"Wow………why are they called that father?"
"Well if you look at it, you can see that it looks like a sort of ladle or cup, thus the name "Dipper."
The boy stared up into the night sky with awe…
A scream brought the six year old child and his father back down to reality.
"What was that father?"
"I don't know." The man stood and walked with deep strides to their house.
When they reached the door the father ordered his young son to stay put until he made sure everything was settled.
But like all six year olds, curiosity out weighted higher than orders. The boy went inside. His feet were adorned with soft soled sneakers, making the boy soundless on the hard wood floors. He slowly crept along the floor, climbing the stairs.
The young boy's breath became shallower when he heard someone crying aloud. The sound wrenched at the boys heart.
Whenever he heard his mother cry, it always pained him. He hated it; he always went to her and tried to comfort her to the best of his ability. He tried so hard to always make her smile and laugh. He loved to here her laugh.
He loved it when she patted his head, or gave him a hug, or just said the few simple words to him each day, "I love you."
The boy's eyes widened when he located the source of the crying. His father was down on his knees. The boy walked into the room and looked around the barely lit exterior. The bottom of the boys shoe stepped in something slippery and he looked down.
A gasp was the first to come from his mouth, than realization at what was on the floor.
The boy had seen blood before, when he cut himself, or slipped on some gravel, but never in such large amounts. It never occurred to him that the body could hold so much blood.
The boy bent down and touched his fingers into the excessively large puddle, which continued to grow. He rubbed his finger in it, mesmerized by the feel. It was warm and yet partially sticky.
The boy straightened and looked at his fingers, slightly noticing the color…a deep crimson red.
"It's like the color of my eyes, father. Am I right father?" The boy turned and looked at the weeping man. "Why are you crying father? Isn't it a pretty color, like my eyes?"
"Shut up." The two words were a mere whisper, which the boy paid no heed too.
"I think the color is like the color of my eyes." The boy stepped closer to his father, not noticing any signs of danger. "Mommy has the same color eyes, mommy has prettier eyes than me, I think. Don't you father?"
"Shut up!" The father yelled harshly, before his arm came out and slammed into the young boys face, sending him flying to the right. The boy did not have time to scream, before his delicate head hit the wall. A soft gasp escaped his lips before darkness over took him.
Two Years Later
"Get your lazy ass up boy!" The father grunted out, while kicking the child in the rib cage. The boy was on his feet in an instant, fearing to get another kick from the man.
It had now been two long years since that star filled night. The young boy winced inside, at how his life had changed for the worst in so little time.
His father had once been caring and kind, now he had turned too drinking frequently and constantly abusing his only son. The pulling of the hair and being yelled at had escalated to beatings and sleeping the night away with a missed meal, to later, which became worse. One year of enduring that, and another year to the day, of being raped, locked in dark closets, not being fed for days and the constant abuse from a drunken man that lived his life in the bottle.
To day seemed like another day of being hurt.
"You see this boy? Do you?" The man pointed to his dick. The boy quickly looked away, know what was to come.
The man threw the bottle aside, and the boy winced when the glass shattered against the wall. The man unzipped his pants and pulled his dirty boxers down, letting his ugly erection show.
"You see this? Touch me now!" the man ordered, roughly grasping the boy by the wrist and jerking him closer. "Now please me, I want your mouth." The young boy knew not to disobey.
He remembered the first time he tried to protest.
"Your mouth, you bitch!" the old man bellowed and sent the boy to his knees. He jerked the boy's mouth open completely and shoved himself in all the way. The boy closed his eyes and tried not to choke, as heard the man sigh and begin to buck.
The man began to moan as he pumped harder and harder into the small mouth.
"You fucking, cock sucker, that's it, you like this dick. Suck me!" The boy had no choice.
After the treatment was done, and the man left, the boy fell to the floor, coughing up what the man left in his mouth.
The rest of the night, the boy prayed, wished, hoped, and dreamed that his life would end that very night.
Of course not all wishes are granted.
Seven Years Later
"Is this seat taken?"
No reply was given.
The young man that stood over the two toned boy, sighed, glanced at his watch, (4:11 P.M) and thought about walking away, but after a quick though decided to sit down.
"I hope you don't mind, my name is Tala, what is your name?"
The two toned boy looked up from his book and looked directly at the person sitting across from him. He looked at him for a few seconds, seeming to decide if he should reply or go about reading.
"Kai." Was the curt reply.
"Kai…Kai…" Tala said the words with ease, like he really did enjoy the sound of it. "I like that name. How old are you Kai? I'm 17."
"15." Kai turned back to his book, hoping that the other person would just disappear.
"Not very talkative are you?"
Tala again sighed, but was not prepared to walk away just yet.
"Where do you live?"
Kai merely shrugged.
"Do you have parents?"
Kai stood abruptly, "I have to go." Kai stated before tuning to leave.
"Wait! Can we meet again? I want to get to know more about you… if that's alright?"
"I don't know."
"Please………we can just go to the park, and …and I won't even talk!"
"The park?" Kai whispered questionably, fore he had not been to the park since he was the age of six.
"Yeah, it's like two miles down the road. We could just sit there; maybe get some ice cream, same time tomorrow maybe?"
"I…I got to go." Before Tala could say more, Kai was gone.
Next day-4:23 P.M
Tala sighed for the fifth time in ten minutes.
"Just ten more minutes."
"Is this seat taken?" Kai whispered behind Tala.
"Kai! I didn't think you would come." Tala smiled.
"I can only stay a little while…my father will be expecting me."
"Are you going to get into trouble for coming?"
"I haven't been to the park in a while, it seems different." Kai said, changing the subject.
"How long has it been?"
"…I think 9 years."
"Wow, why don't you come to the park more often?"
Kai shrugged and looked in another direction.
"Okay... you want some ice cream?"
"Ice cream? I guess so."
"Come on then."
This went on for nine days, until the tenth day of course.
The tenth day however, did not favor Kai so well. When he arrived home, his father who was not usually there, was.
"Where've you been bitch?" Kai's father growled and the smell of whiskey reached all the way to Kai's nose.
"Out father." Kai whispered, accepting that something bad was about to happen to him.
"Out? Now I do not remember giving you permission to leave this fucking house!" Kai flinched.
"I'm sorry father; I don't know what I was thinking." Kai's father stepped closer to him.
"You don't know what you were thinking? I'll tell you what you's was thinkin', you were thinking that if you's left and came back just when I was here's, you knew I would be all horny and shit. You want's to tastes me again. That's what you's thinkin'. You want your daddy, is that it?" The man's voice was slurred.
"I… yes sir." Kai turned his attention to the floor, knowing what was to come.
Two days pass
It took two days for Kai to recover from what his father did to him. Once he could stand properly, Kai waited for his father to leave before he rushed out to the park.
Kai ran the entire way, and stopped when he neared the bench Tala and he usually occupied. But confusion filled his eyes, when he saw a mother and her child sitting there instead of Tala.
Kai was taken by surprise when a pair of strong arms grabbed him from being and pulled him behind a tree.
Kai did not fight back, but strangely enough he knew it was not his father that detained him, but the smell that the person holding him was all to familiar and a hint of a smile touched his lips.
"Boo." The person whispered as he released his hold on Kai.
"Hi." Kai whispered back.
"I missed you yesterday." Tala stated.
"I was busy, sorry."
"That's a shame; I had your favorite ice cream all ready for you." Tala whispered before swiftly placing his lips over Kai's.
For the next minutes Kai felt like he was in heaven.
Tala pulled away and looked Kai in the eyes, "Sorry I was thirsty." He said and smiled, before grabbing Kai's hand and pulling him out from behind the tree, "Ice cream here we come."
That was the last time Kai saw Tala. For the next few days after, Kai was beat to near death.
"I hoped you enjoyed that kiss, you cock sucker, because it's the last one you will ever get."
"What did you to do him?" Kai whispered.
"Him? You little whore, you won't ever see your friend again." "Did you hurt him?"
"Oh don't worry; I can assure you he enjoyed the fuck I gave him, before I broke his pretty little neck." The man laughed and slammed the door as he walked out, leaving Kai in darkness.
No one saw the tears slip from Kai's eyes.
Three days later, the police found Kai's father, stabbed to death in an alley way. No suspect was ever found, although Kai was. When he was examined by doctors he was labeled, mentally insane or in other terms…broken.
Authors Note
The next chapter should be out soon.