DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto-sama. I'm contented with making fanfictions of Naruto, PERIOD.

SPECIAL DEDICATIONS: I want to dedicate this to everyone who supported Homebound from the very start, to the ongoing, and will continue their support until the finish. Most especially now that it's nearing its anniversary, the readers from day 1 of Homebound, until the nth day of Homebound, I thank you so much for your support.

I also want to dedicate this to everyone who read this oneshot collection from start to finish. I love you all, mwah!

------------ Unspeakable Blues Segment 4 out of 4: ------------

Unfathomable Faith
By: Gensomaden-Saiyuki
Sasuke x Sakura

A tired medic-nin sat on a bench under a cherry blossom tree at a full-moon night. The moonlight was on her back, but it had reached her face somehow, creating silver lines on the border of her face. Due to her extreme exhaustion, she felt like she had her temper snapped and she had punched a hundred, no, even thousands of her blonde-haired teammate, who had the reputation of being the number one loudmouth ninja in Konoha.

There had been quite a lot of Ninja Academy kids surged into the hospital today. They all ate a semi-poisonous mushroom from their cafeteria. Oh and some of the teachers were in there too, since they also ate the mushrooms.

The Ninja Academy's cafeteria wasn't aware that the appetizing mushroom meal they served to the kids and the teachers earlier were poisonous. So as a result, tummy aches and puking were the complaints of the victims.

She had been rushing to the children's aids from left and right, since noon of that day until sundown. She was really exhausted. Using her very own special jutsu to extract the poison out of a person's body, she had used all of her chakra and not to mention that she, Shizune and Tsunade were the only ones capable of doing such a jutsu. Other medic nins just aided them, taking care of the children still unattended, prescribing medications for those who ate lots of the mushrooms but are cured, some are enlisting the names of all the people in there, so the Konoha Hospital can put a list of the hospitalized people outside the gates, where crowds of concerned parents and relatives are frustratingly ranting and walking back and forth, completely blocking the main entrance of the hospital.

Tsunade and Shizune have left the rest of the job to her four hours earlier. They have to return to the Hokage Tower for them to be able to resolve the poisoned-mushroom-in-a-Ninja-Academy's-cafeteria incident. They were going to investigate on the mushroom and put up a notice that the cafeteria people should inspect and know where the mushrooms came from.

And leaving the rest of the job to her means there are still many to cure. Like what was mentioned earlier, there are only 3 people who can take out a poison from a person's body using a special jutsu named Dokumeki no Jutsu (Poison Extraction Technique). And being the only one who can cure the many kids in pain due to something familiar they stuffed in their mouths, which they didn't know was poisonous, leaves her to a bigger responsibility of taking care and extracting the poison out of the children's fragile growing bodies.

Now, the job was done and her chakra was at the zero mark. If there was even a negative mark, then it would've been pulled down to the maximum negative mark due to her exhaustion. She couldn't handle the musty smell of kids who have probably played and trained under the sun for too long, all stuffed in one area, so she needed to drag herself out of the hospital, using only her remaining willpower and her one percent stamina left to finally get her butt on a free bench under a cherry blossom tree.

Ah yes, fresh air, at last! The night breeze gently blew the worn out medic nin's long, silky soft, petal locks around, partially masking her beautiful matured face, the pink cherry blossom petals dancing around her. If you were in front of her, you might have mistaken her for a geisha. But no, she's too witty to become one. And she didn't want to become one, hehe.

She sighed as she took in the fresh air, the cool night breeze. She closed her eyes for a while; maybe getting her chakra even to just level one would be fine. She just had to relax. She peeked open her left eye slowly, hovering at her surroundings from left to right to see if someone was there.

Her left eye rested on her relaxed shadow on the cemented road in front of her. Her right eye followed to open as she tried to get at least ten percent of her chakra back. She was sensing something… or someone, watching her.

Ever since she had been a medic nin, other countries had acknowledged her strength, her intelligence, her power, her wisdom, her tremendous chakra control, let's also include her beauty and her wits and oh why not, her infamous short temper: the majority of these characteristics she inherited from the great Godaime Hokage, who was her mentor. And because this pink-haired medic nin was known as the apprentice of the most powerful ruler in the ninja world, assassination plots have been countless. Her assassination might probably cause the downfall of Konoha while the Hokage mourns for her novice. Lots have tried to assassinate her but they all ended up being beat down to a bloody pulp by the same person they were trying to kill. All her killers are now in the ANBU Headquarters' deepest and darkest dungeons; thanks to her err… fists, kicks, jutsus and whatever or however those idiots ended up there.

Tsunade had suggested that she should have bodyguards, but this woman had proven she can take care of herself. Those suffering bastards, who tried to kill her, who were almost dead when they reached the ANBUs, are the ultimate proof that her fists can kill even the most professional assassin. Yes, those people who dared harm this walking ticking time bomb are considered idiots, and if they get caught by her, oh hell, they're not only idiots; they're one heck of unlucky idiotic bastards.

But she always knows… that amidst her strength and power, her knowledge and wisdom, her keenness and sensitivity, one idiot might actually kill her. But she won't let that happen, that's why she treats every person who tried to kill her as if they were really going to succeed in their assassination plot.

And the aura she was feeling now, she knows that this assassin might not be one to be classified as an 'idiot'. It was a bizarre feeling that sent chills all over her body, telling her that this one right now came at the right time, at a time when her body is begging for rest, so he was methodical… and she hoped that this one can land a spot on her unlucky-idiotic-bastards-who-tried-to-kill-me list.

She was still relaxed on her seat, since she was a medic nin, she knew how to pretend to breathe like she was asleep. So she did, as she tried to specify where the weird aura was coming from.

It surely was bizarre… how terrifying, she can feel this person's aura everywhere!

Then, eight kunais were hurled on her back in a nanosecond without her knowledge. Her body fell on the pavement, lifeless.

The killer seemed to be confused. He got out of his hiding place and approached the dead body of the bleeding pink-haired woman. And he heard news that she was terribly strong? Hah! In a snap of his fingers, she was dead! How ironic!

He crouched down and tilted the head of the medic nin. As soon as he realized that she had used the Kawarimi no Jutsu and that the blood on the back of this sandbag puppet was only tomato sauce, it was far too late. He felt a cold metal weapon on his throat. Indeed, this woman had the reputation to be called the Godaime Hokage's dear student.

"Trying to kill me?" Haruno Sakura asked the hooded man inspecting her Kawarimi. She was standing on top of him, as he froze onto his crouching position, which was very much uncomfortable to him.

She then pulled her killer's hood down and sighed, rolling her eyes, "I knew it."

The spiky raven-haired man was her killer. It's not a surprise to her anymore. Her unfathomable faith for this man was long gone, she killed it along with all her weaknesses, making her an unarguable equivalent of her mentor… or even a student who had surpassed the skills of the Godaime Hokage.

"It's not a surprise anymore. I knew one of these days you would kill annoying little ole me." She said sarcastically, "You've been gone for years and look, I didn't even break a sweat pointing a kunai on your throat. And they call you a prodigy? Hah! Tell that to the brainless!"

"Ah, so you're annoyingly cocky now." His deep masculine voice replied.

"Don't I have a right to be 'annoyingly cocky'?" she asked, "Just surrender. I've had enough for the day."

"Why are you asking me to surrender? Is it because you're tired already?"

"No, because fighting you would be pointless." She then withdrew her weapon and walked away, "Go home to your master; you're not welcome here anymore. Otogakure is your hometown, am I right? So go home."

Uchiha Sasuke faced his changed teammate, no, ex-teammate, but the only sight he caught was her back, slowly getting away from him.

"Is it your payback?" Sasuke smirked, "Because I didn't listen to you?"

"I have no more personal grudge against you, traitor." She replied as she continued walking, "Now that I think of it, it's a good thing you didn't listen to me."


"You want to know why?"


"That's because I thought of nothing but myself at that time." Sakura continued to walk away from him, but he soon tailed her, "If I only knew how to 'shut up' back then, then I would have been a really happily married person right now."

That silenced him and hurt his heart a bit. Yes, a bit.

"Too bad… I still have to look for a husband." Sakura continued, "And I'm in my mid-twenties now… Damn, I don't want to grow old alone like Tsunade-sama."

He somehow, yes, SOMEHOW, managed to sigh in relief.

Although she had considered that she had killed her unfathomable faith, looks like it had been resurfacing.

"Then I'm not leaving anymore." Sasuke stopped on his tracks, "I'm looking for a wife."

"Why? So that you can screw her and have kids?" Sakura mocked.

"No," he answered, "I'm looking for someone to love."

Now that one tugged a smile at Sakura's lips. She also stopped at her tracks. She heard his light footsteps slowly approaching her.

"Eh? Then why did you try to kill me?"

"To get your attention." The onyx-eyed man replied, "I knew you were going to do that."

"Eh? How'd you know?"

"If you haven't had any improvements at all after all these years, I'll be darned that you're still the annoying wimpy Sakura." Now, Sasuke was just a step away from her, smirking evilly, "But deep down inside, I secretly loved that annoying wimpy Sakura."

"Eh? So you learn how to feel now?" Sakura turned around to meet his eyes, "Oh snap, now you can see me! Hell must've frozen over! Or perhaps, subconsciously, I poisoned myself with those mushrooms those troublesome kids ate."

He stepped forward and brushed his lips against hers. These two long lost lovers shut their eyes closed as the night breeze blew through their hairs and the moon's rays shining down on them like a hazy spotlight under the starry night sky.

They pulled out from the kiss; both had content smiles on their faces.

"Are you sure you won't leave me anymore?" Sakura asked.

"If your faith in me is still unfathomable, then I'll stay for sure." Sasuke replied; as he found himself lost in those emerald orbs he so loved, "I love you, Sakura."

"Then unfathomable it is. Welcome home, Sasuke-kun. Eheh, I love you, too." Sakura smiled as she pulled down Sasuke for another kiss.