Disclaimer: Nope- don't own em. Sorry.

A/N: so i originally wrote this as a Gotti fic on my other site but I fixed it up because i like how this turned out and i could imagine this as an outsiders fic. read && review babies! kthnx.

Lizzie thought that Meghan was near going to tear her arm off because her friend was racing so fast to the Curtis's house. "Megh- chill out!"

"We're gonna be late!" Meghan insisted.

Liz rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and since when do any parties have a set time?"

Meghan wasn't planning on admitting she was wrong, but ignored it. "Just, let's go!" Darry was out for the night with his girlfriend and Sodapop hadn't planned on wasting a night in a guardian-free house, inviting over everyone imaginable-- okay, not that far. Every greaser in town.

"Did I just say I was coming or what!"

Meghan's body jiggled awkwardly as she hurried up the stairs to the porch. See, she wasn't what you'd label obese, but yeah, she was rather thick, but normally she wore the right kind of clothing to display her curves. She had small breasts, so she attracted attention to her curvaceous hips and round ass. Of course, that did take some work, considering her large thighs, but she pulled it off. And tonight she was in the perfect outfit to show it off in front of theman who usually held all her attention- Dallas Winston. Sure, he usually ignored her because she wasn't your typical size zero 'I-can-still-see-your-ribs' bitch that he normally bedded on a daily basis, but she had a thing for falling for complete assholes. She ignored the fact that they were probably only invited because Ponyboy was dating Meghan's younger sister, Jackie.

They entered the party- amazed that they'd slipped past Ponyboy and Sodapop at the door, but then again Sodapop never gave them too much of a problem. He always kissed them on the cheek when he saw them in the halls at school because he always joked around flirtingly with the girls that weren't exactly the thin type. Sure, they got past those guys, probably only because Ponyboy promptly took Jackie by the hand to a corner and started making out with her.

Meghan froze when she saw a group of boys over by the keg on the table. Dally was in the middle handing the funnel to Steve, and for all the excitement that she'd experienced on the way over, now she was absolutely dead terrified of going closer.

Lizzie tugged on her hand. "C'mon, Megh," Lizzie insisted.

Meghan couldn't speak, just shook her head, horrified as Dally neared her. Sure, he wasn't walking towards her, but he'd advanced somewhat when he moved, and just the thought of him coming another yard near the spot where she was standing made her shake.

Lizzie was never one to get out on the middle of the floor where everyone was dancing to Hank Williams, but she spotted their friend Alexis and started over to her, rolling her eyes at Meghan who was still just standing there.

Dally, clearly drunk, stumbled over towards Meghan. "Well hell-o Megh," he slurred.

"Hey Dally," she said, her nerves barely allowing her to speak without her voice faltering.

"Yooouu looook seeexxxyy, baaabbeee," he said with a languid smile. He placed his hands on her shoulders and worked them over the front of her shirt. Meghan shuddered. How did he go from barely a civil "Hi" to feeling all over her like this?

"Dally," she whispered, but he pressed his finger to her lips.

"Waaanna daaaaance wiiiith meee?" She could've thought of a dozen reasons to stop and get away, too scared and in love to be this close, but one glance in his eyes made her forget every single one. Even if she had protested, it wouldn't have made much of a difference since he tugged her arm and took her out into the middle of the floor.

She was so intimidated and frightened by his drunken, overbearing presence, but he guided her body along to the steady beat of the music. She moved her upper body awkwardly but he held onto the small of her back and forced her hips into his.

"Dally," she whispered, but she was cut short by his lips against hers. She gasped, but as he continued with the passionate kiss, she gently responded to him. He brought his hand to the juncture of her thighs, thoroughly enjoying the fact that she was wearing a skirt.

"Llllet's get ouuutta here, baaaby," He yanked her by the hand and led into Sodapop and Ponyboy's room, tossing her roughly onto the bed. He was so drunk that the whole night was a blur of Heineken, grinding, and one girl screaming.

He woke up with his head pounding like a motherfucker. He knew he shouldn't have had that last shot of tequila. Who he saw asleep, naked, next to him cause his heart to race more- it couldn't be, could it? Had he been that drunk?

"Ho-lee--- SHIT!"

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