Well, here it is, the last chapter of Life Less Ordinary. I know, I know. It's hard to believe, but it's true! The ending is here….almost. It's possible that in the future there will be a sequel, but the future is awfully clouded. Insert evil smirk here. Read on!

Disclaimer: For 24 Chapters I have said that I do not own anything associated with Final Fantasy VIII. Believe me, by now I still do not own it. And I also do not own "Everytime." It belongs to Britney Spears.

Life Less ordinary

Chapter Twenty- Five

"Last Goodbyes"

They failed.

It was the harsh truth, but it was the truth all the same. They failed. Squall was going away, and they could do nothing to stop it.

Well, of course they failed. They didn't have enough time or the proper technique to figure out a way to keep him here, and it seemed that his parents were set in their ways and weren't going to change their minds just because a few friends objected. But then they learned that Squall was going to go along with this whole crazy idea. He was going to Esthar, despite their efforts to keep him here, and he was going willingly.

It was noon on Wednesday, and everyone was standing outside Squall's home, waiting to say goodbye. Well, everyone but Rinoa, that is. She had yet to show, but Squall doubted if she's even come.

"Squall, we're really sorry. We tried." Quistis said, hugging him.

Selphie stood beside her, crying her eyes out, and Squall felt like he had to console a little child. She seemed to be the one most affected by this whole thing. She was losing everything, and it was just like a domino effect. When one piece falls, the others eventually go until nothing was left standing. So she had to ask, who would be left?

"It's okay, Quistis. I made my choice and I'm sticking to it. It's my way of defiance. No need to worry about me." He replied. "No biggie." He moved over to Selphie and hugged her tightly. She continued to sob and muttered some inaudible words. Squall knew he was going to miss Selphie even though she drove him crazy.

"Man! This reeks! Are you sure there isn't anything else we can do?" Zell asked. Like Selphie, he hated to see the gang split up like this.

"No, don't worry about it. I'll find a way out of it. It's just going to take some time. If I caused trouble here, just wait till you see what kind of damage I do over there." Squall smiled wickedly. He leaned against the car and waited for his father, who wasn't ready quite yet.

"Ha, ha, ha! I hate to see what you do!" Drag laughed. "But I'll probably be joining you soon enough!" Everyone glared at him, and he shut up quick.

Squall caught their hostility. "Look, guys. We all knew this was coming. It'll be okay. Don't be so glum." He tried to make this less depressing than it already was. It didn't work.

"Squall, we can' help it. Everyone's leaving. This place has lost it. Of course, we're going to be glum." Quistis answered.

"Yeah, that's pretty much hitting the nail on the head." Seifer agreed. "It seems like you just got here, and now you're leaving." He sighed.

"I know, but we'll meet again sooner or later. You can count on it." He promised. They nodded, but no one said anything.

Laguna appeared at the front door, carrying a few bags of luggage. "Ready?" He asked Squall.

"Well, I guess this is it." Squall sighed.

"There's got to be another way!" Selphie cried out, leaping to Squall and hugging him tightly.

"Give it up, Selph. We tried, and we failed." Quistis snapped. "Horribly."

Squall offered a weak smile and pried Selphie off him but did nothing more.

"Well, is Rinny going to at least come and say goodbye?" Selphie demanded.

"I doubt it." Squall answered sadly.

"Well, son. It's time to go." Laguna motioned to the car.

Squall nodded and turned to his friends. "Bye." He said weakly.

"Bye, Squall. We'll miss you." Quistis said, hugging him again.

"Yeah, don't forget us, 'kay?" Selphie moved in to hug him, too.

"I won't. I can't." he said, smiling, forcibly.

"Bye, man. See you this summer. I guess." Zion said.

"Yep, or see you at the Military School." Drag laughed again.

"Bye, bro." Bryce shrugged and shook his brother's hand, which was very awkward to do.

"Later Days, man!" Seifer and Squall did their handshake one last time before Squall hugged him and said goodbye. He walked slowly to the car, dreading every step and was about to get in when he heard something.

"Wait!" Rinoa ran over to the car, out of breath. "Wait!"

Notice me, take my hand

Squall turned to look at her, sweaty and barely breathing but he went to her anyway.

"You know, this means you broke your promise." Rinoa said, trying to remain calm.

"I know. Would sorry help." He asked.

"No, not really." Rinoa cracked a tiny smile as he came closer.

Everyone watched silently, smiles appearing on faces as it became apparent that these two had strong feelings for one another, and they deserved their moment.

He shrugged playfully. "Well, I tried."

Why are we strangers when

Our love is strong

Why carry on without me?

She literally threw herself into his arms and he held her tightly against him, not wanting to ever forget this feeling.

Everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

"I'm sorry." She whispered into his chest, fighting tears.

"It's okay, it's okay." He rubbed his hand up her back, fighting his own tears.

I guess I need you, baby

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, it's haunting me

I guess I need you, baby

"I can't let you leave." She whispered, keeping him closer still.

"I have to," he replied, cringing at the thought that he probably won't see her again.

"…I still have your ring." She whispered pulling back.

He looked at her strangely.

I make believe that you are here

It's the only way I see clear

What have I done?

You seem to move uneasy

She pulled it out from under her shirt. It was still attached to the chain. He stared at for what felt like a long time.

And everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, baby

She started to take it off the chain, but he stopped her. Taking both her hands in his, he shook his head. "No."

"Why not? It's yours." She cocked her head, curiously.

"Because I want you to keep it. I want to you to think of me." He answered.

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, you're haunting me

I guess I need you, baby

'I will," she breathed out, barely.

"Don't forget me." He pulled her to him again.

"It'll hurt, but I won't." she buried her face in his chest again, letting the tears fall.

"For what I've done, I'm sorry." He whispered.

"No, I started it,"

I may have made it rain

Please forgive me

My weakness caused you pain

And this song's my sorry

"No," he pulled away and she saw the tears that filled his eyes, too. It broke her heart. "I hurt you too many times."

At night I pray

That soon your face will fade away

"Forgive and forget." She smiled weakly.

"Forget what I did, but don't forget me, and don't forget that…." He pulled her back again, never wanting to let go. "I love you."

"I won't!" she whispered, bawling. "I can't! Not now!"

"Good," his voice cracked through his own tears.

And everytime I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, baby

"So I'm just supposed to let you go?" she asked, moving her head to look up at him.

"I guess that's the way it's supposed to be," he replied sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Not forever. Maybe just for now, but not forever. I can promise you that." She replied, shaking her head.

Squall finally pulled away. It was time to say goodbye.

Rinoa shook her head. "No!"

"I have to. You know that." He wiped her tears with his thumb and kissed her one last time. It was a long kiss, and one now that he will never forge and neither will she.

And everytime I see you in my dreams

I see your face, you're haunting me

I guess I need you, baby

Rinoa let go and watched him get into the car through blurred eyes. Quistis and Selphie came to stand beside her, to comfort her.

The car started, and then they drove off down the road. Just like that. He was gone.

Rinoa turned around and pushed through her friends and walked down the road to her house. She looked down, tears still fresh in her eyes as a small rock came into focus. The sound of the car driving off filled her ears and yet the rock was all she saw.

So she kicked it as hard as she could.

A/N: Yep. That's it. It's over. I actually rather liked this ending and I hope you guys did, too. R&R and Later Days!

Oh, and I'm not a fan of Britney Spears, but this song is one of my favorites even if the artist isn't, and it was perfect for this chapter so if you don't like the choice, tough. I didn't see you spending over 9 months writing it.