Author's Note: Well it's the summer and things keep popping up for no real reason. I have nothing better to do these days than read fanfics here and there. Anyways, yay me! I'm done with high school, so congratulate me! Or not, I don't care.

Terribly sorry for the age long wait! If you keep reviewing I will have the next chapter up in a few days. I'm half way done with it!

-----------------------------------------------Axel's P.O.V.--------------------------------------------

The sunlight streamed through the glass windows. In sharp rays, they hit the silk sheets. The bed had tiny white stars printed on its covers. The pillows were a creamy blue. They smelled of child shampoo. The kind of shampoo a boy would be using. Bits of blond hair stuck around the pillows as a result of a body constantly struggling.

The room lit up as a distant door opened.

"Axel?" a voice called out.

Soft, unhurried footsteps fell. They crept forward.

"Axel, stop playing around," scowled the voice. "Come out already. I can't play this game today. I have to head off for another stupid mission."

Axel. The name repeated in slow earnest. It was as if the name itself held a recognizable power. Axel…Axel.

"Where the hell—"

Something hard fell to the floor. It echoed a sharp ding. The noise altered a few Nobodies and they swarmed about in a panic. Mindless things, they never knew what was happening unless they were told.


The footsteps hid away behind a tall door and the cloaked figure motioned.


"There is a traitor amidst us!"

Shouts came from all directions.

"Axel, you mustn't tell them," the cloaked figure removed his hood and stood in the open light. For a moment, just a moment, he appeared angelic. His lightly colored hair became white in the light and soon his face was engulfed in its path.

"This is my goodbye, dear friend."

A dark door opened near him and he took out a slender purple key and pointed towards it. And in one startling blast, he was gone.

"Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!"

"Roxas!" Axel cried out. Sweat dripped from his forehead. He had lain on his cloak and it was now tainted with dirt and his sweat. He didn't smell like fresh laundry that was for sure. His pants were stained with grass as he rolled off his makeshift bed. Smoke from the fire he had made at the clearing had just recently diminished. The smoke trailed in a curvy fashion towards Axel's nostrils.

"He isn't here you know."

Axel frowned. "No shit, Demyx."

Demyx was leaning against a tree with his hands on a fruit. It appeared to be a peach. He juggled the fruit and caught Axel's eye. "They're everywhere. Quite ripe. Very delectable if I may add." He took a quick bite of the peach. "The skin is a bit chewy though." He made a face as he said that.

Axel scowled some more. He didn't like this new Demyx. It wasn't very like him. Demyx was a yellow blooded coward. He wasn't the type to go around taunting someone. Given the chance he much rather laugh at a caged beast than poke it. Axel usually carried something sharp to poke a beast. He'd had years of practice with Xemnas.

The last thought made Axel grin.

"What's so amusing?" Demyx pouted.

Axel bit his tongue. The sheer audacity of the boy was grating on his nerves. "Why are you here again?"

Demyx tapped his cheek with the free hand. "There's a question. Why am I here? Hmmm, hmmm, hmm. Oh I know!" he smiled and strode closer to Axel. "Because I'm stuck here, that's why!"

"Oh, and I wonder how THAT happened?!" Axel yelled back.

Demyx pulled back and laughed. "Either way, we're stuck here aren't we?"

Axel snorted. "I have things to do. I'm sure killing wild animals gave you an idea as to where we are?"

"Actually, it might have," Demyx said tossing the bit of peach he had not indulged in. "I remember quite well of a world I was sent out to ensure that our little brainless troops would settle." He circled about and waltzed in all directions like a madman would. "You see, I remember very distinctly, of a world where animals roamed about."

"Go on," Axel said rolling his eyes. "I don't really have time for your ravings."

"Oh I'm sure you don't," he smiled. His actions unnerved Axel every second he was in the blonde's presence. "Irregardless, this world is next to the desert world."

Axel never bothered to memorize every location he went to, except perhaps Traverse Town, but that was for an entirely different reason.

"Tell me something," Axel suddenly smiled brushing some more dirt off his cloak and facing away from the other. "What business did you have with Sephiroth?"

Demyx choked. And he beat at his chest with one hand before spitting out a bit of peach. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he fumed then straightened up. "I was sent there by Xemnas to make sure the Nobodies were doing what they were sent out to do that's all. And you know what happened next, your ex lover's SOMEBODY showed up. Coincident?"

Axel grit his teeth. It wasn't the type of answer he was really looking for. He was hoping for the blonde to rabble a huge and utterly sloppy confession like he had earlier. Actually, he had made a type of confession, but he had been too busy burning holes in Demyx than to really care about what the hell he was saying. Something about Roxas and feelings and inequality…yes those were it.

"Hello…?" Demyx waved his gloved hand in Axel's face.

The fire wielder growled lowly then brushed his head to a side as if dismissing the younger man.

"Stop annoying me," he growled. Something in the blonde's eyes almost died, but his lips were curled in an insane grin. He was trying to act! The little bubble boy was trying to be tough! Axel almost cracked up. Then he turned and trudged through the bushes hoping Demyx would follow.

"I'm off to search for a way out," he called back. "Do try not to bother me until then."


"One of these days someone had better make these cloaks rain proof," he growled harshly. "Ugh, I feel like I just gained a few extra pounds with this shit on."

Axel waded through the stream as the water rose a bit past his knees and the current was enough to slow the fire master down.

"This is NOT my element," he swore as he waded.

He stopped suddenly almost falling into the water head first. A slow melody reached his ears. It was entrancing and captured all his senses, especially the one that was telling him not to go any closer.

As Axel slowly made his way through the drizzling rain, he swore he had heard Demyx's sitar.

"Idiot must be playing again," he spit. "When he could he out looking for a way out of here, he's out there singing that stu—" he could say no more. For as soon as he neared the end of the stream, where a large pool collected, decorated by casual trees of various colors, his jaw had dropped. It looked like a tropical paradise; dancing water babes included.

Demyx sat on the water in the middle of the pool just barely touching the surface. He strummed his musical instrument with eyes closed. His fingers expertly creating harmonious notes… it was the first time Axel had noticed how fine those fingers were. Long, thin, almost wrinkle-free. They looked so delicate.

"So beautiful," Axel muttered.

The sitar stopped. The water creatures melted. The rain poured harder.

"I made us a little houses," the blonde yelled. "See them? Up to your right! That big tree there!"

"I see it, yes," Axel muttered.

"What?" Demyx yelled.

"I said I can see it, thanks," Axel yelled then turned away. He had just uttered the most forsaken word. A type of word not used sarcastically towards Demyx. He blinked back the raindrops and turned to see Demyx entering his hut. Making sure, the blonde was out of the way, he made his way shore and climbed up to his comfy hut. Which really was comfy considering his bed was made with carefully sewn leafs. Almost to perfection; Demyx must have spent the entire day doing this.

He threw off his cloak and summoned some flames, enough to dry him up. A drop of rain sizzled on his shoulder. He looked up.

"Roof isn't all that patched up," he noted. "But then again, who can argue, no fuckin' leaks on the bed at least."

The hut was small, but not suffocating. It had a cute little window with a leaf curtain. Axel had to shake his head in order not to remember what the other members had said about Demyx the times when he had decorated his room. Dip him in a bucket of pink and throw in some unicorn plushies and that's Demyx for ya!

He shook his head clear of their opinions. Right now, he was sure they had all planned to kill him. Axel wasn't the mutinous type. He was more the type that came out top with a grand rep. Right now that rep looked kind of shitty. What with Demyx crashing his hopeless plans to bringing back his best friend and all. Still, that day Demyx had shown a side of him that was wicked. And just earlier his sensuality was vivid. Axel recalled the gentleness of his fingers playing the sitar until he remembered those same hands were capable or brutally killing beasts.

Axel blinked the rush of thoughts and stared out the window. He loosed the leaf-curtain and decided he was bug free for the time being. He laid down upon the makeshift bed and faced the roof that defended itself from the attacks of the rain.

"This is not my element," he muttered to himself before letting his eyes drift closed.


Closing Note: sorry for the shortness. I am crunching for time here…and promise there will be some action in the next chapter. Lets just say Demyx decides to be a tease and Axel finally snaps too.