Ok Pre Rocky, Brad, Janet and Eddie…Please tell me what you think.

I don't own anything or anyone from Rocky horror picture show…Don't sue…


"It's curling!"

"IT'S WHAT!" I screamed, dropping my magazine to the floor.

"Your hair, its curling!"

"No its not" I cried, grabbing a patch of hair.

"Vell if you don't believe me, go look in ze mirror." Magenta said sitting back and throwing her arms around her chest.

I jumped up and ran to our bathroom, gasping at the sight of my puffy, long blond hair, which did start to curl. "It is." I screamed, running back to magenta who was still sitting on the lounge in our room.

"Told ya." She said sitting back up when I got to her.

"But..."I said with a confused look on my face.

"Oh don't vorry Columbia, curly hair isn't that bad."

"Well not on you, It looks beautiful on you." I said watching Magenta blush at my remark. "But on me. I just don't have the face for it."

"Oh Columbia..."

"WAIT! I have an idea!" I yelled, startling Magenta

"Vat?" Magenta yelped, trying to regulate her heartbeat again.

"Will you cut my hair?" I said, giving her my infamous puppy dog eyes.

"Vell...I guess, do you want me to dye it too?"

"Yeah, ok."

"Ok let's get started." Magenta said, leading me over to a chair and grabbing a pair of scissor from the desk.

A few hours passed, when I had finished rinsing out my hair. I stood up to face Magenta who was leaning against the counter.

"How does it look?" I asked making my way over to the mirror.

"See for yourself." She said admiring her work.

"Oh...My...God" I managed to say "Magenta..." I said as magenta panicked. "I...LOVE IT!" I squealed, hugging Magenta. "How'd you get it this shade of pink?"

"I don't know. I zink it was because your hair was so blond. I guess it made ze red, pink."

"Oh Magenta I love it." I sang as I admired my new, very short hair. "Thank you so much."

"No problem" Magenta yawned "But I am going to bed."

"Me too." I said putting my towel on the side of the tub.

We climbed into bed, pulling the blankets up to our chins.


"Yes Columbia?"

"Thanks" I said, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me for a hug.

"Oh, no problem." She said, doing the same to me. Thus falling asleep in the same position

The sun shone brightly through the bedroom window, awaking a tired and grumpy Columbia.

Columbia yawned only to find that there arms were still wrapped around each other, like they were last night.

"MAGENTA!" A scream broke the silence from the bottom of the stairs. Even in her sleep he made her flinch.

"Magenta." I said, lightly shaking her knowing that she could sleep through just about anything.

"Vat" Magenta yawned out, only to be cut off by another of Frank's screams.

She jumped up, throwing on her maid's uniform, which had been laid out the night before.

"Your hair looks very nice ven its dry." Magenta said, tightening her apron and putting on a boot.

"Thank you" I yawned out, handing her the other boot.

Magenta ran out the door after Frank's fourth scream. I stood up, wrapping the blanket around my semi lifeless body, shielding the sun from my eyes.

After putting on my slippers and shedding the blanket that had covered me, back to its original spot on the bed. I made my way down the stairs.

I walked to the dinning room and discovered Frank sitting there, reading the latest copy of Vogue magazine. After he put the magazine down to take a bite of his scrambled eggs, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR?" Frank screamed, almost chocking on the mouthful of food.