It had been just over a year since they had gotten out and established a new life for themselves. Roy had finally settled down into work, though Maes' visits to 'remind' everyone of just who they were dealing with still occured. People still vanished mysteriously without explanation, and Maes still managed to find new people to torment.
The homunculus was a bit of a legend around Central, really. A story to tell children to make them behave. Maes was even a legend to milkmen nationwide, with his 'persuading' tactics and talents that would leave any respectable milkman shaking in his boots and an order for several bottles of expensive milk to be shipped to Maes' home. The only people that Maes got on well with, asides from Roy, was various clothes shop owners. The homunculus adored dressing Roy up, though his lover didn't always seem to enjoy it.
Roy was quite famous as well. Not in the same way as Maes, but famous for the fact that the great Colonel Mustang had returned, totally different. True, he still had a little bit of a mean streak, but he had softened considerably. And he was with Maes Hughes, a man who they had all known had died. He wasn't the Maes that they had known, and nor was this the Roy they had worked for. But it was still them, in some way, shape or form.
Maes had bumped into a supposed old friend the other day, though he had flat out told her that he held no feelings whatsoever for her. She had looked incredibly hurt, but they had agreed that it would be nice to talk. She even congratulated Roy, who looked surprised that Glacier had taken it so well: her husband back from the dead, and sleeping with his old best friend. But that didn't matter. The good thing was that Maes had someone who could tell him things that Roy couldn't.
Not that Roy was jealous. Of course not.