SORRY i DiDN'T UPDATE iN SOO LONG! ive been busy with school and stuff...all of these exit exams, so sorry!

Disclaimer: I wish I owned it!

"Oh God, it's KEELY!" Phil half shrieked, half whispered. Then, coming out of his shock, "Aw, she's so adorable…" Keely smiled cutely at him before turning around and heading for the sandbox. "Man, I'm dead. I'm a dead man…"

He wandered away from the school, deciding to come back later, in about…he looked at his watch…an hour. The preschool was from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., so he had a whole hour to spare before seeing Keely again. He reached in his pocket and found his wallet which contained his recent "nird day" money and his allowance—exactly two hundred and twelve dollars…not much to live by, but it would last, maybe…until the time portal was recharged, and THAT would take another month.

He went over to a taco stand and got himself an early lunch. He ate that quickly and killed time by wandering around aimlessly. Stores seemed closer together back then. He could easily walk to and from different places.

Now it was almost twelve, so he headed back to the school.

The bell rang as he walked onto the school grounds. He spotted Keely with her mini pink butterfly-print backpack, sitting on a bench, where kids would wait until their parents picked them up. Phil didn't want to freak her out or anything, so he approached her slowly.

"Uh…hi, there…" He smiled nervously at Keely. She stared back.


This boy just came up to me. Now he's talking to me. Maybe I shouldn't answer him. Mommy said not to talk to strangers. But this boy looks nice. Maybe I should say hi.


"Hi," Keely had said. Her voice was barely audible and she recoiled as if she had said the wrong thing. Now she looked scared.

"My name's Phil." He smiled warmly at her, and her face slowly changed from unsure to adorably happy. She smiled back. "And you must be Keely Teslow?"

Keely looked surprised and she gasped excitedly. "Wow! How did you know my name? Are you magic?" she squeaked, obviously not remembering that she was wearing a nametag. And Phil, not wanting to crush the small girl's imagination, played along.

He grinned. "A little bit."

"Mommy said that magic isn't real but now I know it is!" Phil laughed softly at her voice. Instead of her mature one he was used to, it had a high-pitched, squeaky tone to it. "Can you take a bunny out of a hat?"

She said this so seriously that Phil almost cracked up. He bit his tongue to prevent it. "Well, I'm not sure, but I know somebody who can do that."

Keely nodded. "Mommy showed me a magic show one time. A man pulled a bunny out of a hat, and I got a snow cone!"

"Oh well, Keely. I think I have to go now…so I'll see you soon, okay?" Her face fell and she looked sad.

"Okay…" He stood up a bit too fast and the time portal fell out of his pocket. "Phil, what's that?" Keely reached for it, and Phil tried to jerk it away, but he was too late. Keely had accidentally pressed the red button again, and soon, they both were engulfed in a white light.

When it was over, Phil glanced around. His eyes grew wider at the sight of horse-drawn carriages and things of that sort—he couldn't even explain it. Keely had pressed the button again, and they were stuck in the 1800's. He reached into his pocket again and instead, found handfuls of gold coins where his money used to be. So money changes automatically to a form that can be used…nice.

FREAKING HELL! WHAT THE CRAP AM I GONNA DO? His mind was yelling at him. But the truth hit him and he realized that the only thing he could do now was take care of himself for another 30 days…damn, and he had to take care of Keely too.

Meanwhile, Phil didn't notice the tiny quivering figure clinging to his leg. He looked down to find a terrified Keely. Phil sighed and felt a pang of guilt. It was his fault. He screwed up the past. He screwed up everything.

"I-I'm sorry…" her voice was muffled by the jeans Phil was wearing.

He carefully and nervously picked the trembling girl up into his arms, and she accepted it. Phil was suddenly quite embarrassed for some reason, and he hoped he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Er—it's…okay, Keely. It's not your fault…it's mine. It'll be okay…" She glanced at his face worriedly.

"Are you sure?"

"I hope so." She looked satisfied momentarily with that answer. Okay, Phil. Breathe. Don't hyperventilate in front of her. That'll just make it worse. Just be glad she isn't crying or anything…then you'd be completely lost!