Thank you all of my wonderful reviewers who have sent me reviews. I am so sorry that this is so short. I am now out of school for good until I decide to either get a job or go to college which ever one comes first.


Sesshoumaru had not seen Kagome in nearly eight months since she had fought the northern and southern lords. Nor had he heard from her until he had received the invitation just two days ago. The invitation read:

Dear Lord Sesshoumaru,

You are invited to the ball that commemorates my first full year as reigning lady of the east and as a celebration of the destruction of the conglomerant Naraku. A week after you have received this letter the ball will take place and will last for one full day so please arrive one day early so that you may be situated before the ball starts.

Lady Kagome of the Eastern Lands

Sesshoumaru leaned back and contemplated the letter before him. To go or not to go, Sesshoumaru wondered. That though would be a direct insult to Kagome though. Sesshoumaru sighed. Rising from his chair Sesshoumaru left his study in order to seek out Inuyasha who had taken to living at the palace full time. Sesshoumaru finally found Inuyasha in the dojo training with the Tessaiga, "Inuyasha I have received an invitation to a ball being thrown by Lady Kagome to celebrate her first year of reign and the destruction of Naraku."

Inuyasha nearly dropped the Tessaiga at Sesshoumaru's words. "Your shitin' me! Who destroyed Naraku? I wanted to destroy him."

"Fool, it could very well have been Lady Kagome."

Inuyasha's ears drooped. "I guess that is okay. After all she was," was, was stressed, "the most likely of us to get rid of him any way. So when is the ball?"

"In three days."

"And you didn't tell me sooner! Asshole!" With these words Inuyasha bolted from the dojo to start packing to get ready for the ball.

Sesshoumaru smirked but fallowed Inuyasha's example at a much slower pace.


Okay really short but I wanted to get in their reactions to Kagome's ball. Please review this chapter.