A/N: Well it's fair to say that I am horrible person for not updating sooner. However, I have finally got my laptop hooked up to the Internet so that makes me very happy. On the other hand updates will not be as regular as I would like I started working as a Special Education Instructional Assistant so I have next to no time to do anything.

Dedication: TTT1901, CSIFan4Life, wraiths-angel, katydid13, Lexa-Gibbs, jdcocoagirl, necira, KittyDoggyLover.

I really appreciate any and all feedback so please if you would like to see anything feel free to let me know.


"Ok I'm pregnant and we're engaged." Sara said.

Jillian was the first to jump and wrap Sara into a humongous hug, nearly suffocating her. Bill stood and shook Nick's hand while offering them their congratulations.

"Oh my goodness how long have you been engaged?" Jillian asked as she pulled away from Sara.

"We have been engaged for almost three days now." Nick answered

"Well this is absolutely wonderful." Bill said as he looked at the young couple.

"I can't believe this is happening." Sara exclaimed while a tear trickled down her cheek, "I never thought this could happen to me."

"Dear don't cry there is nothing to cry about." Jillian said as she embraced Sara once again.

After a couple minutes both women pulled away from each and wiped away the tears that still lingered on their faces. The four of them sat around and talked for a couple more minutes and when Sara yawned audibly they decided to call it a night.

Each of them headed to there respective rooms before changing and heading to bed.

Earlier the next morning Sara was the first to wake up. Grabbing her stomach with one hand and covering her mouth with the other she jolted out of bed before stumbling through the house to the bathroom. When she reached the bathroom she fell to her knees just in time to throw up the small amount of food that was in her stomach.

Nick felt Sara jump out of bed and a couple minutes later heard her throwing up. He stumbled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. There he saw Sara sitting on the bathroom floor with her head resting against the wall with tears falling from her closed eyes.

"Sar," Nick asked softly not wanting to spoke her. When she didn't respond Nick called out to her again, "Sara, are you ok?"

Sara opened her eyes and smiled at Nick while more tears fell from her eyes. Nick slowly approached her slowly before sitting down next to her and drawing her into his arms.

"What's wrong Sara?" Nick asked softly.

"I hate this, I feel sick all the time and all I wanna do is sleep." Sara stated before openly sobbing in Nick's arms.

Nick only nodded his head and rocked her back and forth for a couple minutes. Nick having three older sisters, all of which have kids, knew that Sara's hormones were running rampart and her body was having a difficult time to adjusting to the pregnancy.

"Nick, Sara?" A female voice asked from the bathroom doorway. Nick glanced up at his mother before looking at Sara who had fallen back asleep.

"Is she alright?" Jillian asked worriedly, she knew how tough the first pregnancy could be on a first time mother.

"I don't know mom, I just feel so helpless. I really hate seeing her so sick." Nick told his mother while running his hand through Sara's hair.

"Nicky you know that this is gonna be tough for her. The first time usually is but you need to be there for her that is all you can do." Jillian said softly from the doorway.

"I know mom but still it doesn't make it any easier." Nick took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"You should take her back to bed. I'll be in the kitchen."

Nick nodded and easily picked Sara up cradling her in his arms before walking back down the hallway and into their room. He gently placed her back on the bed and covered her with the blankets. Once he was sure that she was going to sleep he gently brushed his lips across her forehead before whispering "I love you" in her ear.

Nick walked back out of the room and as quietly as he could closed the door before walking down to the kitchen to join his mother.

"Coffee is brewing Nick." Jillian told Nick as he sat down heavily in the chair. The coffee pot beeped signaling to both Jillian and Nick that the coffee was ready. Jillian pulled out two cups from the cupboard and made a cup for each of them.

Jillian sat the cup in front of Nick and sat down across from him at the table. Both were silent for a few minutes each taking the time to reflect on the past couple of days.

"Is there anything I can do to help her?" Nick asked.

"Unfortunately there isn't. I know this is hard for you Nick but it will all pass in time."

"I know I just hate seeing her like this."

"I know you do Nicky but she's strong, she'll get through this." Jillian assured her youngest.

"You're right she is strong." Nick said with a small smile.

The pair sat in silence for about in hour when Sara walked into the kitchen along with Bill.

"Morning Bill, Sara" Jillian said to the pair.

"Morning Cisco, Sar" Nick echoed.

Both Bill and Sara said there "good mornings" to the others. Bill made his way over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup of coffee. Sara on the other hand walked to the table where Nick and Jillian were sitting and pulled out the chair next to Nick and sat down.

"You feelin' any better sweetheart?" Nick asked as Sara rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Mmhmm" she mumbled and Nick took that as a yes. Bill had made his way over to the table and sat down next to his wife.

"Sara are you hungry?" Jillian asked her future daughter in law.

"Not really," Sara replied as she opened her eyes and gave Jillian a small smile, "I still feel sick."

"Well that's normal Hun but you got to eat something," Jillian said, "How about some toast?" she suggested.

"I guess toast would be good." Sara said.

"Good dear, I get right on that for you." Jillian walked over to the counter and pulled out two pieces of bread and popped them in the toaster. A couple of seconds later the toast was done and Jillian cut them into small squares and placed them on a plate before taking them to Sara.

Sara smelled the toast and felt sick to her stomach. She pushed the toast away from her in order to keep from throwing up again.

"I can't eat that." Sara said.

"Come on Sara you need to eat even if it is a little bit." Bill coaxed.

Sara managed to eat two pieces of toast and even drank a little bit of orange juice. Nick was happy that Sara had managed to hold down that little bit of food.

"Sara I am going to the store would you like to come?" Jillian asked.

"Sure I guess so." Sara replied.

Jillian smiled at her, "Well dear let me just get my shoes and I will be ready to go." She replied and stood and walked out of the room.

Sara looked over at Nick and smiled softly before leaning over and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you," Nick said when he pulled back from her lips.

Sara smiled and hummed softly "I love you too."

Jillian chose that moment to walk back into the kitchen and grab the car keys. She walked over to where Bill was sitting and gave him a kiss as Sara stood to her feet.

"Come on Sara us ladies have some shopping to do." Jillian said and they left.

About two and a half hours later Sara and Jillian arrived back at the ranch. Nick and Bill had been waiting on the porch for them to return when they saw the two women get out of the car the made there way over to the car. Both Nick and Bill took all the bags into the house.

Sara and Jillian smiled at their boys and walked into the house.

"Nicky can we go for a walk?"

Sara asked looking over at him as he was putting the groceries away.

"Sure thing babe come on," Nick replied, then turned to his parents "We'll be back in a bit."

Sara took Nick's hand and together the two of them made their way out of the house and down a small pathway, Nick leading Sara the entire way.

"Where are we going?" Sara asked leaning against Nick.

"You'll see we'll be there in one minute"

Nick smiled and wrapped his arm around Sara's shoulder as he lead her to a small lake. Sara smiled gently and cuddled closer to Nick's warm body.

The pair walked down to the lake's edge, Nick sat down first and gently pulled Sara into his lap. The two sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company while watching the sun go down. The two smiled they couldn't be happier.


Okay crappy place to leave it but hey it's something. I am sorry for not updating sooner, I do have some ideas for the next chapter though so please be kind enough to leave me a review. Thanks!