This is hopefully going to be a story about Harry, Ron and Hermione meeting the tenth Doctor and Rose. I am wanting them to give each other a run their money. Well I hope that is going to happen! This takes place in Harry Potter's sixth year so please ignore sixth book. This is my first fan fiction so please be nice to me. I need advice so please R&R. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and I do not own Doctor Who, they belong to J.K. Rowling and the BBC.

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat by the lake on the second day back of the sixth year. Harry was very quiet and Ron and Hermione understood why. He had just told them about the prophecy. They were, of course, shocked to hear that their best friend was either going to have to be a murderer or be murdered.

"We'll always be with you, Harry," said Hermione after a while.

"What?" Harry asked in surprise.

"You think we'd let you go through this alone," was Hermione's reply. "We've been through this much with you. Why would we leave you now?"

"Yeah, mate. We wouldn't care if we had to travel to the edge of the universe and back, as long as we can come with you." Ron chipped in.

"I can't believe you would do this for me!"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you're stuck with us!" Ron said, smirking. Just then a whirring noise filled the air.

"So, Doctor, where are we going?" Rose asked inquisitively.

"Dove-town, 1994. There have been a few reports of unusual activity from a nearby ruined castle. It's been happening on and off for as long as anyone can remember. So I thought we could go and take a look. You up for it?" the Doctor asked.

"Sure!" Rose said in an excited tone. She had been travelling with the Doctor for some time now but whenever they went somewhere new she was still excited. The familiar whirring sound of the TARDIS started up. They were off into the unknown, just the way she liked it!

The noise stopped suddenly. They rushed over to the doors and piled out. There was a moment of silence when they didn't know what to say. They weren't standing in a town as they had anticipated but on the edge of a lake. It was a spectacular view.

"This isn't Dove-town, is it?" Rose asked, taken aback by the scenery.

"No and it's not 1994, it's 1996," the Doctor replied looking at his watch.

"So where are we?" The Doctor looked at his watch.

"Let me see…my watch…it's not working," he said in surprise.

"What! It can't be broken," Rose sounded astounded. She had never known anything that belonged to the Doctor to be broken for no apparent reason. There was a scuffling sound behind them and they looked around. There were three kids standing behind them, two boys and a girl. They looked to be in about their mid-teens and were wearing the most curious attire.

One of the boys stepped forward. He was wearing round glasses and had very untidy black hair.

"Who are you and what you doing here? I thought it was impossible to apparate inside the Hogwarts grounds!" He was looking very confused. He looked over to the girl but she looked just as confused as he did.

"I'm the Doctor and I was just about to you the same questions but there's one extra; Where are we?"